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Everything posted by wdgamer

  1. wdgamer

    new gear?

    I Could not agree more, they are falling short on the pvp and pve gear. you pay good money for packs and get a glove from some crappie amour set... really.
  2. So I was looking to go get low level pvp gear and the venders are gone. did they move them from the home worlds?
  3. i have the razer crystal and they are just about the same color, just diff stats. i think this is really BS that the black/green crystals are being givin out, with out having to own a razer item.
  4. yes i would, i own a razer item and i feel you should have to buy a razer item to have the green/black color. if thats the case just never have exclusive colors just give them to every one. then there can be nothing rare in the game.. boring.
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