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Everything posted by Ultramecha

  1. You dont even like this game, everything you post is negative. I doubt you even pvp.
  2. Buy game cards or choose the non recurring option when you sub...
  3. Taxing makes it seem like stealing credits from guildies. Some guilds have officers that dont share guild bank money. Instead there should be a bonus for everything looted an additional amount is added to the bank so that guild members keep all their personally looted credits and the bank just gets the bonus.
  4. Development time takes longer than you think. Compare to wow, which may get one or two new warzones a year
  5. 25 is large to me considering it only takes 8 to run an ops. A unlock system would have been better.
  6. Did you miss the angry mob that was pissed it wasn't 55? Many people like gree.
  7. A valid point. Time for guild achivements and unlocks :-)
  8. Yeah thats true. At least they are starting to provide roadmaps which is nice.
  9. What makes you think they don't love their game?
  10. Not what I said, just saying only so much can be shared for a reason.
  11. Its like they have stated. They don't want to share things too soon because things could change and then angry "you broke promises" threads happen.
  12. You can blame biowares daddy EA :-)
  13. F2P has made them significant revenue actually. Theres only so many hours in a day to program, waiting is part of mmo life.
  14. Cut them some slack. They are a small development team. Plus dealing with server transfers is a headache for sure.
  15. Don't recall them saying it was a major update. But yes it does lack new content.
  16. I disagree. Something like that is news worthy. I would rather have that bullet pointed than buried in a paragraph as a side note.
  17. Swtor needs cross server ques for pvp players please :-)
  18. Why wouldn't you want that as a feature?
  19. No I like it better this way so nightmare mode ends up being a better challenge. Mainly because they can see tricks people use to beat bosses from hard modes.
  20. I'm with you my friend. Our small guild is much better and closer than many large guilds running around the server. It would be nice if small guilds could benefit from the perk as well.
  21. Im curious if they brought chinese players in if that would save apac servers...
  22. They said there isn't enough people to make a super server. So people would start complaing again about lack of population. They are just skipping the step of merging apac because they know what will happen. Yeah, I wish they could bring more players in with advertising so you all could keep your server.
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