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Posts posted by Adill

  1. do the daily missions on Ilum and Belsavis. The heroic 2 on belsavis (poisonous strategy) is easy and one of the rewards is a purple lvl 50 enhancement of your choice. Do this every day for several days and you'll be able to upgrade all your orange gear.


    Also, I forget the name of it but the heroic 2 on belsavis has mods as a reward.


    For 8 daily commendations you can buy 126 rating armoring and hilts from the vender in Ilum...or you can save up for the daily ear/implants but those are 120 commendations each.

  2. GaryReasons, this thread is not about warrior tokens or what other upgrade options are out there.


    Alegoss, I run all the hard mode flashpoints. I've done hm BT about 15 times but haven't run it in about 2-3 weeks now. Lately we've just been doing BP, Foundry, FE, Kaon, and last night we attempted/completed D7 for the first time...averaging about 3 of those a night for the last 2 weeks. This issue isn't limited to BT.

  3. In our FP runs, all we get is str med gear, and we dont have a mara :<


    I find that hard to believe...what is the gear called? Are you seeing it in hard mode or normal flash points? This thread is only about hard mode flash points, I've seen plenty of marauder gear in normal modes.


    and Deurg, this thread isn't about aesthetics...

  4. I'm in the same situation as you. My only chance at upgrades are columi turn-ins from main bosses, and of course our tank is a jugger so I have to compete against him for them. Meanwhile, the 3 others I run hard modes with are beginning to out gear me....and 3 of my companions now have more raid dropped gear than I do.


    We havent killed the bonus boss in Kaon on hard mode yet...I'll have to keep an eye out for that chest piece.

  5. Keltonz, I'm only talking about hard mode flashpoints, not operations, but I am curious what your armor is called.


    Crawfishes, I think you are missing the point. I'm not complaining about the str:end ratio on items. I'm talking about every single piece of armor that drops with str/end stats are heavy pieces. I've done enough hard mode flashpoints to accumulate around 400 tionese crystals and have not seen single medium armor piece drop with strength on it, with the exception of the gear you get from the tionese/columi/rakata merchants.

  6. Has anyone else noticed a serious lack of marauder gear dropping from the non-main bosses in hard mode flashpoints? The only str/end gear i've seen drop is all heavy armor (dps jugg). I've done all the hard modes at least 5 times (except D7 and Battle of Ilum...havent tried those yet...and have only done Kaon 3 times) and evertime something drops that i want it is heavy armor. I have seen an str/end tionese implant and an offhand saber drop, but those don't have an armor class. Just wondering if my luck is really that bad or did bioware forget to update loot tables after they switched marauders to medium armor in beta?
  7. Me too. I don't think i've sold any orange gear. I have at least 6 chest pieces, 4 helmets, 3 skirts and 3 gloves in cargo hold...but no pants or boots (real boots...not talking about the ones that are seemingly designed to go with skirts because they have no armor plates etc that would show through the skirt).
  8. I don't think i've seen a single set of real pants for Marauders since the mid 20s...it's been all skirts lvl 30+. I've been anxious to get back into regular pants...that will probably be the first tier 1 raid commendation piece that i buy. Also started pvping this week because i like the pvp gear...but only valor 10 atm.
  9. I'd like to see massacre's dmg increased to match vicious slash and force camo duration increased by 1 second so i can sneak by a group of mobs easier. Also some sort of force push/pull would be nice to have, but i think i'd rather have force choke changed to be non-channeled...i dont even use it on bosses because it seems to decrease our dps (and they're immune to the stun).
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