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Everything posted by OmenQ

  1. Since the thread is already a train wreck, I'll just go off topic again. If that's the way your relationships work, then I feel sorry for you. If your wife upholds the basic standard of human decency and expects a gift for it, then you're being played for a fool. If all she does for you on your anniversary is say "Yep, still haven't left you", then there's something seriously wrong with your marriage. If you have to buy her love with gifts, she doesn't love you.
  2. Dark side Knights get boned, especially if you're running paired with a Sage and they get their Master title in chapter 2. Then they can wear the title the entire rest of the game just to annoy you, and you NEVER get yours.
  3. The exact quote in Dallas was "In the next few patches". So far, that quote is not inaccurate.
  4. You're absolutely wrong about this statement. The staff, especially the community team, live and breathe this game. If you'd ever met any of them, this would be so plainly obvious to you that you'd reach back and slap yourself for even thinking otherwise.
  5. And if he doesn't post it, you'd hear the same people crying about "Why no info on PvP update?" There's no winning with some people. I for one am happy that they're at least giving us SOME information. I don't like PvP much, I only do it once in a while when I'm really bored. But rather than complain about what WASN'T said, I like to focus on what WAS said. My impressions: NiM TFB - Doesn't affect me, I still haven't completed SM TFB. Scrolling UVs... This has me curious. I'm not thrilled with the current armor dye system, and I'm wondering what this new appearance system will bring. More guild love - Love it. Anything to encourage guilds is a good thing, IMO. Crafting Underworld gear - Mixed bag. On one hand, I will be crafting higher end gear. On the other, I have trouble getting materials for them. Unified Fleet Chat - Until recently, I didn't even realize this was a problem. But I'm glad it's fixed. Double XP Weekends - YES! I think I'll start my next couple of characters these weekends. NiM S&V - I haven't even set foot in S&V yet. My guild keeps doing runs too early in the evening for me to join. Gree at level 55 - Sounds like fun, I can dig it. Maybe I'll finally get the hamster ball mount. New FP, Daily Area, Recurring Event, graphical updates - All nice teasers. Two months out, I don't expect that much info to be released. PvP news - Meh. Don't care.
  6. Immortal Juggernaut. Throw your sabers all you want, because I'm untouchable. As Kitru said at the Cantina tour event last week... Saber Reflect... then I never have to worry about threat again.
  7. The stat bonus from the datacrons is quickly overshadowed by normal leveling. All it would really do is allow you to ignore your gearing until level 14 or so, when you can already purchase Inheritance gear and ignore gearing for another 5-6 levels. My level 1 characters are already god mode, and as soon as I get a companion THEY are god mode thanks to the +100 presence from a level 50 human character. It all levels off by the time you leave Dromund Kaas / Coruscant or at the latest, Balmorra / Taris.
  8. I think that this is a great idea, but I have just one suggestion. I would say that they should be per faction. Even though many datacrons are shared between factions, there are several that are exclusive to one faction or the other. (Starter worlds and fleet, for example) Making them unlock per faction might alleviate some of the technical hurdles, and personally I wouldn't mind doing them all just twice. It would certainly be an improvement from having to unlock them all on each character.
  9. For every post that says it's too hard, there's two that say it's too easy.
  10. The new daily terminals are quite an improvement over the shuttles, in my opinion. You can use the terminal in front of ANY ship hangar on fleet to travel to all of the daily areas. Each daily area has a terminal to take you to all the other daily areas. It's quite grand, for us lazy people.
  11. The other day, I logged in on my ship, as I often log off on my ship for faster loading times. I used a fleet pass to go to the fleet. (Was parked outside of fleet) Ran down the stairs to the terminal to grab dailies / weeklies, using my rocket boots. Did the daily group finder mission, returning to previous location. Rocket boots over to the turn-in terminal. Check that I still don't have enough comms for anything useful, and Priority Transport back to my ship. Outside of the flashpoint, I don't think I took more than 3 steps. Oh, my brother's got a better one. He wanted another GTN / bank alt. But he's too lazy to level it to get off the starter world. So he buys the unlock for Outlaw's Den priority transport, travels to Tatooine, hops on the nearest speeder, finds the flashpoint shuttle that takes you to fleet, and BAM, he's there. He got 2 levels just from exploration XP, has no companions, no skills, nothing. Level 3 player parked next to the GTN on the fleet. Now THAT is lazy.
  12. This. This is also why I haven't really touched the PTS since launch, except for about an hour's worth of play time before 2.0 hit. I'm one of those that prefers to learn the content "organically", by playing it. I don't mind so much if someone else in my group who has done it before explains the major points of the boss mechanics, briefly. But I don't want to go read the entire strategy guide before at least trying to figure it out for myself. Edit: But to the OP's point, I think it's a great idea. It gives those "hardcore" raiders a little something extra.
  13. How long had it been since your previous login?
  14. Yes, Excellent event, good group of people, and awesome staff. Hopefully there will be another in Dallas area sometime. OKC wouldn't be so bad to go to either.
  15. Screw all the haters, I'm excited. I'm like... 40 rep points shy of Legend status with the Gree. Are there ways it could be improved? Sure, but I'm still going to enjoy what's there. Maybe this time I'll actually get to do HM Xeno.
  16. North of Dallas here. Tired after getting home from the cantina event tonight, but just wanted to say "Hey!". I was in the Sith Warrior shirt.
  17. As soon as I can build a lightsaber and use the force, I'll start comparing a video game to reality.
  18. Except, I made a bunch of credits selling Perfect Carbonic Crystals on the GTN. I have no idea what people were buying them for, but I happily took their credits. So the materials did serve SOME purpose, enriching my bank accounts.
  19. Alright, I'll throw my name in this one too. Contact Oly'veah on imperial side or Laneeah on Republic side. All augments can be blue or purple grade. Advanced Battle Enhancement 30 Skill Augment 28 Reflex Augment 28 Shield Augment 28 Absorb Augment 28 Advanced Nimble Mod 30A All free with mats.
  20. I may actually play PvP again, now that sub-55 gear is being "equalized". I got so tired of being slaughtered just because I was in recruit gear, I only got two pieces of WH gear before I stopped. It just wasn't worth the aggravation.
  21. I have to admit to using my priority transport to my ship while standing at fleet. I sometimes buy mods/armorings/enhancements that I have listed on the GTN, just so I don't have to bother switching characters to craft more. I'm both lazy and cheap, so if I'm at a base that has the flashpoint shuttle to fleet, I'll use that instead of one of my 1,000 credit security key passes. I do the suicide jump and rez at terminal at the end of the Torvix heroic every time. Then I go mop up the dailies in specific order, Hypermatter, kill the droid, glow, then QT from the far side of Glow back to base. Now if only they'd put in a priority transport to Section X... Too lazy to go there regularly.
  22. It did not. Most likely, they player knew about how the set bonus system would work in 2.0, and put their desired armorings in the old PvP / PvE set bonus imbued shells before this last Tuesday. Then, when 2.0 released, they simply extracted the armoring with set bonus attached and placed them into the gear they actually wanted to wear.
  23. It's the same for companion affection. I had a couple of companions that I know I had previously hit 10,000 with, but for whatever reason were just short of that when 2.0 went live. I had to bump them back to 10k to get the achievement. So I'd imagine that the Dark 5 / Light 5 achievements work the same.
  24. Reminds me of my favorite guild name, (besides my own) seen on Ebon Hawk. <She said she was level 18>
  25. Heck, the full GAME is often less content than this, much less an expansion. Most of the FPS titles I've played in recent years have been $50-$60, and are usually closer to 10 hours of content. (Not counting achievements, multi-player, etc., just the main SP campaign) Then they sell you DLC, for $10-$20, and boast about how you get a whole FOUR HOURS of new content. Even Bioware did it with ME3. Leviathan, Omega, Citadel, each was about 4-5 hours of content for what, $12-$15? SWTOR 2.0 almost feels like a whole new game to me. Quite a value for $10, IMO.
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