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Posts posted by Adill

  1. If you get stunned or cc'ed after you click the pass ability, but before you pass it, the ground target will disappear and you'll have to re-click ability when you are no longer stunned. I recommend binding the pass key to keyboard or mouse.
  2. Carnage is good now. I've also pulled mid 400s a few times on voidstar (queued solo but probably got some heals) with full champ gear), and I had more kills than the people with 600k of area dmg.


    As far as surge goes, you can always swap out some mods to lower accuracy in exchange for crit, surge and power. I did this with my rakata and champion sets. Strangely, full rakata gear has 0 surge, except for the daily implants, so I put a few columi enhancements in the rakata pieces that were heavy on accuracy. Pretty sure 100 surge was close to ~7% increase.

  3. I love carnage for pvp (and pve). Yes, it's annoying to get knocked back or cc'd after you gore, but there are ways around it to get back on target quickly. Someone already mentioned our roots help melee dps stay on target, but they also keep our healers alive when melee dps are chasing them. I just love the burst potential, also.
  4. I've been carnage since day 1 and I haven't even considered switching specs. It's good for pve and pvp. I've done all the hm flashpoints about a dozen times each and have done the ops on nightmare mode, and I consistently rank in the top dmg in pvp (unless I spend most of a round defending a node not being attacked). Play whichever spec you enjoy.
  5. SS or shenanigans.


    Yeah I don't see how those stats are possible. I'm full rakata and I only have 1796 str (with SI buff and rakata stim) and ~18500 hp (with BH buff).


    When I pvp i switch out the rakata pieces for full champion since I'm only valor 45 atm, with the exception of the weapons, since they do more dmg. So, my expertise is at about 464 right now. Could be ~550 if i switched to champion weapons but I'm not worried about losing ~1% expertise bonus.



    edit: I'm not advocating on behalf of either argument, just stating what I've been doing. I'll have to try pvping in pve gear tonight.

  6. I used Pierce exclusively once i got him through lvl 50 (carnage spec). He is a beast when geared. I've got him up to about 19k health with full columi and a couple rakata pieces. But lately i've been using Jaesa instead of him, just to burn through stuff faster, as I don't really need a tank for much of anything anymore.
  7. This isn't an accuracy issue. It's real easy to test. This has only recently become a problem for me since I didn't start doing operations until 2 weeks ago, and this isnt really an issue in flashpoints. When I first saw this thread I assumed the bug would be fixed by the time I started raiding. Would really like to hear an update from the devs, considering they posted in this thread saying they would investigate the issue.
  8. Cant believe I found this thread buried on page 18, this needs to stay at the top. It's been a full month since devs said they would investigate the issue, but I havent heard any ETA or updates yet. This bug puts us carnage marauders at a huge disadvantage in operations. How hard could it be to make ataru form proc range = melee range?
  9. I haven't had an issue until the last few days. I've reverse engi'd over 100 blue lvl 49 implants (critical nano-optic reflex i think) without learning a single purple schematic. This is getting rediculous. I will have 20 more in inventory when I log in tonight...if I don't get one then...i give up.
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