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Everything posted by HojoVC

  1. Could never really find any light armor I was happy with... So here's no light armor :3
  2. Shadows totally look like this all the time, right? I have a weird love for that headpiece
  3. Which would effectively screw over players who group for content. I was doing the quests with a group and picked Light side, someone else picked Dark side and won. So while I was pretty much fuming behind their back over that decision, he would have survived had I solo'ed the quest, and adding this as option later would give me no way of redoing that part. IF this were implemented, it should check for personal choices, not for overall story progression.
  4. Like everyone else I agree it's bugged atm, but I'm mainly here to tell you that you CAN crouch on the spot even if there's physical cover available. Check your key bindings: F = cover shift+F = crouch
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