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Everything posted by Mackeyla

  1. I'm liking the imp side right now; there's more multiple-guild groups being put together for regular warzones and ranked in my experience. I don't see that happening much on the pub side. I really do hope 2.0 brings back some of the older players. Not much has changed as far as pvp is concerned so there's not a huge incentive for them to come back. As far as one side winning more than another it's really a crap shoot. I could be on my imp pugging and lose 4 games and then switch to my pub and lose another 4 games.
  2. Bleh!!!!!! What's surreal is I posted this exact same link without looking at your link first. And then when I looked at your link and saw it was the same as mine I felt sad. So here's my second favorite Hoff video!
  3. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6025349#edit6025349 Is the official "The Harbinger is totally f*cked" thread.
  4. Thank you Meo. You're a true friend in a metal bra and I love you. Taking bets. My money is on MEO!
  5. I'd post a snarky reply but I'm too busy crying about my bike. It had pink and silver streamers coming out of the handlebars and those noisemaker thinggies you put on the spokes. You, sir, are not a gentleman!
  6. I don't even want to play. I feel like I'm deaf or something. No general chat spam in fleet? It's like the world is coming to an end!
  7. You can't punch Meo in the bewbs effectively since she's usually wearing a metal bra. I want my bike back
  8. I saw Opfotm hack like seven times today and then he punched me in my bewbies and stole my bike. True story.
  9. Maybe this is the answer a question often posed by pvpers: "How is it possible that some people suck so badly?" Nice work!
  10. I've seen that a lot too. If someone is new to the game and honestly doesn't know what's going on in warzones usually time and experience will fix that issue... Sadly you can't fix stupid and that seems to be more prevalent.
  11. I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with the XP boosts? Like people are leveling way faster than they should so they aren't getting enough time to learn how to play their classes in warzones? That's me giving people the benefit of the doubt... Realistically, it's probably because we've had a recent influx of idiotic aholes and we're about to become the victims of a massive DOUCHEPOCALYPSE! Hide your babies and your valuables up your anuses! Run for the hills! Retreat! On a sidenote, I'd like to thank the set of idiots that were guarding a turret in Civil War yesterday and unknowingly allowed me to cap while they stood less than a foot away from me and danced around like tards. You have made me smile. Keep on being you. You're doing great things.
  12. I'd personally rather people who don't want to be in a warzone leave the warzone instead of staying and being a douchebag in ops chat. Someone who doesn't want to be there isn't going to contribute anyways, so why waste a spot on them? I don't think a penalty for leaving is necesary especially if you consider all of the stability issues a lot of players continue to have. I'd personally be pissed off if I got disconnected mid-game and had to wait 15 minutes for a penalty to wear off. I'd rather them address people who continue to go afk in warzones. Even if you vote to kick someone half the time when the warzone is over and they are still inside of it receiving credit despite the fact that they haven't engaged in combat. Are long queue times still an issue on certain servers? On the Harbinger I rarely wait more than a few minutes on any of my toons including those who aren't 50 yet.
  13. I don't see how it breaks "character" It's just a recreational kinda warzone. Like football...only with more blood...so it's like hockey with a ball instead of a puck and sabers instead of hockey sticks...yup...totally realistic!
  14. This is up in the pvp forum. Sounds fun. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=605668
  15. If we could select which warzones to queue for I'd pick Huttball every single time. Even a bad huttball is better than an "awesome" voidstar.
  16. I troll our forums? That's news to me. I'd say that I'm sorry you feel that way but I actually don't care how you feel. I don't recall myself trolling and over-correcting people. I'll look through my prior posts....nope...I don't do that on a regular basis. The last post I "corrected" something was asking about a person's signature, and that had more to do with him making a possible typo than anything. Furthermore, if I post what I see to be a "correction" to a "guide" post it's so that it can be fixed, not to antagnoize the poster. Besides that, if you feel that my opinion holds no weight why get your panties in a twist? Seems pretty silly to me. Thin skinned much? Don't post on forums. Having a bad day? Coke and a smile? Really? I don't see expertise on any of the level 24 weapons. I see them on weapons starting at level 34. Maybe recheck your data? I appreciate you taking the time to write a "guide" for people to read...and I did read it...my eyes must have glazed over during the part where you mentioned weapons specifically so I will apologise for that. (Maybe if you structured your post more like a guide than a general post with lengthy paragraphs? But then again, that's my opinion and it doesn't matter to you.) If you've got issues with me feel free to send me a tell in game. I'm sure it'll be an interesting and lively discussion Have a great day!
  17. Pretty sure someone might pay him to walk their lower level through Chapter 2 on a character they don't want to play just so they can get the buff. I'm not quite that lazy...yet.
  18. Weapons you buy from the PVP weapon vendor have expertise on them starting with the level 34 ones. Just FYI if you wanna edit your post.
  19. On a sidenote Mrgreatergood, just wondering if the quote in your sig should read Force is a powerFUL ally instead of a power ally. I like pie.
  20. I think what he meant was that it's kind of silly not to mention hypocritcal of you to moan about a spec inside of a post you've written asking people to stop moaning about specs... Personally I'm sick of the number of stuns in this game period. Bubble, flash, nutsack kicking, whatever. It's out of control.
  21. The "tron" armor is just a recoloring of armor that already exists in the game. The lack of imagination and creativity of these devs boggles the mind. I mean, how many recolorings of a "dancer's" top are we going to see? They might as well just bring out a dye system and call it a day.
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