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Everything posted by KaosPeppers

  1. I am sick of people who dont understand the design process saying that wow being released 7 years ago is a valid argument. Bioware had to make their own Engine. Bioware had to write their own story. Bioware had to write all the code. Bioware had to make all the art work. If they had gone to blizzard bought wow and updated it your argument would be valid. Just because its 2012 does not mean that software is perfect. Your argument is akin to saying the Iphone should be bug free because cell phones were released in the 80's
  2. Ive died during a bossfight and been able to receive loot just fine. you probably released when someone looted the body. Anyway swtor will not end up like rift because... Its not rift. Its got a meaningful story that is easy to grasp, but rewarding for those that dig. The world will be ending in a little over 12 months from now.
  3. I feel like if you took the restrictions off more players would choose their sides colors. My guild has 6 dark jedi that i know have red sabers, who all say they hate being forced to use red.
  4. How i think it should work. Green and blue, abundant in republic areas. Occasionally in republic areas. Red and orange, abundant in empire areas. Occasionally in republic areas. Purple and yellow, abundant in neutral areas. Lightside Rewards. Light 3 and above. Harmonius green/blue crystals. Lighter green and blue crystals. Max lightside. Insightful green and blue crysals. Harmonius crystals inverted, colored core with white glow. Darkside rewards. Dark 3 and above rageful red and orange. Deeper darker red and orange crystals. Max darkside Hatefilled red and orange. rageful crystals with their colors inverted.
  5. I just levelled an alt in wow before swtor came out. And the majority of the time i was alone.
  6. Have u seen anything to support it, or you just oging by what arenanet is saying. GW1 was supposed to be revolutionary and that was a terrible bore of a game.
  7. IT clearly says the choice is permanent, It gives you plenty of time to chose. Let me guess you Sentinel/Maruader #1000101011001
  8. I switched because the empire seemed to be full of immaturity, and was bland. Republic is much more colorful
  9. That kind of thought will lead to the lightside darkside system becoming more of a grind then it already is.
  10. Keep the system the way it is. but let 50s have there own brackets
  11. removing/modifying the restrictions on color crystals. A dark jedi gaurdian, is still a jedi gaurdian.
  12. Number 2 makes since. The rest is rubbish. The lack of people at 50 is due to the fact that the game is not a grind and people are taking their time to level.
  13. Forums: Game is broken..WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Bioware: We plan to have a long maintenance day incoming to help alleviate many of the issues. Forums: Maintenance is too long..... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  14. The game is expanded universe.Anakin Skywalker massacres the Jedi, yet his saber is still blue when fighting Obi-Wan on Mustafar.
  15. I fyou have the collectors edition, the vendor sells imp trooper armor with open mod slots.
  16. Wait... Wow where the whole time once you hit level cap is spent fishing waiting for ques to pop?
  17. This floated to the bottom with all the people comparing this to wow.
  18. People who love the game are playing it. People who dont like it are sulking around in the forums. Case in point, any game forum.
  19. I find that your skill trees really do help reduce the amount of abilites you need. You should not need every ability your class is given, IE my firebug merc, no longer uses missile blast but instead incenderary missiles. As for aoes, merc gets so many but only really needs a few depending on your spec. The point is you dont need every ability they give you. My merc never uses heals anymore in bgs. If i go one on one with a dps player who is using heals in combat i usually win because by the time hes done healing my barrage of damage he still has half health, and no resources to kill me. Noticing this ive dropped all my heals from my quick-bars entirely and i still get close to 20 killing blows every game and never break 4 deaths. Honestly its a balancing act you have to figure out what abilites give you more bang for your buck and assign them accordingly.
  20. Its imersion breaking for me to have to use a red saber as a JEDI, who even his darkest choices are "lighter" than a lightside sith. Also breaks immersion to not be able to use a red saber because my sith isnt a *******.
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