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Everything posted by MACharlieV

  1. Self-loathing translates into some amazingness. Same thing for guys *raises hand* That being said, shouldn't stick it in crazy.
  2. Strange. I thought the wording was pretty clear given the context. Always knew we'd only get one based on the overall choices of the community.
  3. I think this mission (and the mining droid) are old enough to just make it a soloable mission. It's served its purpose.
  4. I'm kind of hoping for a huge cleansing next chapter for Battle of Odessen. Like there was a purpose for having so many companions: pure cannon fodder.
  5. To be fair, PvP will always feel less repetitive since a computer will never be as unpredictable as another human.
  6. Unlikely. The previous class stories are considered to be done for everyone therefore the choice would have already been made.
  7. This. And it wouldn't be the first time Bioware has recast someone aka Mordin Solus. It's not like Cook was a celebrity voice actor. No offense to her but she doesn't quite have the status of Martin Sheen or Freddie Prince Jr or Yvonne Strahovski. She's one voice actor in a game of dozens of them in what is I think the game with the most lines of dialog recorded. Even Arkham series replaced Arleen Sorkin who the damn character was made for/based on and had been voicing her for over a decade. Jaesas issue comes from the fact that she's basically two different characters and how to solve which one gets used since it's all on the players choice. She'll probably end up being a side mission (not quite as bland as an Alliance alert it not a Chapter focused character) as a class (warrior) exclusive companion. Same with Khem Val, maybe Risha, Temple, Tharan...
  8. Old Republic isn't canon anyway. We're Legends. No need.
  9. Erhm...what "mold" are you referring to? Bisexual/pan whatever can anyone - not restricted to a certain type of individual. If you're saying some personalities just aren't bisexual/pan/gay then I must strongly disagree. That being said, I don't think Bioware should go back. Don't waste time. What's done is done.
  10. Just for the Black Hole. Section X is gone. I'm guessing the oversight was due to the fact that the Pub quest giver is actually a Holonet news terminal.
  11. Mine all say 1/1. I should also mention that for my Foundry it says 1/1 even though I just started my Imp character today and didn't even leave Korriban. Whoops.
  12. I don't think they're blaming the player base for their shortcomings. They're blaming the player base for not being able to take set backs (by a day) like a mature adult. **** happens.
  13. She was retconned to be Dathomiri (ironic considering she was the original Ratataki) and then in a book fell in love with Quinlan Vos and died.
  14. I don't know what to get excited about....one picture doesn't do much.
  15. , I incorrectly assumed I didn't need to say "thus far" as far as Lana goes. And I doubt Lana will even have the option to kill her. Lana is a character who is "core" by which I mean she's a character that's a constant across all playthroughs. Having the option of her being dead limits Biowares storytelling in the future because they have to account for playthroughs where she isn't dead and as a core/plot centric character, that's just a huge pain in the ***.
  16. Lana is one you cannot lose actually. The only companions you can lose are Kalyio/or Aric Jorgan, Koth, Scorpio and HK-55. There are no guarantees. Any one can die during the story for whatever reason for whatever choice you made.
  17. It's not many developers style anymore. At least with PC releases.
  18. We don't know if they will have an effect on the storyline because we have one more chapter in the finale where it would make sense for them to come into play. For now, they're only worthwhile if you want achievements and are doing the Stat Fortress herorics.
  19. The level will undoubtedly go up to level 70. So...we're getting new abilities.
  20. I didn't watch it but there are an infinite number of explanations for his demeanor. Like maybe he had a stomach ache and really had to run to the restroom. Maybe he fought with his wife that day. It's not all about us.
  21. That reward contains I think 10 rewards and it goes up for each level I think.
  22. You get an award every time you hit the requirement. First it's hitting level 25. Then it's level 50 AND completion of The three story flashpoints. So and so forth like that.
  23. Here's hoping for some sort of graphical update. My PCs just don't look that good next to Arcann.
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