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10 Good
  1. PAX code http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/e4g46
  2. I'd love to have at least one companion outfit slot considering you can't take mods out of the Yavin gear, but I'd honestly settle for them fixing the unify color palette for cut-scenes. That bug annoys the bejeezus out of me! How can they tell us they're focusing on story and still have such an immersion breaking bug? :/
  3. Yeah, if it says code isn't valid, it's been used. If it says error, keep clicking! It's probably due to a bunch of people all trying to run through the proverbial door.
  4. Yay! Got it! Thank ya'! Tip: If you get an error, keep clicking until it says code isn't valid, or you get it!
  5. Two minutes? Try like two seconds! *sob sob sob*
  6. "He can see things before they happen. That's why he appears to have such quick reflexes. It's a Jedi trait." That's in regards to a kid who doesn't know what he's doing. Now apply that notion to actual, trained Jedi. These guys are countering moves the other hasn't even thrown yet. They're steps ahead in dreamy Force world versus the actual physical movement. Also why I love the Ani/Obi fight in III. These guys KNOW each others tricks inside and out, and they're still playing that game on top of that. It's an absolute mind ****. Versus the original trilogy where you had Luke, who was kinda sorta trained but not like he would have been in the old days (not to mention the scant amount of time he actually had to train)... and old men, one of whom suffers from severe physical duress. Yeah, there's going to be a difference in the fighting style.
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