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Everything posted by Evarwyn

  1. Episode 21: Back In The Game! Welcome back everyone! Its great to be back on the Ebon Millennium and we’re discussing all the reasons why we brought the show back, plus what we’ve been up to in game. Afterward, we roll our sleeves up and get to work. This week we talk about all the information that came out of the SWTOR Insider for January 2014: Preferred Players get access to galactic star fighter on 1/14, new GS role: Bomber, team death match in GS, new flashpoint “Kuat Drive Yards”, and the teased new event. Also, Agent Olan presents “Imperial Intelligence(no, it’s not a contradiction!)” in The Jedi Archives, our new “Dev Tracker Post of the Week” feature, Our Star Wars Recommendation of the week and the Holo Feed with you feedback!
  2. The news/opinion SWTOR podcast that takes place inside the space ship, The Ebon Millennium w/ Jedi Master Evarwyn, Agent Olan and Sith Lord Korv. LIsten each week as this rag tag group travels the stars and discusses one of their favorite MMOs, Star Wars: The Old Republic. We record our show LIVE on our Twitch Channel at 7pm EST, Mondays OUR LATEST EPISODE SWTOR Reforged: Episode 44: That Manaan Factor This week the guys gather on the Ebon Millennium to discuss some new info that may suggest Manaan may be the setting for our new expansion, plus a minor update from JJ Abrams from the set of Star Wars Episode VII and some very interesting information that came out of a recent visit to BioWare from Ootinicast’s, Chill, on Galactic Strongholds. Agent Olan discusses “The Galactic Republic: Galactic Experiment With Democracy” in The Intelligence Report. Later on we present our Star Wars recommendations of the week, the SWTOR Fansite/Podcast Weekly update and your tweets, plus our week in game!
  3. I think this is a fantastic idea! I'll be all in when I get in game tomorrow night! Good job! ~Evarwyn
  4. SWTOR Reforged: Episode 18: You’re FREE, To Play! Part 2! With F2P launching this week, the crew sits down and talks about the new announcement of the date as well as a blog post from Exec. Producer, Jeff Hickman on the state of SWTOR. Later on, Lou teaches us about “The Sith Academy” in his Jedi Archives and you can look forward to our usual in game experiences and some of your tweets! Episode 18: You’re FREE, To Play! Part 2!
  5. SWTOR Reforged Episode 17: Ootini! We have FINALLY returned, and the wait was worth it! The crew sits down with Chill and Teo from Ootini-Cast! After escaping the clutches of Slimey The Hutt, Chill and Teo talk with Evarwyn, Lou and Fred about their week in game as well as the MASSIVE news that Disney purchased Lucas Arts and that there WILL be an Episode 7,8 and 9! Also, the guys talk a bit about F2P model as we learn more information, not the least of which being an announcement from Joveth Gonzalez that 1.5 will not be this week, but rather, VERY soon! After our talk, Lou enters the Jedi Archives where he presents to us the origins of the title “Darth”! SWTOR Reforged Episode 17: Ootini!
  6. Here is a link to an editorial on my fan-site/podcast. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to leave comments here or on the site. Thanks "BioWare Should Consider Fans When Building Free-to-Play" by Brian Armstrong
  7. You must not have read my posts. I'm *NOT* suggesting Episode 7 take place during TOR. I'm *suggesting* it might be fun for SWTOR gamers to see some kind of small influence from the old republic era IN episode 7, since they've already said its going to depart from the assumed storyline (from the novels/comics). I'm also asking what plot devices or influences you'd like to see, if it were to happen.
  8. I agree that any heavy story influences would be a stretch. However, I think small things in the story and/or on the screen that us SWTOR players would immediately recognize would be great! For example, in Episode III, when Palpatine was telling Anakin that he was the Sith Lord, the room they were in was adorned with ancient Sith relics! Those relics looked EXACTLY like the ones you see in the original KOTOR. When I saw that, I got really excited, because it really fostered that idea of "This is the same Star Wars universe, no matter what the medium"
  9. Well, you're touching on one of the main subjects that has the SWTOR community really debating. You're not alone! I think the devs recognized that "alting" is a very common form of gameplay that most MMO gamers like to do. To that end, I think they saw the Legacy System as a way to foster that sort of gameplay in a new and fresh way. Also, I think that they believed it would make up for the lack of gameplay variety at end game. However, most of us (me included), see this as a missed opportunity. BioWare relaized it a bit too late and has been trying to develop more end game content while developing quality of life systems we all expected to be in at launch (ie: LFG system)
  10. The OP brings up a great point though! I think one thing that really gets me in this game, is all the running and "manual traveling" you need to do to get from where you are, to where you want to be. Example: Imagine you're on Voss and your guild invites you to an in-progress raid. Wouldn't it be great if they could get you into the raid w/o you having to blow your travel cooldowns?
  11. WOW! This is really awesome! Great job! After seeing the before/after pictures and reading the article, you can really see a huge difference in how the light is effected by what it passes through. Just gives me more reason to believe that the longer this game is out, the better it gets. Thank you for the hard work!
  12. Just thought it'd be fun to speculate. So, it was announced that Episode VII will NOT be any story we've known from the novels/comics. That means...Luke Skywalker's NJO is OUT! Since SWTOR is *THE* Star Wars game right now, do you think it'd be fun if BioWare and Disney/Lucas Arts found a way to link an expansion to Episode VII? Here are some quick ideas: Small events in SWTOR finally become HUGE problems in Ep7 New areas created for SWTOR seen as ancient ruins in Ep7 A SWTOR antagonist *somehow* influences the story in Ep7 (maybe becomes THE bad guy) Character's in SWTOR (Satele Shan) have datacrons that become reference points for knowlege in Ep7 and help the hero(s) resolve their conflict
  13. Episode 15: Too Little? Join us this week for another ‘around the galaxy’ adventure as we disucuss the departure of Daniel Erickson, ask ourselves what else we’d like to see in the game and talk about our in-game week! During the Jedi Archives, Lou gives us a lesson on “The Death Mark”! We feature an email this week from a listener who calls us out on a mistake, and we introduce our new cast member, the ship droid: Q2F3! SWTOR: Reforged Episode 15: "Too Little?"
  14. Here is your SWTOR News from Wednesday to Wednesday, 9/26 to 10/3! Lou and Evarwyn present topics such as the patch to fix graphical bug issues w/ update 1.4 as well as brand new features in the SWTOR Forums and this week in Star Wars Expanded Universe news! The game guide brings us the third boss fight in Eternity Vault “Ancient Pylons” HoloNet News: 9/26-10/3
  15. SWTOR Reforeged: Episode 16: Playing Catch Up! Recorded Monday: 10/22/12 We’re back this week after taking the previous off! Sorry about that, we missed you too! We play a little catch up this week as we talk about the new F2P table that was announced, and we have to get a little critical with how this is being conceived. Also, we discuss our usual gameplay for the week and Lou presents “The Dread Masters” in The Jedi Archives. SWTOR Reforged 16: "Playing Catch Up!"
  16. Hi Everyone! SWTOR Reforged is an excited, energetic and positive, fan-based podcast about SWTOR and Star Wars in general! Hosted by Evarwyn, Louis Olan and Fred Woodley of the The Quest Gaming Network! This show celebrates and reports on SWTOR while providing commentary in a balanced, fun and lighthearted atmosphere for ALL fans of Star Wars and SWTOR to enjoy! Your anti-bash cast, created by true fans for real fans...YOU! Our website is not just host to our podcast, but also provides up to date, WITHOUT negatively slanted, news reporting and editorials on current events in our favorite game! I will update this thread each time we post a new show! Thanks for following/subscribing to my thread! The hosts and I on the show hope to hear from you soon! Warmest Regards, (And May the Force Be With You!), Evarwyn CLICK HERE FOR OUR LATEST EPISODE! Website iTunes Zune RSS Feed Follow Us On Twitter! @SWTORReforged
  17. NAME: STAR WARS: OFF THE RECORD ABOUT: Star Wars: Off the Record is a podcast for fans of SWTOR and the Star Wars Universe, alike! The hosts report on the most relevant news topics for the game, but also deliver thoughtful and insightful topics and discussions about TOR and its place in the MMO genre while maintaining a fun, light and humorous atmosphere. Each week, the hosts also spend some time on lore topics in the Star Wars universe as well as discuss how it relates to the overall story of the game and beyond! Star Wars: Off the Record is available on iTunes. RELEASE/LENGTH: Recorded every 2 weeks. Approx. 1hr to an 1hr and a 1/2. First release: Jan 20 2012 WEB: http://WWW.STARWARSOFFTHERECORD.COM RSS:http://starwarsofftherecord.com/feed/ iTUNES:http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/star-wars-off-the-record-i/id494694171 TWITTER: @StarWarsOTR FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/Starwarsotr
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