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Everything posted by Pinguaq

  1. You are correct good sir. Going from memory... damn work. I certainly toss a sabotage charge almost whenever it is available (30 second cool down I think). Starting real close to, if not at, the beginning. I also will Leg Shot a specific mob, or include it when I mentioned instant casts.
  2. When facing multi-mobs: 1) Get into cover. 2) If there is a droid, slice it. Freezes the bugger for up 1 whole minute, damage interrupts. 3) Another MOB, up to 5 if they are close, you want to disable for a moment, flash bomb it. 4) Sick Corso on Mob of your choice if not happy with his current mob 5) Smugglers's luck & charged burst to take a huge chuck out of mob of your choice 6) Consider Quickdraw, if you have it, and need to finish mob you just attacked. May take them down a bit more first if they were really tough to get them under 30% 7a) If people close, Blaster whip, then kick, then run/Strafe which using quick shot and all available instant and ranges attacks available out of cover 7b) If distant, throw your bomb, flurry, consider aimed shot if you have the time or use all instant/ranged 8) Charged burst Remember to use interrupt when you get it when mob preparing big attack, and use escape if you get frozen/rooted etc Single big mob: 1) Cover 2) Smugglers's luck & charged burst 3) Ensure Corso engaging for agro 4) Flash Granade 5) Aimed shot 6) All instant/ranged 7) Charged burst, bomb
  3. With the option to forward, I wouldn't put any further thought into this. Many sites use unique email for accounts.
  4. I want my base, non-keybound, attack on auto to free up prime real-estate around my left hand.
  5. It is common for companions to alter their look to appeal to their client while on the job. One time I even got one to.... ahhh, never mind.
  6. I think that's Inara. You lucky dog.
  7. Most marriages have an implicit "Rule of Two - until death do us part". Sounds like a decent theory, but most end in divorce and even more experience infidelity. The rule is for the other party, not for the almighty "me"
  8. If patience really is a virtue, none of you would qualify for full Avatar-hood. Some people have been waiting for 5 years, I started caring 3 years ago. What's another week? BTW - I got my early access email today, but wont be playing until around the 23rd.
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