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Everything posted by Jagrevi

  1. I think everyone is on board with that. It was announced as a recurring event. Of course if they want to add Legend-Rank stuff, would encourage more participation in "Round #2".
  2. I agree with all this, and yeah, I could live with another outbreak, I just really wish they would actually write a flashpoint or an op with it being repeated IN-MIND. Just 1 (really, that's all I would need). I thought a HM Colicoid Wargame might accomplish this (That seems to make sense repeatable, no?) but that's one of only one or two they DIDN'T make an HM of.
  3. I don't think the correlation between percieved value and rarity is as linear as you're implying.
  4. I know lots of people in game play flashpoints over and over again, and I respect that, but honestly none of the people I know who play the game in real life ever really play the same flashpoint or operation again (save for "because they died the first time"). People exist who play the game as WoW, I know, but there's alot of us who play the game as a Bioware Story-Game and, let's be honest, people would complain if a playthrough of ME 2 involved running the Suicide Run 4 times in a row because of how that would make the story non-sensical. Originally story-based flashpoints were not intended to be repeatable, until people bugged Daniel Erickson enough that he allowed them too. Now it's become what's expected. I continue to find it ashame that HM flashpoints aren't given the same "It's just a simulation" objective treatment same v. same warzones are so the more roleplaying-oriented of us can participate in the grind too but, eh, what-chya-gonna-do, and that's a different topic.
  5. I feel like a group of players I belong to is being mildly maligned here, so I feel a bit compelled to respond. You are absolutely correct - it takes no discernible skill or talent to 'play at a certain time', 'have bought a collector's edition', or any other criteria that determines limited content, and therefore it provides nothing worth bragging about. However, the value many players, myself included, find in items like this has absolutely nothing with boasting of skills, so it's kind of a moot point. To clarify, it's not about bragging, it's about differentiation. Not to be 'better' or 'stronger', but merely to help prevent the illusion of the game from being broken by being presented with something that treads upon an indentity you've developed. Limited items are ideal for this kind of differentiation, as, although like all things other people in the game also have access to them (which there is no reasonable way around), a random person cannot simply acquire the item, giving it a, admittedly self-imposed, "special" quality. The item then has a meaning attached to it as well; it becomes in the value of the person who holds it a memento of a certain time and place. No, it's not something to boast about, but neither really is "I've been to the Eiffel Tower", and tons of people bring back little trinkets declaring such a thing. If they found out that these trinkets were actually sold on every street corner though, they would likely be a bit disheartened - not because they wanted to lord it over their neighbors, but because the item no longer intrinsically signified the event they wished to associate it with. It would no longer, to them, be an effective momento. Now, of course, I doubt that these items would really be very hard to get ahold of, but people don't really acquire these items for other reasons, so the illusion is maintained. Does the game need things like this? Not necessarily. It's an attachment people essentially project onto their "special momentos", and if it was never presented to them, they'd merely form some other kind of bond elsewhere. That being said, it's not the lack of presenting options like this that we're discussing here - it's the removing of pre-existing ones. The Rakghoul Event was presented as a "One Time Event", and as such people have formed attachments with the rewards of the event in this context. Now, the stated context is to be radically altered. It is similar to the Nightmare Mode title also being added for killing level 10 droids. Not because the reason for it being valued is at all the same, but because the context surrounding the item is changing, which changes the implication of having it. I don't ask you to share the same value in momentos that you do in, apparently, titles you can brag about your skills over, but I would ask you to consider the possibility that reasonable people do find value in such "non-bragging" momentos. Another thing to note. Yes, it's not the end of the world. It's not even the most important subject on this forum. No one should actually be "crying" over this. It does, however, to a real group of reasonable people, suck. Evenmoreso, it's easily avoidable dilemma (What, Republic CO Armor has to be the same exact color?). Also, to pre-emptively respond to the people who would otherwise be likely to respond that this is "crying about being a special snowflake", I'd like to say that yes, this is the "Snowflake Illusion", alot of people keeping logging in and spending cartel coins just to build a better snowflake (good thing), and just because something needs paragraphs discussing emotional attachments to describe does not mean it's "crying over unhealthy attachment", ultimately it's not a huge deal if it's an exact copy, I just needed this many words to actually describe why it does, at least a little, suck. tl;dr : 1. The "Snowflake" illusion is a positive thing in the game, as it gives people positive feedback. 2. As trivial as the basis of the problem would seem to you, the solution then would be equally trivial. If whether people have the exact same color armor shouldn't matter to someone else, then it shouldn't matter to you either. (This can be extrapolated into titles and all other rewards)
  6. There are definitely story concerns with the idea of repeating this particular event.
  7. This is just a horrible idea. Reason -> The game as it is needs credit sinks to destroy existing currency to control inflation as currency is created in the system. Just having a "add currency to the economy" button is one of the worst ideas I've heard here in a long time. It's entirely generated currency, it doesn't come from anywhere. --> Massive Runaway Inflation Just buy something from the market and sell it on the GTN, it's not that hard.
  8. So ... what's your complaint? I was able to make out "APAC server problems" and something about Ilum.
  9. Covert Energy Gloves would be amazing.
  10. Because I was expressing surprise at a non-sequitur?
  11. How .... ... did you know? This post is just from a week ago.
  12. I think the whole of the forums are tending in that direction sometimes.
  13. Anything that would show them not completely disregarding the existence of EU would be an unexpected plus.
  14. If you read my opening post, I'm not exactly in a fury.
  15. I also have to say I'm against this, just as I was against it in your other thread., at least so far as it pertains to PvP armors. Models are saved, they belong to crafters already. EWH colors should not be saved, they're achievement colors (like Ranked PvP colors), and should not be given away. PvP armors are fine the way they are, feel free to hunt down a crafter post 2.0 and get yourself orange versions.
  16. Yes, forgive me there, I got confused for a moment.
  17. Well no, because, as I mentioned as my other condition for objection, this is taking away something that's currently the territory of crafters. I'm not for crafters "losing ground". As I stated before, to be consistent with what we already have, there'd have to be some way to pay crafters with ranked WZ comms, and I can't think of a reasonable system to accomplish that. I'd prefer a re-color to-boot, but I could compromise giving T/C/R to crafters.
  18. I'm all for you having infinite BoL shells for free if that's what you want, I'm simply talking about achievement aesthetics and titles, and I've viewing "uniqueness" as quality that exists or does not, not that is a matter of degree. For example, an exact copy of an existing armor set with a small purple flower added to it I would call "unique", because it meets the condition of any other armor set being unable to be that exact thing. I don't really care if something else looks 99% like it, or, to extend the analogy, people recieved "Containment Overseer" titles.
  19. hehe, fair point, I should make it clear that means (only) - meaning without comms. I'll edit than in now.
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