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Everything posted by Lostpenguins

  1. I've seen sorc's with Khem Val walk through Ilum dalies with a shield, aoe, and win. Yes, that made me a little sad. I see Sorc's and BH's own the damage meters in huttball as they sit on their comfy platforms and pew pew from range. I've also those same classes melt in front of me on open-ground wf's. I've also seen marauders force leap up from the pit in huttball and then pop their damage immunity and casually walk into the endzone (I've seen me do it). Each class has it's ups and downs. I've seen these complaints from back in WoW when mages could walk around and gather a whole bunch of mobs then AE like crazy, drink/eat, rinse and repeat while I'm picking my targets (as a rogue or a warrior). You need to understand that classes have strengths in their own respect. When we've given a tank a few moments to get aggro on a boss... there's only one class I've seen that's pulled aggro off simply due to the raw damage they do. Guess what class that is?... Wait, you'll probably need help seeing the question through your tears. It's Marauders. Every time I hear you whine... I think of worldofcryingcraft... the ytmnd link. Seriously, please just reroll.
  2. Don't bother with Teladis. That guy doesn't know how to play this class. Yes, keeping a mob stunned 33% of the time is OP... he just doesn't realize it...
  3. How's your lawsuit against the movie "Drive" going as well for making you believe it looked like a "Fast and Furious" movie? Seriously, I have to believe you are the same person because it saddens me to know that there are more people out there who complain about everything as if the world owes them a living...
  4. ^ You're right about power being linear and crit being exponential, but I need to know how much crit rating does it take to raise your crit % by 1. I'm not home at the moment. What I really need to know is what the costs are for crit, surge, and power are. Doing some basic napkin math it seems crit and surge are equal. If you have 100% crit and .75% surge, that means you want to get them as close together as possible. If you have more surge % then crit %, get crit %. Once they equal out then focus get both. Once again, though, I need to know how much of a point affects an ability. Since no one is at 50% crit one should always stack crit over surge.
  5. I would prioritize surge and power over crit. Your beserk buff is up so much in Annihilation which makes your bleeds auto-crit. Therefore crit becomes a useless stat at that point, specifically for the bleeds while power and surge will always benefit your skills.
  6. Predation is more a PvP skill. Most of the time in fights you want to maximize DPS. Mobility in PvE shouldn't sacrifice much in terms of DPS. Even on movement fights a player can compensate for boss mechanics by knowing where to move. So improving your movement gameplay to overcome the loss of a boost in speed (also one in which you're going to use it in reaction to a mechanic) should be practiced so that you don't sacrifice your dps damage.
  7. I'm highlighting the part that I don't understand the defense for. Congrats, you play this game for fun, and you pay for it. But I'm not having fun if you are bad. What do I mean by "bad"? That's if you don't take the time to research what optimal specs and rotations are... you know, taking the time to learn your class mechanics. It's not fun for me to carry your load because you want play the way you want to play By all means, play how you want. But do not impede on how I want to play. If you want to play bad specs and constantly wipe, go for it! Just don't include me in your groups. If you don't want to use Damage Meter's, then don't! If you don't want to see that being spammed, don't group with me! Stop telling me I have to not have meters just because you don't want them. I still hate people who are like this. They complain about elitism, yet are being elitist in their own right.
  8. I seriously hope this was an attempt to start a flame war. 1 - Please take 5 minutes to research the Dark Ages and find out it was due to the decline of the Roman Empire... not because of religion. If you want to argue that religion caused the downfall of the Roman Empire... please spend 5 minutes to research that topic too... 2 - Now... to avoid the whole religion debate I'll have to say you're incredibly wrong. The fall of the Roman Empire caused a lot of technology loss we had built up (people still don't know how Greek Fire was made). And even if we had flying cars, they would still be run on gas because of human greed and they desire of those that are the "haves" (i.e. oil companies) prevents us from fixing a lot of problems. It is greed and human selfishness that causes us not to progress as fast as we can. Money, religion, race, etc. are used methods and rationalizations used to support a person or a groups selfishness to hurt others or to gain personal profit from those hurt. You can remove religion out of the equation and we'd still probably be about where we are now in terms of technology. 3 - Now, to get BACK on topic. Respec costs are fine so long as BW makes it so that people can PvE and PvP in one spec and raids don't require people to be subbed in/out for certain boss encounters.
  9. What? No way? I don't authorize the postal service to know the location of my ship at all times? That's "The Man" trying to keep tabs on you. Say no to mailboxes!
  10. Rift also built boss mechanics to switch specs on the fly, so you needed the specs to remain viable in raids. As a warrior in Rift I had a: 1) PvP Spec 2) PvE DPS Spec 3) PvE Tank Spec 4) PvE DPS Spec for one boss (Estrode) 5) Solo-Grinding RB/Reaver Spec They gave me 5 specs, but I needed to use all of them or else: 1) I couldn't PvP because you can't use a PvE spec to PvP (you can in TOR) 2) Someone might have to sit out to bring another tank in (bad raid mechanics by Trion/Rift) 3) Couldn't solo grind on IE with a Raid DPS Spec (once again, bad mechanics by Trion/Rift) 4) I wouldn't be able to fight one boss - actually, no one in our raids would be able to fight that boss (once again, bad raid mechanics by Trion/Rift to pigeon-hole you to respec for a single boss fight) 5) Could never tank an Expert Dungeon So... I like the idea of multi-specs. I like how it saves your bars. However, I do not like the fact that they gave us 5 specs and made a person feel forced to play all 5 specs to experience the entire game. So... the feature may have evolved the game, but is it really freedom when they just raise the demands as well to match the convenience the supply? That's just raising minimum wage and inflation at the same time.
  11. That's sort of the point. You've made many posts about the same thing, over and over. Then, all you do is go into other people's posts mentioning the pros of Marauders and you just want to throw your little temper tantrum... stomping your feet and shouting at the top of your lungs, "Look at me! Look at me!" It gets old. We get it. Teladis = Thinks the class is underpowered. Seriously, we get it. You're constant rants and Debbie-Downer statements are nothing more than a broken record. I'd like to ask you to stop posting this dribble.
  12. Nope. I use the rupture/slow. That and you have Charge, Vanish, Predation, Choke... these are all good gap closers.
  13. The fact that you even say Rift PvP was alright makes your entire posts worthless. Physical damage in Rift was a joke in PvP and that game was 99% gear/class, 1% skill. If you had a competent R6 Chloro/Lock or Chloro/Dom you were face-owning any P8 Warrior unless he was VK... even then it was really a battle of boringness as neither one would kill each other.
  14. I did the class quest solo... and in Carnage spec (would have been much easier in Anni spec). I also used Quinn. You have multiple abilities that you can pop on the final bosses (not going to ruin it, but the last couple of guys you face): 1) Saber Ward 2) Cloak of Pain 3) Frenzy 4) Obfuscate 5) Call on the force Did all of this in questing gear and gear from accommodation badges. Skipped through most of Corelia so didn't even have badges from there yet. It's definitely not impossible to do this stuff. Learn to use your CD's and you'll be fine.
  15. Yeah, I was just laughing at someone praising Trion for their bug fixes. Trion left lots of things broken for a long time and couldn't balance the classes to save their lives.
  16. hahahahaha... you are hilarious. Guilds were stuck at bosses for a few weeks because bosses were bugged. and lot's go into how many bugs warriors had that were never fixed...
  17. I have a 40-hr a week job, it was the holidays and I spent time with my family, and I have other things that take priority over gaming as well. And I'm level 47. Don't throw that "I have a life" thing around as if everyone who is of higher level doesn't. It's annoying.
  18. I'm not saying the Rage tree sucks, but the math you are using to compare isn't right. You can't compare the damage on an OGCD ability to one that is on a GCD, now matter how much time you parse it out. DS is a free damage ability which is what makes it so good. Assuming you don't have rage issues it's always just bonus damage.
  19. 1 - Juggs are a melee class... meaning the mobs DPS starts at the same time ours does. We also don't have a big wind-up attack like the Sorc's Lightning or Merc's AoE. 2 - Melee w/out heals HAS ALWAYS needed a healer to be extremely buff. That hasn't changed. I've played with Quinn and I play as Marauder. I'm level 45 and have no problems soloing content. I almost always use Jaesa though as it's more fun to use her as a companion. 3 - I don't see why everyone is complaining. I feel our DPS is fine and I can always handle myself in a WZ unless the other team is so strong that they just roll us. If it's evenly matched or close to it then guess who's in the top 2 DPS on our team?... That's right... me. A melee DPS. I think too many people are complaining. I remember playing as a Warrior in Vanilla WoW and having to drink between pulls. Or not being able to kill those Fire Elementals over in Arathi while working on my class quest... then watching a mage 3 shot them with fireballs and not even taking damage. It really isn't that bad... if it's even bad at all...
  20. Besides what other people said that Deadly Sabers can be maintained (although not very easily) with it's max ticking damage you're also forgetting that Smash is using GCD's while Deadly Sabers is not. So you have to factor in all the damage you're doing from DS + 6 GCD's from other abilities. Using Torhead's damage for Vicious Slash, that's 24k add'l damage. So that puts means DS is winning by 21k. That goes up a lot more if you can keep DS up which is actually worth it. It's like keeping up Strike Like Iron for warriors in Rift and Rupture for Rogues in WoW.
  21. @OP: 1 - I feel this is as MMO'ish as WoW and Rift are. Most of the time I can solo content, but I'll do it with guildies to make it more fun. The only time I really feel it's MMO is when I PvP with my guildies or raid. TOR, Rift, and WoW all feel exactly the same in that department. The only difference is I actually enjoy the story in TOR, enjoyed parts of it in WoW, still have no idea what the story was in Rift... 2 - Every game has bugs... really bad ones too. In Rift I don't know how long I (played as a Warrior) just had to accept bugs in the game that were never addressed. 3 - Every game that comes how has subjective views of what could be fixed. Yeah, I also feel the UI is outdated. Rift got it right by letting sooooo much of the UI be customizable while TOR you can move around the chat box. Lawl. However, they are working on updating the UI so it's fine for now. I hope the updated UI includes a combat log or I'll be frustrated... 4 - Yeah, lvl 50's running with lowbies sucks for the lowbies, but they'll eventually level and be 50 as well. And thus... they will be all be in the same bracket. Then it will be the whine about the fact that geared out 50's are killing fresh 50's. The whines will never stop. It's not that bad. The rest of the PvP I enjoy. WoW felt okay... Rift's PvP was terrible. I have no problems, thus far, with this game. Conclusion - I enjoy this game pretty thoroughly. To me, the game goes Bugs, then Balance, then Content. Provided they address these things I'm happy! Sorry you don't feel the same way.
  22. I think you're confusing Meters with Raid Timers. Raid Timers and mods that display things in ways that make boss mechanics simpler are the ones that trivial a boss fight. Meters simply let players perform optimally. They don't tell you to press this button at this time... they are a running gauge of your speed. I guarantee the guy/gal with the fastest average lap time in a race wins the race. How he/she got there is something they have to work at and train at. And in a raid the race is a relay... we need to know we lost the race because one person was 3 times as worse as everyone else. Why do you keep denying this?
  23. Meters are just calculated statistics. I can't think of an MVP that hasn't won in pro sports that didn't have great stats that show their skill.
  24. So fail. Fog of war is about not knowing your enemies tactics... there's a reason for that. There's also a reason fog of war isn't on your allies...
  25. There's so many things that fail about your post. First, DPS meters are a tool. And you realize that. But you are dictating that a tool shouldn't exist in the game because of some people's decision to use it in a defamatory way. That is not right. You don't want DPS meters in the game because you don't want people posting them and laughing at you with their personal competition. Is that why? Then that's a problem you have with the person abusing the tool. You can always ignore them or choose not to play with them anymore. You have the complete freedom to use it or not. Secondly, seeing your own dps and only your own dps is a bad idea. A Raid Leader needs to know if someone is slacking in content. If someone is /afk'ing through a fight or simply acting like they're attacking and then not doing much at all. Meters are the one absolute truth that cannot be denied when they are posted. If two people of equal gear and of the same class are performing exceptionally different, there is no denying that something is wrong with the one doing worse. Whether it's a bad spec, bad rotation, bad internet connection, that matters not. The point is that it's an indicator to the raid leader that something needs to be improved upon. And when someone is performing poorly and I am grouped with that person... it now affects my gaming experience. For now I have to work harder to carry the weight you were supposed to carry. I have to fight a longer fight because you don't take the time. You can play however you want to play as long as you don't affect my gaming experience... and the several other people in the group/raid that you are also affecting. If anything, I find it hypocritical to point out that pro-DPS meters are the elitist group. When those who are anti-DPS meters are the ones that are preventing me from having a tool I like simply because they don't like it. That's elitist to dictate to me that I shouldn't have it just because you don't want it. No one on the pro side is saying you have to use it if it's in the game. Much like the profanity filter, remove helmet graphics, and CC on quest conversations... those tools are up to you if you want to use them or not.
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