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10 Good
  1. So when do we get our 10v10, 15v15, or 40v40 warzones here?
  2. I wouldn't put GS and warzones together either but rather them put in cross-server matching for warzones and GS. I also don't think new OPs affect pvp much as they are for different crowds whereas GS and warzones would have more overlap.
  3. The reason for not separating arenas out of the warzone queues was that it would make longer queue times for both warzones and arenas. Wouldn't that also be the case for GS and warzone queues? While I do think there are people that will strictly play one or the other, I do think there is a large part of the player pool that will do both. Outside of prime time I think it will cause issues with either of the queues.
  4. This is not a space sim mmo like Star Citizen. Galactic Starfighter is a small minigame added to a traditional ground based mmo. They are not the same target audience.
  5. Those games are also all single player. When adding multiplayer space battles when they know their whole base is using keyboards and mice they should put everyone on equal ground with the same controls. This expansion isn't going to be like any of those older space sim/arcade games since it will be multiplayer so it shouldn't even be compared to them.
  6. Those games were also single player games and not against other players. I think you overestimate demand since this is side content in an mmo where most people will still only casually or rarely play the space game. If joysticks would have an advantage over keyboards/mice even less people would play it. Since we know everyone that plays this has a keyboard and mouse they should balance it towards that and put priority to make it work on that. If this was strictly pve I would be all for adding joystick/flightstick controls but not when its pvp.
  7. I don't think there's much demand for it, only a small minority. I doubt many people have joysticks and if they would be required or have a big advantage over mouse+kb the space game would be dead on arrival.
  8. Actually with the 2nd point about the monthly costing more because of taxes I agree. I don't think I've been charged an extra "tax" from other mmo's before it was always the straight up fee but with this game it's almost 2$ more per month($16.94).
  9. The team with 3 healers beats the team with 0, /golfclap?
  10. A pretty much guaranteed way to increase republic's population would be to add playable alien races(wookiees, rodians, trandoshans, etc) to the republic side.
  11. I didn't know they made warzones 1v1. Here's an easy strategy against operatives. If you see one hit anyone stun and dot them and they'll be easy to kill.
  12. It counts all of the affection changes for that quest when you turn it in, otherwise you could just drop and retake the quest constantly and get up to max affection.
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