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10 Good
  1. I've been crafting in MMOs for more than a decade and this fear always arises, almost never worth the stress. The worst was WoW where there was so much fantastic top-end gear there was no market for crafted, really. The best, for crafters, was DAOC where it felt like a full time job to level up and then they, too, eventually added superior gear through quests, drops, etc. The thing is, the vast majority of people running around skilling up their crafting won't max it out and/or won't bother selling the items they can make. We'll go through a phase of over-priced stuff, then under-priced stuff then high end gear being costly but reasonable while twink gear sells for more than ever. It's a fairly predictable progression.
  2. Hold shift key down, left click the stack, drag to another slot in your container. A pop-up should appear with a slider to split off the number desired.
  3. I have to agree. The GTN is the *worst* aspect of this game. I try not to use it at all when I usually like to spend time just browsing what's available. This one, I get in and out as fast as possible. - Allow search by words or clicking an item in inventory. - Get rid of the tree required to navigate before you can even see what a pile of desh is selling for. - Sort armors and other items so specific items can be found. - Allow auctions. - Tell the browser what their item would bring from a vendor, if you must, but do no stick in some arbitrary sale price. - One mail per sale is enough, please.
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