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Everything posted by Capella

  1. I really love the way this is fleshed out! I really wanted to be able to redeem Vaylin just like I did for Arcann. My Outlander is compassionate and sees them both as victims of abuse and wanted to heal them. Being able to go back to Nathema to free Vaylin's essence and revive her would be so cool.
  2. I would still like to see the Togruta's purple shades lifted and put on Twi'lek.
  3. It's a repetition because it's a bug. It's not supposed to be repeating like that, it's supposed to be the same 8 colors on all classes once it's unlocked. Tait said he was aware about it in 2014, but then he left, and it never got fixed If BW would fix it I'd pay a lot of CCs to fix various alts of mine...
  4. I really want this to be fixed We had a BioWare acknowledgement on a forum thread in 2014! And it's still not fixed from then.
  5. I'd love to see the display case items as decos!
  6. I don't have any new pieces yet but I'm really hoping to check out the new lights if they actually shed light!
  7. I agree that I'd like to see more recolors of basic decorations to provide some variety. The blue vs red rug disparity is a problem. There hasn't been an update to what you can buy with crafting prefabs in awhile, so let's do that! Make blue, orange, red, and pure white recolors of the basic yellow ceiling light - make some from the credit deco vendor and some via prefabs. Take that blue rug and recolor it red, purple, green. I like the Senator's Lounger but maybe I don't want it in red, where's a black or purple variant? Adding in some of these, and having them be from different sources (flashpoint drops, reputation tracks on old planets, craftable prefabs, buyable from credit merchant) would be awesome.
  8. This sounds like an amazing design. Love the extra ideas like walker which can be repaired/escorted and maybe summoning NPC swarms of temporary allies.
  9. It would be awesome to add some extra small hooks inside centerpieces. I'd love to put pets around the big zakuul centerpiece fountain.
  10. I'd prefer it to be a large. Same with the Manaan lounge.
  11. It is weird that it's missing one.
  12. I loved the Dark Reaver / Revanite Shells, please bring them back!
  13. 100% seconding adding a ceiling hook in the underwater north/south rooms so we can brighten them up! I also really like the idea to make the windows larger so we can see more of the outside. I agree that the manaan lounge is too small to be a centerpiece, I wish it was a large hook instead. When I'm standing in the upstairs interior room and see the other part of the buildings off to the left, it makes me wish we could access over there. I wish there was space for a few smaller bedrooms, and there are areas where it looks like you could fit them! (Off the main floor's hallway; small side doors at the end of the courtyard; a walkway off of the upstairs room leading to a side dormitory building...
  14. I think having a hidden interface control for your SH's ambiance would be awesome. You could toggle time of day and weather pattern. People have been talking about ambient music/sounds so maybe that could be added in too. I'd love to use it for day/time changes. Swapping Coruscant from twilight to full day. Tatooine to the bright daytime of the rest of the planet. Manaan or Yavin to full night.
  15. I really love the Manaan SH but I also really wish that it had a few smaller "bedroom" spaces (like the upstairs small rooms in Dromund Kaas and Coruscant). All the current rooms are large and seem public. When I'm standing in the upstairs interior room and see the other part of the buildings off to the left, it makes me wish we could access over there. I wish there was a walkway to that side building which had "personal quarters". Unlocking it in the future in a few months would be cool.
  16. A credits OR CCs choice for price would be nice.
  17. The Zabrak skin tone bug. We got a BW dev response in 2014 saying they'd fix itand then it never happened
  18. I think it's been enough time that I'd be happy seeing Ranos released for everyone, and Hexid too. Yes, I put the work into earning her. But companions are interchangable dolls and other people might want a Chiss companion to go with their Chiss of whatever class, so, let's allow it!
  19. I would love to be able to manually arrange them to hide the Narsh one I never use.
  20. Leather and bead headpieces would be amazing!
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