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Everything posted by Lynnx

  1. I usually just add an apostrophe somewhere in the name. Sometimes I will add a dash either in the name, or I will use the dash to add a word.
  2. Undershirts would be a good option for people who want to wear the tops but don't want to show skin.
  3. Jedi Knights have only one hot top. Sith Warriors have several, but most look the same with different colors. Sith Inquisitors have several, but again most look the same with different colors. Besides those, we only have the dancer tops. The Republic dancer and Nar Shaddaa are almost identical and are meant to look like slave tops. Since we aren't slaves, we could use something that is less slavelike. The Imperial dancer is more like a halter top. I like it, but it is not available on the Republic side. I think that smuggler can use their own version. A knotted shirt would look good for a smuggler.
  4. I'm glad that you heal. I've died because healers wanted to dps. I had one time when I was barely away from death and saw that the healer was dpsing instead of healing. I even told him to heal and he didn't. Then I died.
  5. I like character background stories. I often think of a story for my character that happened before he began the game. As we know, many of the movie characters and game npcs also have background stories. I think it would be great if we had a page where we could write and present our background story. If someone decides to examine the character, they can see it. Of course, no one has too write a story. It is their option to present the page.
  6. I've heard that BW isn't planning on appearance slots because of orange armor. Unfortunately, there are some armors which I like the appearance but aren't available in orange. I definitely agree with armor color kits and hood up/down options. Armor color kits can possibly be crafted using color crystals, making them and crafting more useful.
  7. The problem with this is that there is usually a long wait to join using group finder, especially if you are dps. Selecting a preference would increase this time. I think most people would select "All" to get in as quickly as possible.
  8. It is usually easiest to gather materials and sell them on the GTN. If you wish to craft, cybertech will probably get the best sales. Artifice will often do well. Armstech is also pretty decent, especially for selling barrels. Basically, mods is the way to go. I suggest checking the GTN's availability before you make them. Check what there is a lot of and little of. Sometimes there are lots of items for a certain class, and little to nothing for a different class.
  9. I think the easiest is the sage/sorc because you can shield your friends and then heal them. Of course, your question is which is the most fun. I think the scoundrel/operative is the most fun. I think the scoun/op looks the most like a high tech doctor because you point a device that shoots out glowing lines to heal. Also, I like the scoundrel's cowboy characteristics. I like being a space cowboy doctor.
  10. I tried the Aspiring Knight's Vest. When combined with the dancer's bottom, it looked sort of like a dress that consisted of several strips of cloth that hanged down. Not quite a miniskirt, but it shows leg. I prefer a minidress similar to several low level chest pieces. I wish they would make orange versions of this.
  11. This is an awesome guide!! It helped me a lot. Thanks for posting.
  12. A miniskirt could be a leg piece. I was just suggesting it as part of a chest piece because a few low level chest pieces look similar to miniskirts. Thought it might be less dev work. In a different MMO there were some chest armor pieces that were similar to miniskirts and I think they looked awesome.
  13. The have been many new species posts. Many have had more than 50 pages of suggestions for a new race. Of course, there were many duplicate suggestions. Togruta was one of the more popular suggestions. Personally, I see Togruta as similar to Twilek. My first choice would be Bothan, but I doubt that will ever happen.
  14. I agree. I have toons who like to heal in groups, but when solo I prefer a DPS spec.
  15. In addition, you might like the look of a piece of gear that doesn't have an orange version. I like the look of a few low level armor items that don't have an orange equivalent.
  16. I've noticed that a few low level chest pieces (especially for Smugglers) are long enough to be similar to a miniskirt, especially when combined with a dancer bottom. Unfortunately, the highest level that I've seen these items are level 7, and I can't find an orange version. I'm pretty sure that it doesn't exist. I think that some miniskirt chest pieces would be awesome!
  17. Lynnx

    Costumes !

    I think it would be cool. I've enjoyed this in other games. Unfortunately, SWTOR hasn't done any holiday themed events yet. It would be great to give items that are one use, and it gives you a costumed appearance for a period of time.
  18. I've seen similar concepts in other games and I enjoyed it. Usually you got an item from pickpocketing, if you failed, you got attacked. The item was often trash, but sometimes it was green, blue and once I got a purple. I don't think there was much of a cooldown, but it could only be done once per victim.
  19. I agree. I hate it when we go down an elevator and the companion vanishes. Sometimes we don't realize until we are already in a fight.
  20. I have no problem with material gathering and companion item quests taking a long time, but I disagree with item crafting taking a long time. In most other games, you craft at a crafting station and it is usually pretty quick. I think that it is dumb to send a companion to craft something and it may take 20-40 minutes to craft it. If you want to equip yourself, it may take several hours for a complete upgrade. This can take a lot of fun away from the game, since you may take several days for a complete suit of armor since you may begin some pieces and then log off or switch characters. If you want to RE until you get blue, then it can be a lot longer. I think we should have crafting stations and faster crafting. We can just remove the item mod stations and replace them with crafting stations.
  21. Recently, I was on Alderaan, and there was a Sith player who was much higher level than the regular Republic toons. He was trying to instigate PVP. He was trying to get caught in AOE attacks, often from a companion, making the attacker PVP and then he could kill all the player toons. If we aren't PVP, we shouldn't be able to accidentally PVP attack someone, especially with our companions. If it is a direct attack, that is one thing, but if it is an AOE, that is different.
  22. In 1.3, Balance was good for DPS and Infiltration was pretty terrible. Is this still the same in 1.4?
  23. Most say that the sage is the best healer. I've also heard many say that the sage is not the best dps. To do good dps as a sage, you must really know what you are doing.
  24. If we don't get this, at least give us a Republic version of the Imperial dancer outfit. On the Imp side, I can get the Imp dancer and the Nar Shaddaa dancer, which are very different. On the Rep side, I can get the Rep dancer and the Nar Shaddaa dancer, which are almost identical.
  25. I think we could just add some sections to the Fleet's cantina. There could be a portal to an arena. There could also be sabacc tables. I see that game mentioned so often that we should be able to play it. The devs don't need to create the game with rules. It could be a simple card playing video with a random winner.
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