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Everything posted by BeToo

  1. I could Quick Travel or simply use my Fleet Pass, but I think I'd simply Queue as DPS for GroupFinder and be swiftly carried away to my awaiting flashpoint of safety. yeah yeah yeah ... GF + DPS = SWITFLY? One can wish, can't they?
  2. I'm no number cruncher, but this jumped out at me ^^ this. And if you didn't get at least the appropriate datacrons, go back and grab them.
  3. I assume you're using group finder for these ops and using the auto-travel, right? I normally simply walk into the instance from the fleet ship (no group finder travel), and so it just kicks you outside that instance so you can walk back in. So you might trying to enter manually and see if it changes your experience.
  4. I'd also suggest you stop putting so much stock in what others say. Did you enjoy the class aspects? Are you enjoying the story? While there will always be some advantages/disadvantages vs other classes (c'est la vie) all classes are plenty suitable for PVE. It is more important you're enjoying yourself and learning how to make the most of the class and finding a nice group to hang out and play with.
  5. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this. For a single companion, I generally queue up 5 items to craft, then delete a couple while in the queue, and then re-queue a couple others. So when all is done, I should still get 5 items crafted. I noticed since yesterday's patch (small sample size, I know) if appears I'm not getting all my items as I did before (only got 3 of 5, for example). I speculate it might be a bug when I delete a queue'd item and try to re-queue another. But I see some other threads where people have noticed after re-logging that it wasn't crafting what they had set up originally, so that might be a possibility too (I didn't check mid-cycle yet).
  6. Worth it to what end? Do you craft and want improved results? then yes. Do you like the companion stories? then yes. otherwise, or in any case, you can skip whichever parts of the available content you choose to ...
  7. I think BW should figure out who his friend is and get him fired for breaking his NDA.
  8. The real benefit you will get is being a paid subscriber, rather than being a free-2-play subscriber. You will get access to wear all the gear, access all the content, have more UI options like more quickbars, etc etc etc. The f2p players have to pay for all the access you will get for "free" being a subscriber. SWTOR Free-2-Play features here Purchasing a box, afaik, doesn't really get you anything.
  9. How about go play on the PTS for these weekends. You'll really not miss (or ruin) any story lines, and you can get a foreshadowing of your future toons' skills/abilities.
  10. Are you possibly causing it by alt-tabbing out (or similar functionally)? I know that I've had the issue if I alt-tab out of the game and was moving forward or something that when I came back to the game, it assumed the button was still held down, even though it wasn't. I could reverse the process to stop it, or change instances, ofc. Took me a while to figure out what I was doing to cause it...
  11. While you can't see his equipped gear, there are companion "customizations" where you can change Khem's outword visual appearance. You'll find a few at various vendors on different planets for all companions (not just Khem). via Dulfy's site: an image for Khem's 'outfits" here
  12. {nit-picking} it's called Rocket Boost (not boots) ... however, I kinda wish they named them boots since it seems more obvious, but nope IMO - this is the BEST legacy item out there, at least the one I use the most (when in non-PVP, ofc)
  13. While a bit older gamer, I also don't like the constant abusive, cursing, or "you all suck", type comments, either. I often find myself just closing the chat window and enjoying the quiet solitude it can bring. "People" can often be the best, and worst, part of the MMO experience, IMO.
  14. I believe the Reset Time is always at 1200, noon, UTC, on Tuesdays. <so you only have to wait another ~15 hours!!> note: if you look at your lockout UI in-game, it actually says specifically what/when your lockout ends
  15. You should see a little "exit area" button on the upper right of the mini-map.
  16. If you're in "ops" mode, nope ... can't be done. If you're in "group" mode - you should be able to see their comps health by default, iirc.
  17. To be honest, specialized gear while leveling isn't really that critical ... just replace gear as drops happen, or when things get a bit too hard (I usually end up replacing about 1/2 gear per planet - and feed my companions my old gear). Concentrate more on mastering the abilities as you learn them, tricks associated with them (like special procs if X,Y,Z happens) and how you can take advantage of them. And most importantly, enjoy the story :: it's one of the best parts of the game.
  18. There are also many of them on the GTN (pets category).
  19. You only need the workstation to add augmentation slots (using aug kits) into items (like Headgear, Boots, etc). Every other use of the station has been removed (was done just before launch). The normal issues reported here :: - can't send Companions on missions : make sure you have the cash : make sure you don't have your max comps already out (can't always send them all!) : make sure you have the right level selected - there is a pulldown that lets you choose level 1, level 2, etc missions to send on. As your comps get higher ratings, more levels will be unlocked. Occassionally, you'll have to switch levels to see something offered (example: all level 2 is already being worked, but you have 1 comp still avail to send ... can send them out on a level 1) - can't craft : make sure you have enough mats
  20. What I'm thinking :: could it be possible the OP is saying that after he subscribed, the normal species unlocks that subscribers get (vs only three for f2p) are not yet showing up as available? It might just take a billing cycle or something for them to show up ... or maybe even a simple log/relog.
  21. ^^ this ... afaik, technically the home world bosses aren't WBs
  22. No, there isn't ... hence why I have several pages of spreadsheets for various stuff, myself. ...and it's the GTN: Galactic Trade Network
  23. as I understand it ... something like this When you are channeling an attack/heal, each time you're struck, the channeling gets "pushed back" a bit. You can mitigate that with the skill tree reductions, but never completely get rid of it. I just know that when I channel a certain heal, it should take ~2.5 secs. But while taking certain/some damage, the slider keeps getting pushed-back so much that it sometimes it feels like it takes 4-5 secs to finish.
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