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Everything posted by Lynnx

  1. Having read these forums for a while, I've seen that the consensus is that Sage/Sorc is the best PVE healer. Many have told me that Scoundrel is excellent as well. Last night, I played my Scoundrel and had a real tough time keeping the party healed. When I play my sage, I rarely have trouble unless it gets really intense. Of course, I was level 19 and doing Athiss. Maybe I was just under-levelled. Do Scoundrels get much better when they reach higher level?
  2. I think that Clothing dyes would be awesome. It would be great to be able to change the color of our clothing and armor.
  3. I'm sure that this has been mentioned many times. I think that appearance slots are much better than adaptive armor. The problem with adaptive armor is that it is too limited to what you can choose. There may be a piece of regular armor which you like the appearance of. Maybe it isn't orange. Maybe it is lighter or heavier than you can practically use. It would be great to be able to keep the appearance of armor that you like.
  4. I definitely agree with this. Many games have a hair stylist shop or something else to change appearance, but it isn't there when the game first begins. It is usually added later. Maybe they will add it soon.
  5. Thanks everyone. Last night I noticed that my level 37 Sage had gear that was badly underlevelled. I took a while to increase synthweaving to make appropriate gear. This took a while. After I reached the crafting level and bought my new crafting skills, I realized that I needed new mats that I didn't have. Now I had to take a long time to gather the mats. I also bought some from the GTN which was also expensive. Next, I realized that if I wanted blues, it would be a lot more expensive to make and DE each piece. I looked on the GTN for gear and green gear was pretty cheap. I almost couldn't find blue gear.
  6. I'm sure that many people are annoyed by waiting on queues because the server is full. This is probably what gives us lag during flashpoints. It is especially annoying for lag to log you off and then find that you have to wait 10 minutes to return. The irony is that there are only a few servers like this. I think the best solution would be to increase the number of destination servers so that everyone isn't crowded on a few servers.
  7. I'm sure this has been posted many times. I've found that when I make an all gathering toon, I make a lot of money. I can make decent money with crafting, but not nearly as much as gathering. Of course, crafting also takes time and money. Does it become hugely useful or profitable by high level? It is better (considering time involved) to just get items from drops and quests?
  8. There have been other posts about increasing the number of characters per server. If Bioware won't do that, this would be a good alternative.
  9. Also, it would be great if they give us some advance notice whether or not they will increase destination servers. I have several toons gathering dust on my old server because I don't know if I should delete toons or not to make space.
  10. I made my earliest characters on a low pop server. Later, I made some toons on a high pop server, and preferred that server. After transfers were begun, my first server became an origin server and my second server became a destination server. The problem is that I can't transfer all of my original toons unless I delete several. My original server is now a wasteland. There is usually only one other person on the fleet. I've been searching the transfer list everyday, hoping that I could transfer some of my toons to a different server, but that hasn't happened yet. Please increase the number of destination servers.
  11. I definitely agree with this. My problem is that my original server used 7 character slots. Later, I made a few more toons on a different server. After transfers became available, my first server became an origin server and my other server became a destination server for my first server. I would like to transfer my original toons, but can't transfer them all unless I delete some.
  12. I never see anyone with T7, unless they are low level (Pre-Kira). Is T7 worth having? Many quests have T7 upgrades. I once heard someone say that T7 is weak at higher levels. Is that true?
  13. Bothans were my favorite. I loved their doglike appearance. I doubt that it will happen, because SWG will probably create a legal battle. I would also like Mon Calamari.
  14. Most other posts say that Sage/Sorceror is the best healer for pve. Some say that Scoundrel/Operative is best for pvp. From my experience, Sage/Sorc is best because it has the armor force ability, which shields the healing recipient. I prefer the appearance of the Scoundrel/Op because it looks like a sci-fi doctor.
  15. I was on the Fleet, yelling "Healer LFG for Hammer Station." No one responded. After a while, another Sage/Healer began yelling "LFG" I logged and logged back in with my DPS. We grouped, found a tank and did Hammer Station. Shortly after we finished, I saw someone else yelling that his Hammer Station group needed a healer. I logged off and logged my Sage/Healer back on. In that short amount of time, this group had already found a healer. I've noticed that on the "WHO" list, Sage is usually the most common class. Are other healers finding that healers are becoming too common?
  16. Pre-1.2 Sages were the best healers. I just read a post saying that either scoundrels have gotten better, or other healers have gotten nerfed. I've always thought that Sages were easy because they can shield and then heal. Pre-1.2 forum posts have said that scoundrels are great if you are very attentive and watch every detail. Sages are much easier. Which is the best healer post 1.2?
  17. Thanks everyone. Lack of an LFG tool is definitely an important point. I could be questing and exping during the time that I would be yelling "LFG" Several other MMOs including Rift (which only started a little over a year ago) began without an LFG tool, but added one later. Hopefully, they will add one in time.
  18. It seems that no one ever wants to join when I try to create a flashpoint group. Do people prefer to do regular quests? I find flashpoints to be faster levelling as well as social points and good loot. The only downside is when you have a group member who is overly needy or stupid. Why are flashpoint groups so hard to find?
  19. I'm a synthweaver but never found that schematic. I've seen posts that it is a level 1-60 Underworld Trading quest. Someone else says that it is treasure hunting. I've done Underworld trading quests many times, never found it, but I got many other synthweaving schematics.
  20. I heard someone say that Diplomacy is good for raising light/dark. When I've done Diplomacy, it would once in a while raise my light by one point. Does it get better later, or am I wasting my time using Diplomacy for this purpose?
  21. Will combat get extra bonuses after 1.2?
  22. I've searched this subject, but mostly found older posts. Some say that Watchman is better all around and some say that combat is better for low level levelling while Watchman is better for endgame. Which do you think is better?
  23. I know. I'm just not sure which word is proper. I used the word spell because it is the closest word that I can think of.
  24. Are Commandos who spec in Combat Medic worth having as healers? I've played both Sage and Smuggler healers. Sage was great because they have the armor spell, which makes healing easy. I thought that smugglers weren't very good, since they didn't have any kind of protection spell. I think that I remember Commandos having a shield spell. Are Commandos worth it, or should I stick with my sage?
  25. I've seen many posts saying that Shadow can be good tanks, but don't see much about their DPS? Can they DPS well if specced for it, or are they mostly just tanks?
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