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Posts posted by Catch_TwentyTwo

  1. Naming on any server has always been first come, first served. Don't see any reason to change that.


    If you want to transfer to a server and someone already has the name you want then time suck it up and choose a new name!


    (And this comes from someone who has used the same 4 character names for nearly 10 years!)

  2. Actually you did not prove Swtor is a failure with your post, you pointed out the reasons why they need a server merge or character transfer. Good Job, I agree with your post that people are still playing this game at different times and we need to bring them together so this is not just a greeat single-player game.
    Actually he didn't even do that as the entire body of his post is just ripped off from the article that he linked at the bottom.


    Just another troll seeking some love...

  3. For a monthly MMO subscription, I expect an MMOG. A game with other players in it, many other players. Some would even call the amount of other players Massive.


    This game currently doesn't deliver that.


    I can live withouthte LFG Tool and other modern MMO features, they can always be added in later.

    Content can be created.


    But there's no point playing an MMORPG that has no other players.

    The game DOES deliver that, the problem is that your server DOES NOT...


    If, like me, you played on a populated server then you would find that your issues would go away.

  4. I don't think I would mind if the side quests and world quests were scaled back to being the classic wall of text to read rather than a full-blown cut-scene. I love the class stories and what VO does for them, but if it helped with development resources, I would not mind seeing the side and world quests scaled off of full VO.


    Voice Acting was the deal cruncher for me. Take away that and the likelihood of my unsubbing would increase greatly.

  5. I am not for a gear check.


    Why would someone that wants a gear check system play with PUGs?



    If you're so elitist, then find a good guild. As a highly casual player, I feel that this whole topic ios about how to avoid casuals, from a certain point of view. I'm fine with that, by the way.


    I guess my biggest concern is that I have seen hundreds and hundreds of threads about LFG tools and can not recall anyone mentioning gear gating until just this week.

  6. Hmm, that's strange..

    All these threads from people saying that a LFG tool would make everyone more social and build up the overall SWTOR community because it would allow *all* players to group up and enjoy the game in an atmosphere where you didn't need to spend forever looking for specific people in order to do FPs.


    Now we see that it's yet another way to shun players who aren't up to whatever arbitrary standards set by a minority.


    What do you want next? A mandatory upload of each potential group member's latest combat log so you can scrutinize it before they join? Maybe a checkbox for only those with Bio? Maybe a Founder's only option so those newer players who aren't worthy of you can't participate?

    What's strange is that no one saw this aspect coming.


    Anyhow, not really that bothered. The "cool kids" can have their little "you're -3 on Endurance, you're out" clubs and I'll just continue to play with my guild, where skill beats gear everytime.

  7. You picked the wrong game, Play Rift, one of the best communities Ive ever met, and Elder Scroll Online is also real MMO. This forum actually reflects alot of this game, full of individuals, theres nothing we agree, everyone just whines. This forum is honestly most hostile Ive ever seen, well full of radicalism.
    I have to agree. I love this game in every aspect, with the exception of the community. If I leave this game, at the end of my current 3 month sumbscription, then that will be the one and only reason.


    I am in a guild, but even that guild, which came across from SWG, has gone rapidly downhill. What with the loss of a large number of members who just didn't like SWTOR and the influx of a large number of freeloaders after the new GM decided to drop the recruitment policy and just such in anyone they could.


    Things that destroy my gameplay.

    • Random Invites - Especially when you are 1 on 1 with an Elite boss and some freeloader thinks that THAT would be a good time to send you an invite because they need that quest too!
    • Loot Ninjas
    • Beggars - Really? You can't make credits in this game?!?!?!
    • Rude $%&^ers


    So yes, it is the community that are dragging this game down, plain and simple.

  8. Common! how hard is it for a companion to realise his aoe will break a cc? I can't see how this is so hard to program? We have to disable all aoe spells

    as comapnion so thick can;t even do a check to see if any cc;ed elite mob in range?

    It's probably the fact that you refer to them as "Spells" that is causing you problems... :D
  9. I don't know if this have been posted already.


    What if someone who changes server has the same charactername as somebody else on the new server? How could something like this be fixed? Because I don't want any of my character to loose their well earned names.

    If someone on a server already has the name then you WILL have to change it. You can not expect someone who is staying put to give up their name for you.


    This is because many of the transactions within the economy are based on chracter first names, which is why they have to be unique.

  10. Actually....spreading the population over this many servers is not exactly showcasing BW's ability to make a good decision. If they were to do it right, they'd allow moves from LOW pop servers to STANDARD pop servers, then gently inform the people who chose not to move on the low pop servers that they were being given a choice of a free transfer to any server.....forcibly, as those servers were being shut down. Not server merges, server closures, because there simply do not need to be this many servers. Doing it by transfer rather than merger just gives people the option to choose their final destination and makes it a little more palatable than a merge. If they're really just offering transfers from high pop to low? ROFLMAO. Who in their right mind is going to take them up on it?
    Actually what you describe is pretty much what I was driving at. Directing people to move to Standard (or even Low) servers in a structured way, with the end result that populations are concentrated to give all servers Standard to Heavy (but NOT Full) status would be ideal.


    What I would not be in favour of right now is anyone transfering inot Fatman in the US or Tomb of Freedom Nadd in the Eurozone as the populations here are about right for the game. I play on Nadd and there is no issue here with population currently, in fact the issue was over population during the last month, though that has died down a bit.

  11. In response to this before it gets closed no never again will i trust them i saw world pvp once to lvl 50 pubs killed my lvl 34 it was leet do they fix problems no but hey they say they will eventually hopefully they have customers around to see it. Now back to sitting in queue like ive been doing for the last 3hours good luck on having fun again.
    Wow, the OP of this thread is on a real "I H8 BW" rant tonight?


    All this becasue he can't get his "Battlemaster" title sorted so that everyone will know how 1337! he izzzzz..... :rolleyes:

  12. My friend, IF the person who was worknig on my bugs could also be the person working on your transfer, then I totally and whole-heartedly support that endeavor. But somehow I seriously doubt that the CS guy works in the same department as the guys handling server transfers.
    Yet you seem to think that the CS guys fix bugs????????:confused:
  13. Before I begin let me tell you my story.


    I pre-ordered Swtor and started a Guild with 10 friends to a part of the "Early Guild Access", launch day came and we where all put in our new guild in a server called "Belgoth's Beacon", as time passes the server died and all but me quit Swtor (I was the only one left playing), so because of this I was forced to leave behind a guild , rank 17 Legacy , 2 level 50 characters Trooper/Jedi Con and a few mid level Alts to re-roll on The Fatman two months ago, I managed to create a new life over there leveling up 2 level 30's a Jedi Con/BH and a level 44 Jedi Knight/G.

    When the "Free Server Transfers" come I want to bring my level 50 Trooper & Jedi Con/Shadow over to "The Fatman Free of Charge" I feel it was not my fault that I was randomly put in a pre-made guild on a dead server and because of this my whole guild quit and was forced to re-roll on a high pop server.


    How the "Free" server transfers should work for "The Fatman":

    1. Players must have a character on "The Fatman" with a legacy unlocked. (I like to look at it as gaining citizenship)

    2. Transfers to "The Fatman"" must be level 50's only (To prevent random server transfers from everyone)


    They want to even out populations, whilst giving people the ability to transfer to a server where there will be other players.


    They WILL NOT (IMHO) want to just pump up the populations on an already over populated server...


    See, this is the issue. People just gravitate to a already full server, instead of doing to sensible thing of identifying a number of low pop servers and moving onto those, thus bring their populations up to a reasonable level.


    So this is precisely why BW need to dictate where people can transfer to, because people are generally stupid and will do stupid things, such as the OP suggests, which would be more damaging to the game than the current situtaion!

  14. second day in a row i have asked for help with a class mission and i get a 100k response from general chat on the fatman server. is this the type of people i should expect here? why cant anyone just help people anymore? what is wrong with these so called ADULTS today?
    Ignore them, find a guild to join and take it from there...


    I have yet to find anyone outside of my guild who I would like to play with because of these kind of attitudes,

  15. What they should do is allow people to keep their names. I don't see why there can't be 2-3 people with the same first name running around as long as the Legacy name is differant. I would hate to have to change the names of any of my toons.
    Well, for starters, both the email system AND the crafting system use the first name as an identifier, so they would both need to be upgraded...
  16. No i pay a monthly fee. should be included, why should it cost?
    Sadly because it is for your benefit. For free you can re-roll, and certain types of transfer will cost.


    i.e. I think they will charge for transfers to the servers that are already very well populated.


    NOTE: I am not saying whether this is right or wrong, just what I think they will do.


    EDIT: And keeping to the topic.


    No, as I play on the heaviest population Euro server, I will not be paying as I have no desire to leave. :D

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