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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by darthtejas

  1. Ive tried for over two weeks now to redeem a cartel coins code I bought from Amazon but the code redemption link on SWTOR times out or doesnt work at all. Ive successfully redeemed these codes before the new expansion with no issues at all. Ive tried it on mutliple PCs, across firefox/mozilla, explorer, and chrome. None of these options work. I assume my account is the issue? Anyone having similar issues? Im able to log into the game and my account with no problems at all.....just cant redeem codes. thanks
  2. Need to know what is being done with currently remodded items. like Rakata and Battlemaster gear. Since the versions on PTS are far better itemization than current ones.


    Easy fix. make is so current bm/rakata gear is tagged and can be traded in for the new stat gear with the previous Rakata/BM gear itself.. Problem solved. But not allowing us to get and benefit for the new itemization would be a HUGE mistake and a slap in the face to any who have gotten battelmaster gear, or did the operations we have currently inplace.


    I like this fix. ^

  3. Considering what they're doing with Patch 1.2, this entire thread is moot beyond the issue of using luck rolls to progress (but then is a loot drop from a boss not a luck roll ;) ).


    Do you not have to be valor rank 60 to get BM gear after 1.2?

  4. It's no secret that healing in this game is overpowered. The only people arguing that it isn't are the ones that are taking advantage of it's lack of balance. I would ask these people to not be short sighted and think about the good of the game first.


    The vast majority of people that PvP, do so to mess someone up. It's been the foundation of PvP in MMOs since PvPs conception. Now when healing imbalance turns the PvP experience into an exercise in frustration like we're starting to see, people quit and find something else to do. While it may be fun to take advantage of healing imbalance and spam LOL at these people while blocking their ability to achieve. It's not going to help with long term retention.


    We're already getting the same syndrome that Rift saw with it's overpowered healing. ie. stack healers and spam which leads to:


    Boring PVP is Boring!


    Leads to:


    see ya!


    Additionally, it's bad enough the combat mechanics in this game are so slow and clunky. Why would you want to add the slow boring grind that comes with overpowered healing into the mix? You're just exasperating an unpleasantness in the game.


    ^100% Agree!

  5. I would be fine with a speeder ban on fleet. Some of the players with these car size speeders are just covering mailboxes and other things to be ***hats. They are not checking mail or shopping at the GTN, they are just sitting there to block access. In all honesty how long does it take to run across fleet? If that's to slow for you then toggle on Sprint. No need to give a buff to go faster than Sprint.


    ^this. Just remove vehicles from fleet, or only allow in center hub, and not the outer hub.

  6. 1) It's only one ability not all the abilities from the other class so your statement "Why play a class when one class can do it all" is a huge exaggeration

    2) It's makes sense that for example a Agent could have force powers due to him being slightly force sensitive, maybe not strong enough to be a full jedi or sith but can do a trick or two..

    3) It's strictly only PvE and can easily be put into a RP back story of yourself, especially with the legacy tree where you might have a jedi in the family tree so the genes are there...4) Luke Skywalker was able to shoot lighting out of his fingers.... forget which book it was in but he had the ability



    Anyways I think it's a cool idea


    The one thing I see beyond the PVE notion is open world PVP...how would the game know to disable this ability when you fight in a non warzone. Just curious.

  7. Glad to see others talking about this, since I've found it very frustrating with abilities that have long cooldowns. It's one thing if an ability has a 20 second cooldown and another thing if it has a 60 second cooldown. It's very difficult to tell if there are 4 seconds left on your ability cooldown, because the grey part is just a miniscule sliver. Surprised this made it out of testing.



  8. There are a few options for level 46 Lightsabers at the PVP vendor on the fleet (I believe Jenson is the NPC's name?); however, I’m not convinced which is the best to purchase with my warzone comms. I’m anni spec'd marauder as an FYI. Just looking for some thoughts from any of you who were at this level and had similar choices to make. It seems all have +power and not crit bonuses, so it felt like a move in the wrong direction. thanks!
  9. Please make an option to turn these Error Messages off like other popular games have.


    Please. This is my #1 problem with this game. Some classes/abilities are meant to be spammed.























  10. If only they had people hired to communicate with the community..


    Speaking of hyperbole, pot, meet kettle. To paint your opposition in such an obviously exaggerated manner as having unreasonable demands would seem to qualify. It's both a straw man (no one said they should reply to every post or even lengthier post) and a false dichotomy (not everyone does the fixing and even if they did, the time taken for replying is not necessarily deducted from any fixing).


    Also, I hear perception is pretty important. The community has concerns that are not being addressed; that has a direct impact on subscriptions whether those concerns are founded or not. You think it's not worth the time to alleviate the fears and doubt that lingers in the minds of many? Surely you can't please all, that's true, but you could ease the minds of many fence-sitters (such as myself).


    Very well put...and I agree.

  11. Hi George, firstly its great to see feedback (good or bad) but I have to wonder at times what parses of data you are looking at to come to such conclusions?


    Sadly not enabling the combat log has forced players into pretty much theorycrafting without any data, I understand you guys have all the data but if you enabled the combat log you would be enabling the community to aid you in the development of classes.


    Whilst your right Warrior (I empahsise this as its not just Jugg/Guardian its Marauder/Knight also) have issues staying in melee range - I fail to see how you can ignore Marauder and state only Jugg will be getting buffs... Both classes suffer from the exact same "melee" orientated issues.


    In the developers wisdom they decided to give all ranged the majority of the stuns and cc (whilst already having the huge benefit of range) whilst leaving all melee classes at a distinct disadvantage in PVP - how many times has someone got into range, got knocked away/slowed/stunned - charged back in to get knocked back again (knockbacks not being affected by resolve and resolve not working for the most part) Its a lot.


    The Warrior class overall needs a proper stun or knockback, I read elsewhere the suggestion to give us "Slam" You pickup your opponent and slam him to the ground interupting any cast and stunning for 3-4 seconds.. It fits perfectly with the class and isn't gamebreaking.


    Also Pommel Strike/Savage kick - these are 2 horrible "tease" abilities, here 2 hard hitting damage dealing abilities that don't work in pvp or on pve bosses. Merge them into 1 ability and enable them to work in PVP.


    To summarise Warrior classes aren't broken nor need huge buffs, they need tweaks (you are right in saying fixing the combat animation and combat system/delay will go a huge way in making the classes more viable - fixing Choke/Ravage/Smash to work 100% and properly would also go a long way) I would suggest you implement one/some of the following :


    Pommel Strike/Savage Kick - Combine into 1 ability, average the damage, enable on all types of enemies.


    CC - Give us a proper stun or knockback.


    Increase the range on all saber throws.


    Make Obliterate a class core ability and make it a 20 yard range. (having 2 charges would make the class far more viable in pvp)



    This. You are dead on, and I 100% agree as playing the Maurader. You took the words right out of my mouth.

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