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Everything posted by Ultramecha

  1. Really, they charge for customization example LOTRO. WOW Even charges to change race.
  2. How am I trolling? Any yes I am a fan of the game so call me what you want. That's what people who can't win arguments do right?
  3. News Flash: Just about Every MMO that isnt WOW has this same model. Companies that make money aren't evil
  4. Too bad you cant bump your threads to keep your promise
  5. She just brings up valid points... that's not trolling.
  6. Just confirming what you said. At E3 Cather was just an Announcement not a promise
  7. You would be surprised people actually do in fact demand free **** because they spend so much. Welcome to The Home Depot! When I worked in retail people pulled this garbage all the time.
  8. Everyone knows things are "Subject to change", that's just common knowledge. But let me answer your questions you say I avoided. So all the people who paid $60 for a game when there was no mention of F2P in sight are owed nothing? Bioware didn't plan on F2P, it was just a step to keep the game alive, everyone can probably agree to this. As a sub you get quite a bit of difference of "Quality of Life" in the game. My roommate uses F2P and I think f2p sucks compared to a sub. I think Bioware did the best they could in trying to compensate subs in the F2P addtion to the game by giving a mass grant of cartel coins and other fluff items. People who pay a monthly subscription and get substantially less than they got a year ago with the same subscription should just learn to like it? I disagree, your not getting anything less. Plus they are giving at least 500 cartel coins to subs which is more than enough to enjoy some customization features.
  9. I agree, but give Bioware some credit as they do change their minds based on what people want on the forms occasionally. However its the people who announce "they are leaving and you should leave with me" or, the people who twist or misread whats been announced and tell everyone on the forums that Bioware lied and breaks promises. Its an MMO **** happens, its a tough market to please customers in.
  10. Quick someone start another thread about how greedy you think Bioware is
  11. You're right. Bioware is conspiring against everyone watch your back!
  12. I don't think its coming anytime soon, reason being is because it could result in some severs being once again under populated.
  13. Time for you to reroll a diff toon
  14. This game is a subscription service... Things are subject to change as in the legal agreements.... I know crazy...
  15. Hey you know what this forum needs? Another QQ about 2.1 thread!
  16. Any normal person outside this game would call appearance cosmetics and new raids content.
  17. Its all cosmetics just like the cartel market has mostly cosmetics. Cosmetics aren't content
  18. Its not a debate, hes trying to teach you what free means.
  19. How many words that mean free will be used today:)
  20. Grant or complimentary both mean free.
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