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Everything posted by Grimsblood

  1. There is a hot-key you can bind that will set your cursor to the center of your screen. Check the bindings in preferences.
  2. *Everything I say comes from the perspective of a healer with absolutely no raid experience prior to Star Wars.* I decided to roll a heal class as my main toon in the hopes of giving myself more of a challenge for end game content. The simple idea that the life of the raid solely depending on heals was exhilarating. Prior to 1.2 the resource pool of my Sage Healer was ridiculous! I could literally cast whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. When I got down to 50 force I simply said "Ooops, let me noble sack and poof I am back to 75% force". Now I have to change my awareness to resources and succeed (which I have). In regards to the "nerf" on conveyance and deliverance.....let me just say I feel that sage healers have been resigned to "raid healers". For a 16 man Op, having 2 sages is good. We can raid heal and take care of raid wide aoe/dot damage and call it a day. Moving into an 8 man really hurts in fights where there are two bosses (unless you run 2 sage healers together). As a healer in the current fights we have, I feel like I am just sustaining everyone. If a tank or dps messes up on a mechanic, it is incredibly difficult to catch up just due to time and resources. I simply do not have enough interest in healing. I am not challenged with the different tools available to me. Taking away the cool down on a cleanse allows me to be more proactive cleansing dots and debuffs which then allow more to go out and be kept track of. Allow be to give a raid wide buff for a period of time or improving a burst gives me the change to be a more involved healer. The current "pull the hair off of my head when a dps screws the pooch" style of fights is not good for my health. I want something that requires thought, not raw numbers.
  3. My guild did SM Denova as well and ran into this. Something to note here: We skipped the trash after the cave between Zorn and Toth and the first chest. That chest opened for us. The problem is definitely the trigger for the Firebrand and Stormcaller "patch".
  4. The legacy system is purely fluff for the players that play the game. It does not change mechanics or give anyone an upper hand in content. When the system was initially released we were able to place our characters in a family tree. Within this family tree we had the ability to give force powers (useable with companions only) to say a Trooper. The idea is to create our own Legacy. My proposal has to do with the class ships. Let's say you have an Agent that hits 50 and completes the required parts of the story line (Say a full completion on class quest). The Agent then meets a Jedi Knight and the hook up and do the big nasty. Out pops a little baby Imperial/Republic child with the Force Sweep force power. Let's say this child so happens to be a Trooper. Let's say this Trooper's mother dies and leaves her ship to her son. The Trooper then goes to collect his mothers (Imperial Agent) ship. The Trooper now has the ability to use the Agent's ship to fly around the galaxy. TL;DR: Allow a legacy unlock for the class ships. (Please make the unlock something to work towards as well. Maybe a Lvl 40-45 Legacy unlock.)
  5. /signed I completely support this. The only content we currently have that is "difficult" is the new Denova op which highlights a slight change on mechanics from the prior boss's. As a result my guild has begun our quest to 4 man the current ops. Considering we one shot everything but Soa in EV and are on the Jarg and Sorno fight......there is something to be said. Bioware, implement this!!!!
  6. I support this 100%! I would love to do the class story's over again just to refresh myself on it again. Not to mention doing it on HM can add some depth to end game content.
  7. If I understand your meaning (You want the ability to play each mission on each planet according to the 4 different class rolls), I STRONGLY disagree. Roll another toon if you want that. By having one character be able to do it all takes away from a reason to have different CLASSES. Each class has a roll to play and that roll must be understood. This isn't some CoD everyone is equal thing.
  8. I agree. I run Master Looter for two reasons: 1) In the event that someone has died in an area that will not allow them to roll on loot and you have that one guy that ALWAYS want to check the loot and runs the auto loot function triggering the roll on everything. 2) To make sure the higher end loot goes where it would best benefit the group. I run into an issue where I get a LOT of Rakata gear that I have no need to assigned and would like to offer a need/greed outside of forcing everyone to /roll on it. 16 man loot hand out is quite painstaking due to this and the randomize function just doesn't cut it.
  9. In that case they could just add a function in to allow the GM to change the name in the event that there is a duplicate already on the server.
  10. This seems about the only feasible way to go about it. Only problem will be with the guild name.
  11. Bringing this post up to get some eyes on it. I believe this is an important issue that at the very least needs some awareness.
  12. So let me get this strait......you are a scoundrel melee dps, you have one heal companion and are wanting to solo a Heroic 4? I believe this is where I become this so called d*ck again and say you are QQing because you can't do content meant for a group by yourself. The next thing you will be asking for is a way to use companions and a small party to do 16 man operations...... Which does remind me, when I had done that Heroic on the last boss with 2 dps.....We were both melee.......and I would like to reiterate the fact that we didn't drop below 75% health........without any heal companions....so yeah ummmm, If the game is made any more easier than it is now, it will be a joke. Get your guild together, go do this Heroic 4, then try and get 8 of you to do a Story Mode EV, ask for it to be made easier, etc...
  13. This is a classic case of someone wanting easy mode. What you are asking for is it to be easier to get the Black Hole Coms in order to make it easier for you to get the "theoretical" Best Gear In Game. I STRONGLY disagree with this on all points. Not to mention I have two manned this entire heroic on the republic side with just 2 dps and whatever heal companion we had....Notice we had a heal COMPANION, ya know.....less then par for heals. Moving right along, I have 2 manned the final boss WITHOUT ANY HEALS. In other words, 2 dps. Neither of us went below 75% health. Think about this, 1.2 brought in game mechanics to play. If you do not adhere to them, you die. Plain and simple. Learn the mechanics and win. (Pro Tip, Don't stand in colorful circles on the ground and use your interrupt.)
  14. I would like to preface this with stating that I have not read the few thousand post in regards to server transfers. Forgive if I mention something old. Everyone has been worried about server population (the lack there of) and being able to move to a higher pop server. I am sure the all of the players and Bioware agree to this. I can appreciate that Bioware is working on the technicalities of it and will have it available for us within a month or two. However, I have not heard or seen anything in regards to Guilds in this. Let's take my guild for instance. I run about 200+ registered members and anywhere between 8-23 people online at any given time. The Republic Fleet on my server has anywhere from 4-37 people on at any given time. As you can see, for LvL 50 characters playing the game, my guild is a large majority of it. That's great and all, whoop-de-do on my part. The issue I am going to be running into is when the transfers actually hit. I know that my server will be one of the ones to go completely dead due to everyone moving off of it. I then have two options to go with my guild. Option A: Stay on the server and have my guild as the sole population on the server. Option B: Move to a new server once transfers are available The obvious problem with Option A is well.......................................the whole server pop issue, derp. I am resigned to Option B. Not so bad of an issue in regards to population. Now the question becomes, how do I get my entire guild moved AND the guild bank? Moving guild members isn't so much of an issue with the MOTD and guild website, however I would like a simpler auto-move for guilds available. The bigger issues comes when you take into account the amount of creds we have put into the guild bank and all the items we have there. Sure you can withdraw everything, but what happens you have purchased up to the 7th bank tab? Are all those creds just poofed and gone? TL;DR There has been no info in regards to Guild Bank functionality transfer with server transfer. Some guilds that will be transferring have invested quite a bit into it. Give us a solution!
  15. Here is what I am having trouble understanding; why on earth would you lock us out (before 1.2) of removing the armoring spot if the set bonus was never applied to it!? Let us review some points: 1) Customization has been a priority. 2) Customization has not been possible in end game due to the loss of a set bonus if we do. 3) After 1.2 you unlock the armoring slot, then make each slot on gear to bind to that type of piece (chest, head, legs, etc). 4) Logic would now dictate that was done to allow for better customization. 5) Logic is wrong! (Go figure) Allowing us to see that armoring slot was pointless and a crappy move on your part Bioware. You say that prior to 1.2 the bonus was attached to the shell and after 1.2 ONLY the new gear has a bonus attached to the armoring. Why? If you are able to change the stats on the BM/Rakata gear (as you have done) then you are capable of changing the allocation of the set bonus. However, you have not done so. I have been here since the beginning and can understand bugs. All of Soa's idiosyncrasies, the "problem" with Ilum and the attempted PvP fix (Which in reality was a server population issue and not a mechanic) and the lack of population on the servers which you should merge. I have experienced a lot, BUT for you to campaign on the idea of giving us customization and then NOT give it to us.....that is just low and pathetic! Smoke and Mirrors Bioware, Smoke and Mirrors! You have stooped low enough to become as bad as the American politicians,
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