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Posts posted by Jakoby

  1. Good players know the multitude of reasons why it's better with a delay than without.


    The current community rhetoric is primarily about the animation, which suggests either that said community doesn't understand mechanics or believes they're less important than cosmetics. They're not.


    The viability of several specs is based on the controlled burst afforded by the delay on Project.





    Dude that's completely your opinion. I want the Epic look of picking up the rock and tossing it through the air. I thought that was a very classic and cool animation. They could have delayed shock with a simple build up and all would be well, but to take something Epic out of the game just to satisfy a minor balancing mechanic is insane!

  2. I was one of the people complaining about the damage delay difference but I agree with the OP. Put the Sage Project Animation back the way it was.


    You've taken something epic out of the game and ruined it.


    PLEASE put it back!!!!

  3. Positives


    1) Group Finder/LFG Tool

    2) Less Lag on Fleet

    3) Augment Kits

    4) Adaptable Social Gear

    5) Ranked Warzones




    1) Should have already been in game

    2) More Lag in PvP due to overloaded servers with 30 minute Ques

    3) Augment Kits - What was wrong with the original augment system again??? Answer = NOTHING

    4) Wha? Why not just let us augment what we want, why do we have to have all these dam systems and kits?

    5) Only teams of 8, Expertise rears it's ugly head again.

    6) Sage animation is now totally non epic. You have ruined the Sage with nerfs and now the animations suck as well.

  4. I think this would probably please 99% of the people...


    Free transfers of any character and any guild to any server, limit once a week for each character.

    Guild moved automatically if desired.


    And yes, it's being done right now in Rift: http://www.riftgame.com/en/community/character-transfer.php


    I am in the 1% that will not be pleased!


    For one I have character on a server that I played on initially and moved with a guild to another. Now the guild is on a dying server and I won't be ale to reclaim my lost 50 on the other server.


    Secondly what if we don't like where were going? We do have a preference...


    Thirdly, this IS NOT GOING TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM. Mergers would have been better. Now your going to strand several on dead servers...? How is that going to work.?

  5. I have been in the game since pre-beta and the game it seems is dying. There are multiple reasons for this but chief amoung them is a lack of a LFG tool. Before this becomes a flame fest as most other threads let me explain.


    In Beta all was good because there were serious and mature testers abounding so finding a group using chat spam was somewhat easy, especially since we were all lvl 1-30 and the only thing you needed a group for was hard modes. We did ask for a LFG tool even then though we were not doing flashpoints and operations.


    In general Beta this was a huge issue as well, people complained and nothing.


    We are now 6+ months into the game, I have yet to do an operation. I never see operations spammed in general chat on the fleet and who wants to sit around for an hour hoping to get a flashpoint together out of one instance wourth of people. So unless you are in a very large guild with 100+ memebers you never get to see operations. Is it any wonder this game is dying when you can't raid in small guilds? Even big guilds have their cliques so no one but a select few get to experience end game content...


    Bioware if you want to further the life of this game you better do three things quick. 1) Get an LFG tool in game immediately (cross server not necessary with server merge). 2) Merge servers (allow for xfers later but your way beyond simple transfers) 3) Ranked Warzones with cross server ques. You can forget new content for now, you are dying on the vine without the three things I just mentioned. Remove this post if you want but the truth will be more than evident here in the next few months.

  6. Obviously Bioware has still not figured out that uneven warzones are going to continue to create bad blood. I will not stay in a war zone that starts un equally. It's simply a waste of my time and my fellow players time, I don't care how you change the daily. It is absolutely no fun to get rolled 8 on 4. End of rant.
  7. Its not going to hurt BWs pocket whatsoever. For every 1 person that is cancelling because of the PVP issues lets say 20-30 new players will come in to replace you. Thats the nature of MMOs. Yah it sucks but thats the honest truth. Take WoW for example has over 1 million plus subs last time I checked. For every 1 person that cancels I would say between 40-50 new players will come in to replace that one sub. So please if your gonna cancel just do it quietly. No one cares. Not the community and not BW. This thread will probably get closed but Just wanted to say my piece.


    Dude your analogy is sadly off target. Look at the servers. It's taking forever to fill ques. 1.2 was a nerf hack full of empty promises. I can agree with some minor tweaks but dam they unbalanced the game with Marauders and Sentinels while nerfing everyone else to the floor.


    I'll be taking a long break soon myself for the following reasons:


    1) Hacks are ruining PvP (teleport mostly now because it's harder to detect)

    2) Customizeable Armor was promised and not delivered plus expertise is now tied to mods making it nigh impossible to mod your WZ gear without endless matches to buy sets not in your class just for one enhancement mod that may fit your build..

    3) Unbalancing bufffs to sentinel and marauder gear while other classes were nerfed to the floor fundamentally changing the way they play.

    4) To be blunt the changes have made the game a bore to me now. I'll check back in about a year.

  8. Likely this will be the same as most MMO's... Transfer from a dead server to a normal server for free, from high pop to med pop for free, and to high pop servers for a cost.


    We all want healthy servers, not just a few.


    I had the exact same perception. Bioware really needs someone to read over their answers before they incite a complete rebellion.

  9. "Caizic: In the 1.2 Legacy patch notes there is a section under Items and Economy and General that says "Loot drops from endgame activities, such as Operations and Flashpoints, now take group composition into account." Can someone please clarify what this means/how this works exactly? Thanks in advance!"


    "David: Throughout the game, the composition of your group impacts the loot you get from defeating enemies. For the majority of content, the drops are skewed to favor whatever classes are present. This is a bias, but not a guarantee. In leveling Flashpoints, that bias is very strong, and will almost always give loot for the group. However, in endgame Flashpoints, there was no bias – drops were completely random. We’ve added a strong class bias to the loot drops for the endgame Flashpoints. In most cases, this guarantees a drop that can be used by someone in your group. The bias is an “opt-in” system for each character present. That means that you have the same loot playing as a solo Jedi Sentinel or a full group of Jedi Sentinels."


    Let me be clear we were not confused by the note, the overwhelming perception is that we were simply lied to. This is something that is high on the community list and will remain high on the list. Right now we all simply look the same... To simply brush it off as tou did angered alot of people.

  10. I'm likely leaving the game....


    I'm tired of banging my head against the wall of Expertise, resolve and uneven mechanics.


    I'm tired of boring dailies.


    I'm tired of no LFG tool to do hard modes and even normal modes. More content is not the answer if you can't run the content for a lack of population and tools to group with.


    Maybee I'll come back in a year when you get the game ready for launch!

  11. I beleive it's because Republic animations are gimped and the Empire just looks and plays better. The animations on scoundrels, sages, commando's and jedi knights are just not as cool and mechanically clunky to a point of being gimped.


    1) The Sage - Throws pebbles vs. the Sorc's cool purple lightning. Even the stuns on a Sorc are cool whereas you barely even notice a sage stun.

    2) The Scoundrel - Shoot First and Shortgun vs. the Shiv on an operative. The animation for the Shotgun just feels show as hell whereas the Shiv is smooth, quick and deadly.

    3) Commando - Morter Volley is just slow, Death from above is cool.

    4) Jedi Knight (both sepcialties) - Master Strike is slow, clunky and very, very awkward. The Ravage abilities are much smoother and cooler.


    I honestly beleive after playing this game for serveral months now that the reason there is an imbalance is simply because of two main things. 1) the empire has cooler overall apearance and special effects and 2) Game mechanics and animations also favor the empire. The Republic just feels very awkward and seems slow to respond.

  12. As long as there are Haks like the cheat engine available to use in game that players use to cheat PvP I will quit matches, period.


    Also expertise has created such a gap in level 50 PvP play that its no longer fun to play. Who wants to get face rolled every match...

  13. I usually play Sith, but I rolled a Scoundrel recently to hopefully unlock some of the new legacy features. When I level a character, I usually PvP to keep my valor rank capped for my level so that the grind at 50 seems like less of a chore. I'll note that before 1.2, PvP while leveling was actually pretty fun. Winning mattered much less than it does now. A win would net you 100ish comms, while losing would net you 70ish. The rewards were pretty nicely priced too, giving us something to grind toward and finally use at milestones like lvl 20 and lvl 40. PvP before 50 felt like a nice distraction from the campaign and let you earn rewards that made your character look impressive and feel stronger. The only complaint I had about PvP is that it rewarded too much experience and left you feeling over-leveled when you resumed your PvE campaign, but that wasn't a huge deal.




    For altoholics like myself, PvP is no longer worth playing below level 50. The matchmaking system suffers from low population, so we end up in matches like this one with 6v8. Pre-1.2 a guaranteed loss like this one would reward 50 or so comms when you played well, which softened the bitterness of the loss. But I waited in queue for 30ish minutes, played the match for another 15 mins and got NOTHING. No experience to further my character, no credits to burn on crew skills, no comms to buy pvp rewards. Getting nothing for your time is not a good feeling for an MMO player. Investing time and effort into a match should reward you with something tangible.


    Prices for lvl 20 and lvl 40 gear pre-1.2 seemed ok because a typical pvp match would net an average of 60-70 comms. When I saw 1.2 had raised prices, I thought "oh wz comms must be way easier to get now". Nope. One of the few matches I won rewarded a maximum of 60 comms. A crushing defeat nets you nothing. So gear prices are up and wz comm rewards are down; this sounds like my time is being devalued.


    After playing swtor for a few months, I'm left feeling frustrated with the changes to casual PvP. I didn't mind getting stomped before 1.2 because I was getting rewarded for my time and effort. With the rewards reduced or completely gone, PvP feels pointless. The game needs to place more value on the time I put into PvP.


    I wont make any remarks on 1.2 class balance because I haven't played enough to determine whether I like it or not.


    If nothing else changed, I would make the following changes to the 10-49 bracket:

    1) raise the rewards for pvp (this might happen if the medal system gets fixed)

    2) lower the prices of the lvl 20 and lvl 40 gear


    Well said and right on point.

  14. Alot of fanboys on this thread.


    I guess no one got the sound bugs when the event started? The constant electrical loop, or the converstaions only including half the voice, or the Voidsatr doors not being alerted?


    The event had some nice touches but overall it was buggy.

  15. Jakoby, the great swammy is now going to predict what WILL happen in ranked warzones as the game mechanic is working (or not) now.


    1) Quality players will ONLY group with pre-made groups.

    2) Solo groups will be bad, so bad in fact that people will drop as fast as they can to avoid a loss or a face roll to tarnish their record.

    3) Groups will be completely unbalanced as the game mechanic has NOT been fixed alowing uneven teams at the outstart of the match.

    4) The game match-up system simply won't work because their is such a faction imbalance that the Republic will constantly be paired with pre-mades and stomped into the dirt.

    5) There are far too many players using Cheat Engines to hack the game. There is no way I'm going to do a ranked war zone until this problem is corrected.


    Look I hate to say it but Expertise is the problem, it gives far too much advantage. I loved PvP until 50. After that it simply sucks bad.


    The other part of the problem is the Empire has got the cool factor going for them. The mechanics of the Operative is better than the scoundrel, much better. Same of the Marauder and Mercenary. If you play Republic, you have to reayy want to becasue the Empire is far superior.

  16. BW did a good job nerfing the hybrid spec where they failed was they didn't make the top tier dps talents any better.


    For balance spec they should of changed sever force into a castable dot protection spell that stuns the healer if cleansed, this one makes balance very viable and gives you another spell to use wrath(not sure what republic equiv is called) then just on mind crush. This would of made balance a very viable spec.


    For Tk well I don't know what they could of done make The top talent an insta cast nuke that added a crit % increase debuff


    100% Agree. Now that the nerf has destroyed the DPS spc hybrid I've been looking at ways to make my build usefull and I simply am not impressed with the top abilities. They suck, plain and simple. There is a way to get telekinetic wave to proc the way it used to but its only a 10% proc as opposed to 30 and you have to use the tremor spell instead of throw. Either way Sages and Sorc Hybrids were nerfed to the floor. I am now getting owned by Knights and Marauders who were given huge boosts. I was able to take out 3 solo in PvP on my guardian before I finally got taken down. Way to balance things out Bioware...

  17. Classic example of the younger generation right there. I want what I want and I want it now and I want it to be perfect. These maintenances have been at ideal times, have rarely run over the expected time frame, and are to be expected to work the kinks out of such a large undertaking. Don't like it? Quit. You won't be missed.


    I'm 42. If you ever ran a business you would understand one fundamental thing. Keep the customers happy or they'll stop coming in the door...

  18. Ok let's look at the positives:


    1) Novare Coast is awesome.

    2) Legacy class buffs are a nice touch.

    3) You get a fluffy pet and 30 days free.

    4) New Flash Point


    Everything else to include most Legacy stuff is cosmetic and unimpressive due to the severe nature of the NERFs.




    1) Healing was nerfed for all classes and skill trees making it much more difficult to keep up with rage timers and Surge DPS

    2) Fundamental changes were made to every skill tree generally forcing classes out of theory crafting hybrid builds. This has the potential to ruin an entire community genre of people who love to twink build toons. I am one of this number.

    3) It was conceptually theorized that gear mods would be transferable to orange gear that people like better. HOWEVER, this can cost up to 500K per piece AND IT DOES NOT transfer the set bonus. Your BM and WH gear mods also carry the Expertise trait making it all that much harder to replace with Enhancements that have Surge, Crit, Power, etc that you would prefer to have in that gear set. I saw zero PvP gear that have surge?

    4) Vender PvP prices have greatly increased.

    5) Starter PvP gear is Blue?

    6) Jedi Knight PvP and PvE Gear still looks like crap. To spite months of complaining about the BM PvP gear, the new WH gear is equally bad.

    7) 30 days free only applies to 50's? Uhm what about everyone who does not have a 50 but has been in game since the beggining.


    I hate to say it but the NERF's, gear changes and cost increases are overshadowing any positives in this patch for me.


    Why would you release a patch that you know going in people are going to be sooo pissed that you have to give them a free month of game play?

  19. It amazes me to hear all the trollers and fan boys say things like, "Don't let the door hit you on the way out", "Get over it and move on.", and "Looks like a smooth patch to me, Bioware is amazing as always."


    Just so you guys are aware, NERF's kill MMO's. Every time developers release a patch and NERF something in the name of balance that fundamentally changes the way class rolls play, screws up rotations, or changes the mechanics of a particular build, people get upset. In this case entire groups of people were impacted and ARE upset. If you can't see that then you're in complete denial. If Bioware does this enough the server populations won't be their only issue... I for one am taking advantage of this unscheduled maintenance time to type out my disgust and check out Diablo III. I'm sure that's what Bioware had planned for me on this day off I took to play patch 1.2.

  20. If you ever went to school, you would know you how to make paragraphs, not a wall of text.


    TL; DR


    And if you ever had something constructive and creative to say it but you don't so you revert to the only thing you know how to do, troll.

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