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Posts posted by Malakriss

  1. The crystal nodes are random. Even on worlds like Alderaan.


    As for light sided schematics and items from crew missions, yes Republic players get way to may Sith only items and schematics. On Nar Shaddaa though you can cross trade via the Hutt Market. but no one uses it on my server.


    Random... but blue + green account for 2/3 of possible node spawns while red is only 1/3. Yellow/orange are treasure hunting gemstones.

  2. This has already been addressed.


    Yeah.. no. Not really at all. Not when you can go to the Who window, type in Corellia or Ilum and you know exactly which chests are already camped, and it isn't difficult to pick out the botters since they've been in there for days straight.


    That 27 on Corellia with the Boba Fett parody name? He's from a mid level guild that for whatever reason had 5 people out there farming them last night, he's the only one manning it this morning but at least it's an actual player at the keyboard.


    Then there's the level 15 and 28 who have been on Ilum for 48+ hours clicking the same spot, along with the 22 guy with the gibberish name who developed a more clever script to loot the chest at the jedi ruins, /camp, and then log back in every 7 minutes. He's been there at least a week, been reported multiple times, but he's still there and you can still can count his actions down by the second hand on the clock.


    Slapping a level restriction on the planets or chests can't be the only change that happens, the bots and farmers need to actually be policed, swiftly, since it will only take them a couple of days until they reach that level and go back to business as usual.

  3. I don't know how fast it is progressing on other servers, but it's starting to become commonplace on mine. Level 14-30s on the high level planets camping every non-aggro node and chest in sight. From entire guild squads of lowbies to credit farming sellers that automate logging in, looting, and camping back out to limit detection... the invasion has begun.


    Maybe static spawns with short respawn timers sounded like a good bone to throw to high levels, maybe no one thought about friendly areas and NPC locations. Bottom line.. planets need a minimum level requirement and there needs to be swift and serious crackdowns on botted farmers. If you thought the slicing nerf was going to dictate the economy, you haven't seen anything yet.

  4. Just so I know, that non-interactive object in the west Jedi ruins on Ilum with a tooltip of "Builder's Vault"... is that for the Republic daily quest line?


    Also, I have to agree it's pointless to make Magenta mats so rare when Rakata offhands for Sith Warriors and Bounty Hunters are already available from Hard mode Gharj. Magenta is barely better than the regular crafting colors and Purple, but Black-Red and Black-Blue are a huge jump from that.


    That is the same problem for crafting in general where 23 and 24 schematics are nowhere to be found, but we're already obtaining Rakata gear with 25s on them.

  5. There are supposed to be enhancements with the same stats but different weights for each. For instance if there is an Endurance / Accuracy / Power enhancement, there are supposed to be 3 versions where each individual stat is weighted the highest.


    It appears they came up with names for all of them and did the copy and paste job, but forgot to change the weights for these duplicate enhancements.

  6. Given there is no schematics listed for Purple, White, Cyan, Black-Red, or Black-Blue, in the torhead.com database (and hell, they got info on items that aren't even obtainable in-game, like the Matrix Amplifier, Emitter, and Prism, which will be used to make your Matrix Cubes stronger/different, if ever implemented), only the crystals, leads me to believe there is no way to make them.


    Torhead's database is waaayyyy outdated, darthhater is for most things too. Do not rely on these for crafting information or the full list of schematics.


    It definitely does not include changes in the last couple of beta weekends, let alone differences on live servers.

  7. Someone claimed that Purple schematics drop from the same boss as Magenta, but we haven't seen it drop. I've also been soloing the boss for the White and haven't seen it drop either, just a bunch of twink gear for the alts and slow levelers.
  8. Best in slot relics are the Matrix Cubes you make from datacron shards. For activated buff relics the Rakata ones are the best you can get.


    But overall artifice and armstech have the worst BoP item crafts for Rakata pieces.

  9. So I was talking with someone who was raiding The Eternity Vault. A rank 25 epic mod dropped from a boss.


    So keeping up the orange gear with PVE end-game loot seems to be viable at the moment.


    Not the schematic. One mod, and it isn't an Armoring, Hilt, or Barrel.


    Orange gear is not viable until a source of Armoring, Hilt, and Barrels becomes widely available. And the schematics aren't.

  10. The problem is that both Cybertech and Artifice crafters will not have any of their 24 schematics, let alone 23s, before most of your raid is already stocking up on even higher operation gear.


    The 23s only being Tionese level (51) are horrid and completely underpowered with BoP crafting materials required for them. You will be getting the Columi (56) gear while collecting these materials. Same deal with the 24 materials (56), you will be getting Rakata (58) gear while collecting for them.


    The schematics for 24/25 Armorings, Hilts, and Barrels need to be easier to acquire if we're already killing for drops at or above that level. Hell, every profession aside from Armormech and Synthweaving needs easier access to their patterns, since the sheer number of schematics for those two slant it so they drop over 90% of the time.

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