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Everything posted by Darthgrace

  1. Agreed. I do everything in my power to use the portable cover even if I have to turn away from the mobs just to drop it down. Natural cover is such a pain!
  2. I've mostly noticed this when using Series of Shots. When using environmental cover it will immediately stop and the ability will be on it's c/d. This doesn't always happen, but it is quite common.
  3. I should have mentioned, I'm a sniper with great gear, so I dont have to worry at all about companion dps, I can see the doc being a little slow for op hybrids and such. P.S. I agree this thread should be moved under the IA main forums, and slathered with glue by a mod for a STICKY! Pretty Please! Great info, keep it up, and of course thank you.
  4. Doc Lokin is all I used from the time I got him until 50. Hardly ever had to stop and heal, started all planets 2 levels early, never had to group for quests. Geared him out pretty damn nice, half purchased stuff half hand me downs, pocket healer all the way so I can pewpew with no worries and chain pull from my pedestal.
  5. You must be on a bad server, I pvp a lot, and 9 out 10 times I'm highest damage, most kills, and most objective points. And yes I use all my CC to help the team, sniper is all about cc and high damage, just make sure you stay a few paces back from the clusterf**k of people, but not so far that your not helping your team.
  6. I'm 45 right now, have all 5 of them, and the only companion I use is Doc. For levelling it's great, I never have to stop and heal up, gold elites 3-4 levels above me are cake, most of my levelling is done in zones 2-3 levels above me and I have no problem with doc, I tried others such as the tank Scorpio, but she just doesnt have the longevity, having to heal after every pull, and dying to many gold elites even after gearing her up with blues and purples. And the great thing about doc, gearing is easy, when I get a slight upgrade, I put my old piece on him, so he is decked out with orange, blue, and purple gear and heals like a champ. Soloing is easy with him in his healing stance.
  7. Just a couple updates, Ensign Raina is recruited on Hoth. Scorpio is recruited on Belsavis at level 43, although I was able to rush through it at 40 to get her, she is ranged, with tank and dps capabilities.
  8. I searched forever on the fleet to no avail, but I went to Alderaan into Lord Serjay's Stateroom and he offered the quest to start the bonus series, hope this helps
  9. I would bet that in beta the doc rakghoul form may have been for tanking and was since changed to dps in the release version. I'm liking using him as my main companion, geared him out pretty well now he heals like a champ. I would certainly recommend filling his empty gear slots before using him as most of it is empty when you first get him.
  10. As to Doctor Lokin, he is a healer or melee dps, as Rakghoul the tooltip says lowers threat generation by 25%, same as healing. Got him level 32 (which was slightly early)
  11. As many others did, I also went with Armstech/scav/inest. Our biggest dps increase comes from our sniper rifle, so why not be able to make some pretty awesome ones that will hold you over until you get raid quality items. Also you can craft upgrades such as barrels, so overall, armstech seems #winning for snipers.
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