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Posts posted by JnEricsonx

  1. I'm happy I don't have to gear my companions, but for crying out loud, I barely have to think while playing. Even while doing dailies I would like to have some sense of "stay on the ball", but when my DPS companion has 2x as much health as my tank character(maybe not the best example cause this was a lower level character), but still. It honestly makes playing...boring, and this is coming from someone who loved the game. If there was a slider that could take your companions overall heal/damage/tank power down a notch or two, till one could find a happy medium, I'd love that. But I doubt it will happen, and that's why I've been subbed back in the game for just under a month, but have maybe played for 2 hours.
  2. I came back for the get 1 month get 1 free, just to mess around with alts, maybe finish the Trooper story finally but....I log on, rework my power bars, and just....can't get the will to play. While I don't miss having to play the "keep companions upgraded" game, them being frigging OP now is insane. When your companion in damage mode has TWICE the life of your tank character.....what the....
  3. Yeah, what I did in the end, because I goofed, is I had my Referral link time turned off, so the subscription I'd started after I did the link would kick in when I called Customer Service, because else I wouldn't be regarded as proper Premium till after the promo ended. Oh well, lose one week, get a free month, I can live with it. I probably should have turned on my sub THEN took a referral link.
  4. I noticed you still have your old recipes in Archived, or at least the stuff you were still able to make, as in, I figure on my Artifice, Enhancements aren't in Archives any more, but I have to look, and since I went to no small amount of time and money learning and REing stuff time and again, I have to ask, for any alts, is it worth crafting stuff for them through my old recipes, or should I just start learning the new ones?
  5. Jesus people are nuts. I always joke at my job, as I wear my geekdom on my sleeve-and shirt usually-that there are fandom people who there who "make me look well-balanced." I joke, but holy crap, ***? I play a Sentinel, yeah I dont pvp, but I have fun playing as him, its not like every time I log onto that character a foot comes out of my comp screen and kicks my dog. The only combat change I havent been thrilled on in this game was the force storm one, solely in that I like seeing that 6 seconds of POWER!
  6. Not sure what 186/192 gear atm will look like on my stats, but I'm just wondering, what aug should I shoot for? More defense, power or strength maybe cause why not? I figure at a certain point shield and shield absorb will be hitting DR signficiantly, because I'm guessing its hard to hit say 50/50 of each?
  7. I'd love COH to come back but......:::Cries, remembering Virtue, full of his ****** 50's IO'd to the hilt::::: Find a way to bring back our characters, assuming the servers didn't just get wiped and melted into scrap, and I can tell you people would have explosive joy. That was my first MMO, played it well for 4 odd years.
  8. Dawww...why? I mean, seriously.....((minor spoilers))......



    He was there when the temple got hit in the game's intro, and pretty much saw all his friends get killed. You gotta feel for the little guy at that point.

  9. My Juggernaut was mostly Light Side, though still a brutal SOB. I viewed him somewhat as Vader-like. Vader usually gave his people one, maybe two chances, after that it was "Force Choke". But, he did give them a chance to fix their mistakes. So for my guy, its more about efficiently dealing with his enemies, but not being a petty psycho about it. If he's going to kill a guy, one shot bam, no torture, a swift death, as he'd hope he'd recieve. He does think that Jedi stifling themselves is what makes them crack so easily, he uses his hatred and anger as a cold flame against his enemies, burning through him, but not mindlessly. And he's certainly capable of humor, or respect/decency/compassion, when merited. Those were more brought out in him by Vette.
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