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Everything posted by Wittand

  1. Just use the Dev Tracker here in the forum. On a related note everybody gets a free day due to the problems.
  2. In this part of the world, the usual format is day,month,year. I know that North America handles it differently but in many European countries we like to have the day first.
  3. Exactly. Read the threads and count how often "it is your own fault for not getting to level 50", or a variant of it comes up. Handing out praise ( in addition to a gift worth some money ) to a segment of the playerbase can not be justified by the playstyle of the players.
  4. Well angering many of those still happy playing the game so that everybody is equally disappointed by either boredoom (lvl 50s) or by the feeling of getting left out (everybody else) does seem to be the wrong thing to do doesn´t it ? Anyway it is the sole fault of a level 50 if they are boreded, because they leveled too fast. Lack of endgame contend is hardly a surprise to anyone who ever played an MMO and everybody who rushed to max level should have expected to run out of content.
  5. So anyone who decided to reroll because of the lack of end game content was not affected ? Or how was someone who stopped playing and made an alt once he/she reached the max level affected ? I see why they want to take steps to prevent single-toon-players who reach the end leaving the game, but this is simply the wrong way to do it. Many loyal customers who followed the game get offended because they get left out and those already bored with the endgame will remain bored.
  6. Quoted for thruth. I think that either BioWare should give all players now the free 30 days regardless of highest level toon, or make it a general rule that any account that levels a toon to level 50 in the future also gets 30 days free. And even more important, change the offending announcement "most valued players" indeed.
  7. Just picking the orientation during character creation is simply a waste of resources if the same outcome can simply be achieved by only picking the appropriate flirts for the orientation that you want to play. Now if ever game elements like a childhood sweet hearth that returns to your characters life make it into the game, such a choice would make sense so that every player can have the past they want for their characters (and therefore a gay smuggler does not get a default girlfriend like Goblins do in WoW). But since I don´t believe that we will ever get much information about our characters from the time before we take control over them, a way to determine their past is unnecessary since we can already determine their present.
  8. Picking your characters orientation is a possible option if it is done right. By mostly I think that it is unnecessary work for the developers since the flirts and romances are already optional (or at least should be) so that one can determine sexual orientation by the according actions in game.
  9. Can you give some information on when and how SGRAs will be coming ? Right now not knowing if playing my character brings the risk to become "friendzoned", by being too friendly with the companion and the romance (should it be implemented with that companion) to become unavailable without rerolling is seriously lowering my fun playing.
  10. Nar Shaddaa main questline for the Republic disagrees with you.
  11. Yes a male Hawke does get a dialog that states that Karl was Anders first. But any Hawke can get Anders saying "The Ferelden circle was much more fun, everybody did everybody else. Then the abominations came." if you take him along on an act three quest. So he always is implied to be bisexual.
  12. Considering that it is the same answer that players got from Blizzard regarding player housing or heroic classes other than death knight in WoW, and the same answer people got from Mythic regarding the four missing capitols in WAR, I am not surprised that more information than "we are adding it sometime" is requested.
  13. No. I personally will wait another 29 days. After that my game time card runs out and unless we get at least solid information by then I will rather play the backlog of games that have accumulated since I started to play an MMO than adding another game time card. Once I stopped having acces I will check the update history from time to time,to decide if I should come back. But frankly if SGRAs only come in an expansion with new characters, who you will naturally only get post level 50 I might not even come back even if they are added.
  14. No. Game rating boards in the western world do not differentiate between straight and gay content (in theory, since decisions get made by humans that is of course not always true in practise). But games like TheSims, Bully and similar show that same sex content (especially as tame as it would be in SW:ToR) usually does not affect the rating any more than opposite sex content does.
  15. When and how are same sex relationships going to come. It has been months since the last statement regarding this matter and an update would be appreciated.
  16. And what should the human rights campaign do ? File a complaint about the lack of 15 minutes worth of dialog in an MMO ? Somehow I think that they have bigger fish to fry right now. Get into perspective. GLAAD might make a complaint if the content is not there at the one year mark, but no even half-way serious organisation will do anything right now, when the content is already promised to come, because they would make themself look silly and loose credibility, which harms GLBT causes far more important than romance in a computer game. I would really wish that people stop acting if this is some kind of civil right issue. Sure the situation is aggravating and the continued silence by the devs discourages me from playing the game so much that I will not add another gametime card once my current playtime runs out.
  17. Don´t you think that now you go a little far ? Firstly not even Edmonton has such a spotless record (anyone remember ME2, and the discussions around it, or the discussions now regarding some worries that came with the leaked files a few months ago). And secondly no employee from there could or would take steps. And as far as involving the HRC or GLAAD or any other similar group goes, on what grounds ? I know that many feel left out ( I certainly do ) but really there is not enough reason for any of them to do anything, especially since BioWare already acknowledged the problem and said that they are working on it. I for my part think that keep nagging the developers at every opportunity (here in the forums, on facebook, during conventions, ..) is enough.
  18. Since the last information regarding this matter was the following forum post by Ried answering the question if, once SGRAs are added, Vette will be available for existing female warriors : It actually does seem more like adding SGRAs by changes to existing characters is more likely to happen than by adding new ones. Of corse even in that case you can end up screwed (in a bad way) by already having played past the point when a romance would normally start for the companion so that your character does not get screwed (in a good way).
  19. On a related note please use spoilertags, not everybody likes spoilers as much as I do.
  20. ME3 Spoilers As far as the rumor that EA was the reason why there are no SGRAs currently in SW:ToR goes I have to say considering that EA had no problems with SGRAs in other BioWare games and The Sims3 (one of EAs biggest and must profitable franchises) allowed same sex marriage EA does not seem the culprit here. I still maintain the opinion that the official story is true. First it was simply overlooked and once the mistake was realised time ran out to put it in the main game so that it was decided to do all the necessary work (the cut scenes,programming and mixing the dialog and so on) with resources from the post launch team and bring SGRAs as part of an post launch update. Though even in that case there is little excuse to bring it later than update 1.2 (1.3 if one is really feeling generous which I am not) and absolutely no excuse for the current silence. Really a short post along the lines of "Still working on it expect it in march/first half of 2012/whenever is not too much to ask. Most people posting here would be satisfied with that.
  21. No Elara will join your trooper at the end of his/her Taris questline no matter what you do. The only way to avoid her would be not doing your class quest, but in that case you will be stuck with .
  22. Can we get more information on (approximately) when same sex romances will be included and what the current plans for including them are ?
  23. They are also from september. The timeline for those not present went something like this: 2009: Discussion why the words gay and lesbian are part of the word filter, including that stupid statement and subsequent apology from the guy responsible for the forum. 2009-August 2011: The SGRA thread runs mostly peacefully. August 2011: That one video interview that confirmed no SGRAs at launch, an eruption of the forums follows. September 2011: The situation has become so bad that an official statement is released, all three official posts regarding this matter have been made then. September 2011-now: Nothing new. But what is interesting is that in a short notice about the rant of that hate group guy (according to SPLC) a german gamesite mentioned that SGRAs will come with the legacy system, though considering how many mistakes the site makes recently I am not sure if it is a real unintended slip or a simple mistake on their part. As far as options for unwanted romances go they will not go away even once SGRAs are here (and should not as far as I am concerned if I as gay man can deal with the options to flirt with females by ignoring them, straight men can do the same with options to flirt with men), but you are usually not penalized for not using them. Granted since the lack of SGRAs I did not play one of the two more flirty classes except an IA to level 10 and the only difference there is that a male IA has to pay the Zabrak money or kill him while the female IA can give him money, kill him or pay for his silence in kind.
  24. After this first post by Mr. Ried he spend some more time in the thread and made two more posts. As far as I am concerned they have time until my timecard runs out. The game is nice enough, but being unable to play my toons as I want for no good reason is enough of an annoyance to shelf it until changes are made.
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