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Everything posted by Zoiks

  1. Given what they're asking for, couldn't HK simply be changed to come equiped with a full set of modable shells, that have no level requirements, instead of being completely without gear? It would even allow you to turn the duplicate gear bug, which mails the level 50 gear box even to characters who earn HK via missions, into a feature by simply having him initially equiped with the empty shells regardless of how he's obtained. Personally I would think having to gear him should be required. It gives a boost to the game's economy and given that you aren't going to be leveling with him on your first playthrough the lack of initial gear and mission reward gear shouldn't be much of an obstacle.
  2. Hello, Ladies. Look at your patch notes. Now back to the known issues. Now back at your patch notes. Now back to the known issues. Sadly your patches are not the known issues, but if they stopped half assing patches they could fix the known issues. Look down, back up. Where are you? You're in a game without a ton of issues. What's in your hand? Back to me, it's an oyster with two subscriptions to that game that works. Look again, the subscriptions are NOW DIAMONDS! Anything is possible when a game's developers actually fix bugs.
  3. Diplomacy is worse than the others, but I know for certain Underworld can also have all companion gift missions. As far as I know only in Grade 1 missions, but the same is mostly true of Diplomacy also. For whatever reason they loaded up the grade 1 of all mission only skills with a ton of companion gifts, and only a few medium/abundant resource missions with maybe 1 or 2 bountiful/rich. Later grades don't seem to be as imbalanced, not that they also don't have too many companion gift missions.
  4. Normally I'd say this is a good idea, but given the current status of the crew skill window I'm going to have to say it's a bad idea. For instance, on my cybertech character it takes a good 3-10+ seconds time to load in all the schematics I have, usually longer the first time it's opened. And it's not like I have a really slow computer, I can only imagine how bad something like that would be on a min. spec computer.
  5. Nah, they probably smashed his baby to death in 5 sec. after rooting it and force choking it. Damn those maranabs!
  6. Zoiks

    Warzone vendor

    Yep and here we are, 8 months later. They're still having trouble with that tech apparently. Interestingly the new wz for 1.6 does not appear to have a vendor. Almost as if they have no intention of ever fixing them.....but nah, couldn't be that.
  7. Healers must always remember the , Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge! Seriously though, it's somewhat true. The best healers don't just stand there while guarded, spamming heals. They know when it's better to hold still and spam heals as well as when they need to move around within the guard radius to make themselves less of a target. Where to go to line of sight as many of the opponents while keeping their heal target in sight. When it's better to use their own cc's to lessen incoming damage and possibly escape or regroup than it is to just keep healing. And like in dodgeball, how to find the bigger, stronger, better players and stick with them.
  8. I can't speak for everyone else, but in my case, I'm angry because this is yet another half-assed nonfix to a problem that just screws over players who had nothing to do with the real problem. The problem was and still is botting. Not that the newer, much harder, expensive gear requiring, and technically higher level missions gave a higher reward (that followed the same progression as previous mission rewards by the way and is in no way out of balance when bots don't enter the picture).
  9. Yeah as far as I know it only does what the OP describes if you use enter (or whatever you bound for chat field focus) to start your message. When I use my reply button I've never had it jump to someone else, maybe I've just been lucky though. Not that having the chat target jump to someone else while you're typing regardless of how you started the chat isn't bad design, I'm with the OP there.
  10. You realize the whole transfering gear around alts via legacy gear trivializes the already easy content of this game to such a degree that it along with the glitch to learn endgame schematics from player crafted items make progression nonexistent, right? Not to mention the bad behavior it encourages, needing on non-spec and even non-class gear for alts. Even in guild runs it can hurt the overall communal aspect by "gear runs" being for alts of already geared members rather than newer/lesser geared members. This "feature" never should have been implemented in the first place, though I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't intended.
  11. I have no idea if they're suspending people for it or not. I would hope so, but that begs the question of how do they know if someone is? As opposed to just sitting there and grinding away? With the tiny number of CS they have in the game, if any, anymore I can't imagine they're very effective at stopping this. But regardless, the repeatables have always ONLY given credits/xp as a reward, including the new ones. So there was no point to doing the new repeatables aside from credits or to learn the map, as I'm pretty sure you have to be level 50 to do them. I suppose you could do them for fun or legacy xp, but it's not very realistic to believe many people do, heh.
  12. Hah, I see what you mean now. Regnant Station, right? It's giving 538 instead of the 1.6k all, or at least most, of the others are giving now. This is actually pretty funny, because before the nerf the Regnant Station repeatable was bugged/typoed to have a smaller reward than the others also, lower even than the imp equivalent, Far Cradle. I'm guessing someone wrote up a script to lower the rewards for the new space missions and no one could be bothered to check that it actually applied them all equally. That or some data-entry person just figured since it was lower it should stay lower, hah! Hilarious.
  13. Their "solution" may be easy, but it was also dumb. Dumb because it doesn't actually fix the problem, and dumb because it was ridiculous to even think it would have any real impact on the problem. What is the actual problem here? That the reward for JUST the new missions, which were universally only about 10-25% more profitable than some of the old missions, was too hgih? Or that the repeatable space missions, ALL of them, offer an easy way to credit farm via bot, with little to no chance of being reported for botting? Clearly the latter is the real problem, which this patch did practically nothing to address. So now maybe instead of botting regnant station they'll go back to botting aeten defense, way to go Bioware.... There really aren't, at least not without the risk of being reporting for botting. You use a macro recorder to record yourself starting up a space mission, successfully completing it, and exitting it, then put the macro on repeat and go do something else. Come back a few hours later and tada, you have a bunch more credits. All without the risk of some other character walking by, seeing you doing this, and reporting you.
  14. You do when the seller openly admits the original price was a screw up.
  15. There are actually a couple problems here. The patch notes are incorrect. I can't recall for sure or not, but I believe previously the space heroic "weeklies" were rewarding the 12k mentioned in the notes, similar to a typical level 50 daily heroic. They now reward 7k, similar to a typical level 50 daily. The newer repeatable space missions used to reward 7k also, they now reward the 1.6k mentioned in the notes. So you might want to update the notes to be correct. This change doesn't make any sense without making a swath of other changes to back it up, now you have silliness like the bonus missions in the heroic space missions awarding more than 2 times as much as the mission completion reward, as well as older, far easier, far less gear required mission rewards being up to 4 times as much as the newer, harder missions. Aside from slightly hampering credit farmers will this change all you've done is annoy the crap out of people who actually enjoy this content for what it is. Not just because of the reward nerf for "balance" as much as the pointlessness of this change while weeklies, the main impetus for doing these missions, STILL don't work. Not to mention the other various bugs still there, BLAST CONDENSER still doesn't work on nearly half my characters. Look, if you want to fix the credit farming issue, LIMIT the number of times the repeatables are repeatable. Problem solved. Or do some real work and put in changes to stop the bots.
  16. Yeah....so you've seen the weeklies for the missions besides Regnant Station/Far Cradle, Thanium Disruption/Charaba Assault, and Baros Ambush/Duma Strike, have you? Cause that's funny how NO ONE else has after what, 3 or 4 weeks now, huh? And maybe you noticed that the heroics given out currently even say in their descriptions the day they're supposed to be given out, but are given out on some other day? Oh and the Regnant Station mission, the repeatable, it gives ~1700 credits for completion reward. Far Cradle gives ~7000. Same exact missions, different rewards. Yeah....not bugged or something to be fixed alright. There's also the grade 7 Blast Condenser which doesn't work for all characters, the sound cut outs, and the engine trail/smoke trail/laser trail glitches. Cause space mission content is in great shape!
  17. Yeah "hardest" doesn't really apply too well here. The bad classes/specs don't have a steeper learning curve in this game, they're just gimped by bad design. For instance, despite claims to the contrary you can't make a dps merc good. You can't prevent other people from interrupting your activation time abilities through better play and those specs are too heavily dependant on those abilities to be viable without them. At best you can only lessen your vulnerability to them a little, but generally at the cost of dps which defeats the purpose. Or another example, you can't make a lethality op good because no matter how you play in the end it's still a melee dps spec (because of resource management) with no real gap closer. The added dependence on dots for both damage and energy only exacerbates the general bad design. The only good use I've seen for this spec is as a healer/dps hybrid. A hard to use class/spec would be one with a complex playstyle to be truly effective or a weakness that can only be countered through smart play. I haven't seen anything like that in this game, some of the viable ones require more effort than others, but hard isn't the word I would use to describe any of class/spec in this game. Bad, yes. Hard, no.
  18. I'm gonna say no on this, and hope they do the same. This is content, not main content, but content none the less. And if they start giving out legacy "I did this once and don't ever want to do it again." purchases then we'll quickly have legacy valor, legacy rwz rank, legacy companion affection, and eventually legacy op gear/wz gear (yes I know it's nearly possible currently, but at least it still has to be repeatedly earned on A character, even if it's not the appropriate one and as far as I know they haven't yet even endorsed that as working as intended). A legacy option to make getting the datacrons easier I would be fine with, but flat out give them to you? No way.
  19. Supposed they were MEANT to be a different weekly heroic space mission every day of the week, with 2 on Sunday. Unfortunately the mechanic for giving out the missions is clearly broken, badly, and has been since 1.6 was rolled out. Why it's not in the list of known issues, I have no idea.
  20. Yeah it's not broken, it's just crappy. I'm trying to think how it's been improved.....I seem to recall the search field working at least as well as it does currently, though there was a long period of time where it was fubared. A few new search catagories/sub-catagories were added, a stat search parameter was added, and they screwed up the quality search but workarounded it by having it default to standard quality. How is that 500 times better? It seems pretty much the same as at launch to me.
  21. Assuming we're talking instant damage, ala smash, then wither, chain lightning, or carbine burst. I would guess carbine burst as it has the highest base damage. If you include dots then orbital strike, death from above, or flame thrower. This is tougher, PROBABLY orbital strike, but specced flame thrower might be quite a bit higher. I refuse to play PT/AP again after trying it for a bit, just a horribly designed spec.
  22. I'm going to guess you were pvp flagged and the person(s) operating the switch was not, as that causes exactly what you described to happen. Technically I would still call it a bug, there's no good reason why pvp flag status should matter in this situation.
  23. It's lag, server or client it would seem, pretty sure it's yet another client/server synch issue. And I know it's been in the game since way back, first time I had it happen to me was around 1.2 or so. The wordaround is when you list something, make sure it appears on your selling list before attempting to list anything else.
  24. Merry Christmas and may you all have a prosperous and happy New Year.
  25. It appears just the login for the west coast servers is borked now. At least I can actually log into the game again, reach the server select screen, but if I choose a west coast server it just hangs for a bit then I get a cannot connect message. I can connect to east coast servers, and log into a character there with no problem, but west coast are no go still.
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