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Everything posted by Wolf_Knight

  1. if you want to make build defining items, Sorcerers and Sages lack a lot of mobility available to other classes so maybe a generic tactical item that at a cost of reducing dps a little giving them the ability to use more spells on the fly because if Thundering Darkness and Turbulence, 2 of the heaviest hitters can me used while moving why not telekinetic strike or Lightning strike. I not asking for all the abilities to be allows mobile casting just a few, channeled abilities should remain as they are for all classes.
  2. Got to say I love the canceling my subscription posts that will then complain about not having access to new chapters later. The post states an incomplete Alliance Alert Mission meaning one being prepped for another chapter as I read it so it shouldn't be in the game but is and that's causing the problem. Hopefully it will be resolved soon but looking like a while longer at this rate
  3. Instead of a Space Station or Asteroid Base, I like the Ship Idea and I'd love to see the Gravestone turned into a Stronghold if we can't get it as a player ship at some point. I also like the idea of adding to the guild fleet with you're personal Ship Strongholds. As for planets, Manaan and Odessen sounds great as well as Zakuul Prime. I also agree some smaller Credit based Strongholds like DK and Coruscant so that they are affordable to casual players as well easier to expand. And of course remove the limit on the number of active owned stronghold but set the 4 most complete as the Conquest Bonus units
  4. Bump! Just want this near the top so everyone can read it to get the titles
  5. While I'll agree that they haven't made Legacy Unlocks cheap, HK is the only Character Perk that costs that Much. The other 1 Million + are Global Unlocks. I see the point everyone is making is regard to it being a luxury, but I'll agree that Legacy was supposed to be more beneficial when they announced it. Those of us with High Legacy continually get screwed as they make earning that high level worthless anymore
  6. Because your companion Story is tied to this and when they add more content in the future they may add more companion related story as well. This is one of the things BioWare is est known for, the actually Story aspect of their games that make them more interesting to play. In addition as the previous poster also mentioned, computer programming is a labor intensive process and they would need to go in and re-code so much to make that possible
  7. The gender change would effect the story coding from companion characters so I can understand why that won't likely happen. As a subscriber I enjoy some feature of the Cartel Market but also agree that they need to either raise the stipend and/or add some Subscriber and Collectors Edition Exclusives and benefits to the game to the game. I subscribe and own the collectors edition pro-ordered before initial launch. I even participated in the beta but am not sure I will continue to do so for too much longer if I'm not getting the Value for my subscription. The Economy is in bad shape and what's happening to subscribers is basically price gouging. I like the idea of Customization in the armor and such. What I laugh about is the Species unlocks on the Cartel Market are for F2P and subs but species I've unlocked via leveling to 50 are no longer unlocked if I go F2P so again subs and preferred accounts get shafted. BioWare and EA, please think about your subscribers instead of just getting money from those who don't subscribe. More importantly, if you offer real benefits to subscribers that will save them money in the long term beyond the monthly stipend you may get more regular subscribers out of it. Excellent Customer Service will get you more customers than what you are currently doing to those of us who do pay for service every month.:(:(
  8. They have added flash points, a War Zone, an operation and expanded an additional operation in less than 6 months of being out on the market. Show me any other game company that has done that much without making it an expansion pack you had to pay for. Now I'm not saying BioWare or EA are doing everything right or that I am 100% happy with the game. I am expecting them to fix these things, but I'm also being patient considering the time frame that have been following. The Cross Server or Single Server LFG tool is a big argument, My suggestion would set an option in the tool for the individual using it to choose if they want to go cross server when they start it. I understand this would be a more complicated program to write and would also be patient while they developed it. That should be acceptable to all those who want or don't want cross server because they would have a choice. As for delays in the content complaints, first remember it's been only six months since the game launched. Second, would you rather have the content now and have issue with it not working properly or would you prefer the programmers at BioWare get it right and make it enjoyable with fewer bugs coming up needing to be fixed? I usually don't post and am not complaining about anyone, just trying to be a voice of reason. I enjoy the game, but I agree some improvements are needed, I just recommend patience on our part. The major improvement I'd like to see is free flight in space combat. If I have to go out and get a $20 flight yoke to make the controls smoother it would be worth it for a more real Star Wars Space Battle feel
  9. According to some of the Dark Horse Comics Mace's Purple crystal was given to him by a Sentient Crystalline Species after something happened during his trials. I'm not sure which comic I saw that in but there's what I know about it. The synthesizing process doesn't always produce red crystals as Luke created the Green Saber in a Synthesizer Furnace according to the books.
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