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Posts posted by Anthonytats

  1. I thought they sorted that problem all ready?


    Well they sorted out their little "Exploit" the whole if game doesnt start everyone gets xp thingy...

    I was in a Warzone though, 7 minutes it took to lose and i got 8.9K xp? and 2k Credits?

    At level 16? Erm... What lol?


    I can now totally understand why some sith on my server are level 43s on planet after Corriban...

  2. Woah woah woah...



    His response to the server queues and servers being FULL on all is basically.

    "Reroll to another server"


    And ive been part of MMO Launches before and i do know queues are part of this BUT most companies (Including Blizzard who i find useless) do say something about the queues and what they are doing to help etc.

    So far all we've had is "Start on another server to avoid queues" when its impossible.


    BW Folded quicker than a tower of cards in a hurricane.

    Their Staggered launch was working perfectly and then they decided after all the moaning by the community to just get every preorder in and Boom. No more game because of the EXACT reason they were avoiding by doing a staggered launch.


    They should have stuck it out and had faith in their plans.

    Instead they crumpled.

    The game OVERALL is brilliant. And i totally get that they didnt "Have" to give anyone early access but COME ON.

  3. I'm happy that the server is full.


    If you want to avoid queues just reroll on a different server. You've only been in for a max of 3 days so it's not like you lose much.


    Thats downright ignorant.

    Yes, i completely realise that EGA players have "Brought it upon themselves" by playing early BUT.


    3 days, so you dont lose much?

    Dont get me wrong, im not concerned about the levels.

    What annoys me is i met a few great people, created a guild and because it was relatively quiet i know mostly everyone that got EGA the last couple of days.

    I enjoy the community in my server and dont wish to go to a server i dont know...


    Thats just my 2 cents.

  4. I have only had about 2-3 disconnection issues since Tues. Not too shabby at all. What is slightly irritating however is the fact that I have to wait in queue (roughly 700 players ahead of me) nearly an hour to play a game that I am paying for. They need to fix this, and put a population cap on the servers. This is not acceptable. :mad:


    I havent had a disconnect until tonight and now ive actually given up and am playing poker xD

    Playing for about half hour and then the game just shuts down. Like completely, no warning or anything. CBA Queuing 40 Minutes again...

  5. And how is this the fans' fault...?


    Well i think it might be the problem with...




    Multiply that by about a thousand...

    Bioware changed their plans and now people keep getting kicked off.


    Admittedly. They should have the server capabality to hand an extra 100k people...

    Its not about making another 300 servers like people keep crying for its about improving the servers capabilitys.

  6. Ooooooo.

    I cant list one.


    Ima gonna have to list 3. And they arent what most people would put.


    Death Troopers. Han, Chewie and Zombie stormtroopers?

    Allegiance. This is i feel, a REALLY underated book and it provides so much of a look into the stormtroopers moving past the "Clones"

    Death Star. I found this a really good read and enjoyed the fact it basically had all new characters and the different view points they all had.

  7. The people who do the world first kills, or even the server first kills, do not do it because of a badge or achievement.


    Yeah this...

    On my Server a group of 24 of us just downed the Coruscant World Boss, which was a server first. (I realise its not an operation persay but ya know).


    It just gives you a good feeling that you have done something no one else has (Actual game, not beta).

    None of the guys and girls that did it want or even mentioned wishing for an "Server first achievement". We just did it because the robot owned us yesterday...


    Its part of the game to want to be the first to do stuff within reason.

    All we wanted was a pat on the back and a "Well done" which we got.

    For me, Ops and Flash's are just about enjoying the game with a lot of other people and not bothering about "Well its already been killed so why bother"

  8. Yeah i never understood the hate for Jar Jar or the Ewoks for that matter?

    Maybe its because i watched the original trilogy when i was like 5 and loved the little teddy bears (Though now ive grown up and realised it could and should have been wookies im a bit annoyed...)


    But Jar Jar i thought was great.

    Thats probably just me still in my 8 year old mind lmao.

    If we really want to talk about annoying characters. Anakin in the prequels pissed me off (up until the last half hour of III).

    Padme needs to be shot. She annoys the hell out of me. Whiney cow.

  9. Yep there already two people



    In less than 3 days?

    Even getting in on the first wave its impossible.

    Even with no sleep its impossible.

    I know someone thats played it for almost 60 hours and he is only hitting early 30s...

    Ive played 30 hours ish and im only hitting 19.


    (Well... The PvP Glitch maybe if they had done it for 72 hours straight... But they'll get rolled back or something if thats true)

  10. Im so so so confused as to why people are moaning about "OMG they got 7 days extra than me, they will be so much better forever etc etc etc"


    What a load of crock.

    I joined WoW about 2/3 years ago (Free trial and was bored in college at the time, just before the newest expansion.)

    2 years ago, i joined as a level 1, did i complain that everyone was level 60s? Did i DEMAND that they restart the entire server because they had played more than me because i hadnt bothered to play it when i was younger or take an interest? No...


    I just got on, i met up with some good friends, sure my friends i joined to play with all had 60s but i met some great people at level 1.

    Couple of weeks later, i had hit 60 and was participating with my guild in Raids.

    I then went on and carried on playing when Cata was released and guess what. I managed to hit the servers first 85.

    A guy that started possibly a full 10 YEARS after everyone and i was highest level on my server all of a sudden? Thats how MMOs work.

    By having people joining early doesnt affect your gameplay nor does it make them "Better".


    OP You moan that you "Didnt know about this game" (Ive reworded it to english) till a couple of months back (Even though you created an account on here a month before preorder) I, among others have been waiting YEARS for ToR. Even before when Galaxies went under we were awaiting the new SW MMO.

    I preordered and entered my code within 20 minutes of having the option. Does this make me a nerd? **** yes. Im a SW nut and im proud of it.


    You're saying "Oh but just because you were here before doesnt mean you should get it before me" well... In every single aspect of geek life it works like that im afraid. Did i queue up with my dad as an 8 year old for the first showing of Ep.1 7 hours before? Yes. Did i then, when the tickets went on sale, allow the guy whos just pulled up to go in front of me?


    There was a LostAThon (Im a massive lost fan) in London, all series one after another. 300 free tickets. First 300 recieved them. Did i go up london with my best mate and camp for 2 days awaiting this? Yes. Should i then say to the 700th person to turn up 20 minutes before the showing "Oh ive been here 2 days in the cold but take my ticket"? No.



    And guess what.

    I GUARANTEE you would have hated being in the game the last 2 days OP.

    All you have done is ***** and whinge about not getting in because now you "Wont be the first level 50". And how "Those damned Star Wars Nerds" etc

    You know what happened on the 2 servers i started on? It has been a constant star wars fan kingdom. "In Jokes", People arguing about star wars this and that.

    No one that ive seen has truly been "Hardcore Levelling". Its just been about "Ok, Wow. Its another amazing Star Wars MMO. How lucky are we *Cough Cough* Jar Jar Sucks *Cough Cough*"


    Also. About the whole debate on this being the most people coming into the game before release date.

    It isnt. YET. There is already just over 700 republic on my server. I'd assume there is at least 300 sith. So going on 1k minumum. 1k is considered "Light". So the BARE Minumum just for EU is 30-45k at LEAST in 2 days. There is more on the NA side. SO. We can put a rought estimate at 150k people ONLINE ATM. Thats not including those with a life and dodgy connections (Like mine ATM ¬¬).


    Rift as you pointed out had CLOSE to 1Million people in EGA. It also had major problems with lag and server spikes for a couple of days.

    League Of Legends when bringing out Dominion had MAJOR problems when it released it early. 25 minutes plus to matchmake when it should have taken minute or less.

    DC Universe Online when it went Free 2 Pay. A whole WEEK because they didnt stress test their servers when it hopped from 50k active users to over 500k.


    Preorders ALONE for NA has hit almost 1 million. Those users WILL be in the game from today to the 19th (If not, then you have reason to be annoyed) Thats not including the EU Preorders (Only preorders this year to beat it over here was MW3. Not even Skyrim beat it on Preorders.)

    So by the 20th BW and ToR Will have the biggest EGA ever for an MMO.



    As a final passing comment before i go out shopping.

    Seriously, if you, like you have posted on the thread before this, have a problem with "Star Wars Geeks". This is really not the game for you.

    If you are going to label someone that preordered the game the first day released a geek. You really will not fit in with the community (Until the WoW immature players decide to test it out) if you consider Star Wars fans "Geeks".

    Star Wars isnt JUST a Sci Fi space opera. For a lot of people playing this game already its a way of life.


    Thanks to anyone that sanely read this long *** post, i didnt expect to type this much haha. *Waits for the TL:DR Comments to turn up*

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