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Everything posted by -Quantum-

  1. From my experience(jugg): 20k hp, ~7500 def, gear with mods 56/58 more then enough to tank in NORMAL mode EV. so i think you will be ok
  2. Yep, did twice EV normal as main tank(10/10 bosses) and get NOTHING, absolutetly NOTHING in drop. Also was situation when boss drop two absolutetly identical main hand sabre for sith warrior(im jugg) and BOTH goes to our party marauder - its just incredible. I understand that as main tank im top-geared in operation group, but is this a point to give me no drop at all?
  3. Best solution is allow crit craft only on reciepts that need Biometric Crystal Alloys. In that case get this gear will be really hard and valueable
  4. Craft Relic, and especial Light Sabre the only way in game to get MOST powerfull Relic and Light Sabre in game, couse critical craft of them give you additional augment slot
  5. You really funny guys) So you see the problem that all use critical crafted orange armor? really? show me at least ONE player who has ALL, but no,crap it, just ONE critical crafted armor/help/leggins.
  6. because you will be need gemstones - treasure hunting will give it to you
  7. Hi all, i know its little offtopic, but from my crafting/RE experience (Artifice) i can say the following: 1) Exist items that doesn't allow RE(for example some offhand shields). As artificer i can craft/re some of them, but others has RE button disabled 2) Exist items that on RE disappear with message "No reverse engineering information for item" 3) All other items who on RE return some materials(and probably new schematics) So, if you are able to RE your item, and it returns to you some material then i think it probably can give you new schematics
  8. im jugg 50 lvl, i did all my story quest solo without having problems,but i've been asked to help with marauder and sorcerer(or assasin dont remember) story quests. So i think problem not in class, problem - is how you/other play this class
  9. yep, i've check it with republic sage(im jugg) - my force push much stronger(ie you will fly far away then by using sorc/sage skill)
  10. Yep, same for me. After i reach 50 lvl new codex entry message doesn't shows
  11. It doesn't has any restrictions, and also it can be dropped from heroic world bosses and hard mode flashpoint/operations bosses. So yes, republican players are able to get this color
  12. I'm sure that Matrix Cube M7-G0 (Green, Green, Green for force users) has +50 Endurance, not 60
  13. Just try to explore planets - Tatooine, Nar Shadaar, Alderaan everywhere i meet republic forces and have a pvp
  14. Does anyone know what for this thing? it has prototype type(purple) and i can't sell it via market(so it is not a craft resource) Also description doesn't tell anything that may helps
  15. 7/24, still have no access hope on a fourth wave
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