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Everything posted by ray_naud

  1. Kicking only works if the player is AFK for a certain amount of time after the votes are cast, it isn't instant.. just a food for thought here, if you are actively participating by guarding, maybe clue your team in my giving them status updates on your node.. an occasional ALL CLEAR... If you are on a small server maybe you need to build your rep up a bit as an active participant... don't be the guy that is ALWAYS sitting in one spot doing nothing but "guarding" a node can you even make your medals just sitting at one node the whole time??
  2. there are groups on my server with this on farm... do your research... good raid composition makes or breaks this fight.. keep at it you'll get it
  3. I used to play a game where when you defeated a raid/world boss along with other various in-game achievements it would drop a trophy that you could put up in your personal house or the guild house to show your accomplishments in the game. Would be a very cool to see something like that implemented.
  4. please make an option for guildmasters to make the ledger able to be seen by other guild members. It would be great to make it so the officers in our guild can see it or if I want to open it up so that anyone in the guild can see it. Thank You
  5. why can we use mounts in boarding party but not in foundry? this makes no sense.....
  6. In the future can we have the choice between light, medium, and heavy armor on event gear sets. It would be nice to be able to use these if I wanted to on my medium and heavy armor wearing characters. Seems like all it would take is a change to the armor rating stat.
  7. yes it is quicker couple hours from what I've seen
  8. that world event was awesome! Had quite the epic battle on Sword of Ajunta Pall in outlaws den bringing down the event boss along with imps and pubs going back and forth at the same time.. great job!
  9. I am running SWTOR on my SSD but would like to have the combat logs saved to my high volume mechanical drive, is there any way to do this? something to kill a few minutes while the servers are down..
  10. a patch with so many changes probably should have been done in phases rather than all at once...
  11. oh and even in the worst pvp match I've lost in I got something. I have had the victory/defeat screen come up showing 0's but all I did was refresh the UI (Ctrl+U) 2 times and everything showed up...
  12. ... why all the ************ about getting significantly reduced rewards for LOSING a pvp match. To me this makes total sense... it encourages people to play harder so that they win and discourages people from just sitting around with their thumb up their *** or going afk the first sign they think they are going to lose and screwing over the rest of their team. Also in pvp its not like your gear takes damage when die so I don't expect a lot of credits for repair bills and what not.
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