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Posts posted by ViciousFett

  1. We are looking at ways to increase viability for all tanks in PvP. We don’t have specifics to announce at this moment but it is definitely something on our radar. In fact, this is definitely something we would love to see your feedback on. What could change, or be improved upon to increase desirability of pure tanks in PvP?


    Add a healing debuff to the tank taunting abilities. It seems silly that it only reduces damage on enemy players, and does nothing to healing classes. To balance this with DPS builds make it so it only works in tank-stance (sort of like how the Jugg/Guardian taunt now works differently with a dps stance.)

  2. Yes, I'm aware. But it also has the purchasable one. Only the gunship didn't have the 'buy one now' available at initial launch, but now they do. Until we can datamine out another bomber, I think it is safe to say the Cartel Bomber is a purchase directly one. Not absolutely, but safely.


    Well, with this series of packs being GSF themed it would seem odd if the first pack had a ship(s), and the 2nd didn't. On the other hand it would suck to have to wait a week for a bomber that has the 10% bonus on it. I wouldn't be surprised if ther will be 2, but it still sucks to have to wait a week to see which one I preferr before I start spending all my reqs on upgrades.

  3. All of the ship classes have always had one ship that could be purchased directly with Cartel Coins from the hangar. There's so far no indication that this will be any different.


    you're wrong, the last pack has a pub and imp gunship. (different from the one that you can directly purchase.)


    K-52 Demolisher

    K-52 Strongarm

  4. You should stop being rude to people because they don't like you and all the other locusts who play MMO's.


    wut? I'm not the one that continually keeps re posting just for the sake of disagreeing.


    It's clear that opinions are divided on this issue, but let me ask you this; If half of the community is annoyed by this event's delivery method should they bother doing it again?:rak_02:

  5. And I'm sure I'm not the only person that isn't "done" with Bounty week. ;)


    You're right, there are many other people like you that still haven't hit Legend with the BBA. But it's not like it won't be back next month, and the month after that, and the month after that.....

    Making legend soon clearly hasn't been a priority for you.

  6. Well, it's now Friday night and still no event launch. The patch was deployed on Tuesday morning and we've been twitter teased ever since.


    I understand that the dev's intention was to make this event a surprise, like the original one, but when most of the community is already in the know and expecting it I feel this method is just cruel and annoying. I respect the effort to add some RP flavor with the Twitter and Facebook posts, but some of us would like to be able to allot time to the event in advance rather than constantly having to check to see if it's begun yet.


    What do you guys think? Should BW be more transparent with all their events, or do you like not being in the loop?:rak_02:

  7. Don't know about the Shroud himself but this is about the upcoming Kuat Drive Yards FPs.


    Did you even read it?

    These select journal entries were logged by Shroud SF-4 in advance of the mounting situation concerning Kuat Drive Yards. I present them to you now in an effort to educate and inform.
  8. Bioware can still label it as recurring even if it only appears on a annual basis, so I wouldn't have much faith it'll be monthly/every 3 months or so like the Gree.


    The PTS and Dulfy may not have listed everything though as I've seen (on a German site I don't have the link for now) an almost complete datamine of the entire event, showing all the locations and including:



    Plague Infected Dewback and Vactyrl Mounts which likely require Legend standing


    I'm sure aditional stuff will be added as the event returns like the Blue orb, bounty mounts, digitizer cube, etc have.

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