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Posts posted by Jakoby

  1. It's not just that the population is dying the hacks are killing the experience. Almost every match there are hacks employed to gain advantage. Just got out of a Voidstar where no one could see who was opening the doors and no warning was given that the enemy had even successfully engaged a door but it blew anyway. I simply cannot continue to play like this and I just came back.
  2. Yep, came back after the movie, I was inspired to pick up my lightsaber again. That quickly faded when I realized what they had done.


    After reading these forums it looks like dark days ahead for SWTOR, too sad. A good business model encourages sales, EA's business model seems to limit and simplify which implies cutbacks to developement.

  3. I just came back after a year and a half and almost puked when I realized they had eliminated the trees and hybrid builds altogether.


    I thought I would give the new system a chance and started a new character to get a clear handle on the new system, I leveled to 18 on Corusant! I was running around in fleet with level 6 gear on a level 18 character and hated the new discipline system.


    I immediately called customer service and demanded a refund. The game is over for me.


    There is the opinion of what most returning players will experience after being revitalized by the new movie.


    I beleive your right the game is dead, EA killed it.

  4. Just returned to my collectors edition of SWTOR to find many new and disturbing changes.


    1) Discipline... Wha? Ok, so you eliminated cross classing and hybrid builds thereby making everything cookie cutter.

    2) No point in moving on, I cannot get past 1.


    That was quick I am saddened to say but SWTOR is now dead to me. If there is one thing I cannot stand and that is cookie cutter. What's the point to a character build if you cannot choose your own path. Everyone is exactly the same with the only exception to their gear progression.


    Called and called my sub, asked for a refund.


    Moving on with a sad heart. The motivation to play again from the new movie is now gone.

  5. The problem is not the DOT's. The problem is the snare from 30m away and force bubble. Why your able to stand across the battlefield and root the other players while melting them and then force bubble on top of that unbalances the class. Their damage output from DOTS can be mitigated by a decent healer, their root and bubble cannot and is OP.


    The original poster is misinformed on assassins, they are not OP, they don't have a force bubble nor the range the sorc and sage have. They are also easy to take down if they don't know how to use their escapes.

  6. The gear divide is simple. Those that have augmented expertise and those that don't. It's gotten sooo bad that those that don't will be those that never have as it is way to frustrating to play 50 PvP anymore... At best,"'those that don't" can hope to capture one node and sit on it. More often than not they won't be able to do even that vs. a skilled well equipped group. If you don't beleive me, have a group of DEV's do a 50 PvP match on any server in recruit gear. You'll get rolled, I don't care what your skill level is....


    EXPERTISE has broke the game. We warned you in Beta Bioware, you ignored us...

  7. This game fell victim to the same dev bias that afflicted WoW in it's early years.


    Frustrated programmers that weigh 8 stone soaking wet and were raised on a diet of heroic fantasy, think the only characters that can kill people have to be big strapping warrior-types and the ones in the dresses are just there as meatsacks for them to whale on.


    Incompetence is also a big part of it. Plus listening to nerf-whining babies QQ'ing about allegedly OP classes (Ravage buff says hi).


    Well said, however I'd prefer to refer to my dress as a barbarian's tunic... lol.


    It takes all of about 3 secs for a poorly outfitted group of Marauders to focus me down. A well geared and skilled group do it in about 0.5 seconds. 50 PvP is totally bunked now that they added augmented gear. We have to have some kind of surviveability or the 6 servers that are left will be gone in 2 months when GW is released.

  8. With the advent of augments and Maruader/ Sentinel balance adjustment are Sages now bunk in War Zones?


    When I jump on my fully equipped Battlemaster DPS Sage I seem to be focus fired immediately. I'm assuming that they automatically target the would be healer but dam. I have NO surviveability in a DPS spec so with a JUG and 2-3 Mauraders in eery group they simply run around and focus fire all sages and scoundrels. It's a definate design flaw since 1.2 when Marauders and Sentnels got a major buff.


    One thing I would like to see is a surviveability talent added. Maybe a longer range on their knock back or maybee make the pin effect actually work...? Currently vs. Marauders they walk right through it. I don't know what the fix is but WR's are now full of the flavor of the month Marauders.

  9. Yeah I've seen lots of strange things on POT5 since transferring.


    Initially I attributed most of it to lag and servers not being able to handle an influx of people, but it is far worse than it was even during early release, so unless the server performance took a few serious steps back then this shouldn't be due to the load.


    One of the things I've been noticing, apart from amazing speed some people run at (yes I'm aware of all the speed buffs classes get, been playing this game over a year now), is that only certain people lag me TREMENDOUSLY when entering my screen in warzones. I can have a large battle going on and everything runs smoothly, until that one person comes on your screen and my performance gets sooo choppy, I think a frame updates once a second or two. Needless to say, I do not end up winning the battles I'm unable to fight in, however the person that lags you always does.


    Which got me thinking -- what if it's an exploit? What if they figured out how to bombard your client with so much information that it lags you and allows them a few seconds in which to take you out. If this were happening often and with different folks, I could confidently say that it was random but it is only certain people that trigger it.


    Or it could be random and 1.3 introduced serious performance issues in warzones, rendering them unplayable at times around certain opponents. :(


    I think your right on. Alot of this stuff is post 1.3 and I just attributed it to server load but it's progressively gotten worse.

  10. A marauder/sentinel can use a cooldown that gives them 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds. Are you sure thats not what you saw?


    This is not it but while you mention it this ability coupled with the damage they can put out make them a slight bit OP. Just saying...

  11. A marauder/sentinel can use a cooldown that gives them 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds. Are you sure thats not what you saw?


    Was a Sorc. but I have seen Marauders do it as well but they still ticked minor damage. The individuals I've seen took NO damage at all.

  12. Will someone please tell me what Hacks are being used to avoid fire damage in Hut Ball? I thought it may just be lag but 3 nights in a row I've seen Imperial players walk through the fire without taking any fire damage? It's unbalancing the game as I beleive they are using it mitigate other damage types as well. Running FRAPS now and I will post when I get a good shot.
  13. Probably the most annoying thing is they do it to one class every patch, make massive sweeping changes that utterely change the feel of peoples characters, and all with very little testing.


    Dude, I couldn't have said it better. They have completely ruined my experience more than once already with NERFs. The game has completely changed from what it used to be already. I love my Scoundrel DPS, Guardian and my Sage but I've had to completely change the way I play to the point of not wanting to play them anymore. My Scoundrel was shelved after the first set of Nerfs a while ago and I just can't play him anymore... It's getting that way on my Guardian as they have been the second most nerfed class in the game both for DPS and Tanking.

  14. Sorcerers/Sage need more survivability, better heals and more utility. Something along the lines of a binding heal would be nice.




    Smugglers/Ops need a lot more utility in the way of being able to get away from DPS, I'd also like to see a better AoE heal.


    No way! They already are dam im posible to kill even with two on them and giving them an AOE would take away the ONLY advantage sage healers have on them. They also have the best CC's in the game. If anything they need a bit of "balancing on the healing side."


    Commando/Merc Healing needs a resource reduction and defensive CDs for the rest of the group. They should be the Holy Paladins of SWTOR. Give them a sacrifice, give them something that reduces/immune movement impairing effects.



    All in all I do not see healers being able to compete against War Hero geared groups with coordinated DPS. Peels and CC isn't enough to keep healers from slaughtered.

  15. Welcome to cookie cutter builds. It's just too bad you can't get hilt strike/backhand for that extra stun/interrupt for pvp. It's also too bad BW felt the need to make the worst tank damage potential even worse. There's no room to play with builds anymore.


    Your 100% correct. With the build I just posted I find that my DPS is cut in half. I do have a bit better surviveability but not enought to make the build worth it in PvP as I get burnt down quick from force damage. I really don't feel like much of a Tank in PvP. Now a Scoundrel Sawbones healer, there's a tanking class for PvP. It takes 3 to take one down.

  16. Using sage/sorc healers as a comparative is a bit poor since they're terrible at healing now. :) They can't heal others let alone themselves effectively from what I see these days.


    I respc'd my DPS Sage to healing for PvE as their AoE is required in some cases but in PvP they have no surviveability anymore, wheras scondrel sawbones/ operative healers put up 400-640K healing and are nigh imposible to kill unless you have 3 focussed on them. On my Focus Guardian I tried to solo one I caught away from the pack, between stuns I was able to get him to 60%, that was as close as I could get after 3 tries. In RWZ they are the only healing class allowed in most pre-mades.

  17. Have read thru most of these and everyone seems to have a variation on what they like to do. I like PvP but want something I can tank with as well without loosing too much DPS.


    I've bee toying with this build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500GMudz0MZ0MZfRr0rhzzz.2


    It seems to accomplish most of what I want to do and only looses one point in commanding Awe, it's either that or Blade barrier which I'm torn about which is more relevant.

  18. Any more ideas?


    I am a republic player (primarily) who is decent but never going to be considered among the elite of the server, queues solo, plays multiple classes including sage, and has multiple characters to gear.


    I should be the most sympathetic person to your plight but instead it strikes strikes me as mindless caterwauling.


    You are all obviously a Bioware advocates so I will just say this. There are those of us that love the concept of this game, we are Star Wars fans. When that love dies cold there are many other games that are far better mechanically and many will migrate in those directions. My simple argument is this, casual players are greatly disadvantaged and highy disgusted by expertise. They are leaving in droves, many of my friends are now gone Beta testing Guild Wars. You can hold on to your whole fanboy world where you think everything is fine but in about 2 months your going to see server mergers big time. This game from the beginning is nothing more than a WoW reskin. Wow is several years old and people are looking for something new, not the same old mechanic that so many have copied.

  19. Wait, hold you flames I forgot a couple more...


    8) PvP is now so full of lag your abilities often lag, chat lags, players rubber band causing your knock backs to fail or be missplaced.


    9) Post 1.3 abilities are not working or lagging so bad you press the 4 or 5 times only to screw up your rotations.



    Ok, flame on. It's just me , I suck. I beleive that's where you left off...

  20. How about just removing it altogether? There's a novel idea... Then everyone would have to use skill to win and play PvE content to get good gear.... Hey plus, plus.... Not, Bioware is going to sink their own ship as everyone migrates on to other games.
  21. How about just removing it altogether? There's a novel idea... Then everyone would have to use skill to win and play PvE content to get good gear.... Hey plus, plus.... Not, Bioware is going to sink their own ship as everyone migrates on to other games.
  22. Could it be...


    1) Expertise unbalances player skill aspect discouraging players from grinding PvP gear.


    2) Could it be many of your favorite PvE abilities are locked out?


    3) Could it be your favorite toons have been nerfed into obscurity whil others were buffed too much.


    4) Could it be the Empire players took advantage early on and gained a huge advantage over Republic players during the Ilum days?


    5) Could it be Republic mechanics are clunky making rotations alot different from Empire players?


    6) Could it be the matching mechanic does not prorperly match groups based on gear?


    7) Could it be all of the above?



    I say yes it is, prior to 50 I really enjoy PvP but now even in full Battlemaster my Sage just sucks Post 1.1. I've been nerfed twice, and now my epic project ability looks like a knee capper. I am sooo disgusted. Telekinetics no longer has a place in PvP, one must spec balance or healing to even be considered. I hate to say it but I hear Guild Wars calling. I've given you all the opportunity to fix this game that I can but it just keeps getting worse.


    It's a sad, sad day.







    PS: Why did you ever put Expertise in this game? That's the person you should be firing, the idiot that made that decision.

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