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Everything posted by Nightfrogger

  1. Is there anyway we can get a neutral button for characters we wish to not earn light or dark points for doing things other than conversations? I have a few characters who I try to keep at neutral and would love to have to stop constantly switching back and forth to keep it that way. I know taking the gains out of conversations is not possible, and I am okay with that. It just makes it harder to keep neutral when every time you do a gathering quest or something you get light or dark points.
  2. I think chapter 2 is not scaled like the other veteran chapters here is my evidence. These are all veteran level. I am a lightning sorcerer. Talking with others some people seem to be able to do this chapter without much difficulty others seem to be having my issues. Class specific bug perhaps? Chapter 1: did it right off the bat as level 65 level 10 companion gear level around 210 Chapter 2: got repeatably beaten to the ground multiple times by first pull. Leveled to 70, changed most of my gear to 220 got companion to level 47 (1000 companion gifts). Put companion in healing mode, still got 3 shot. Put companion in tank mode lived a bit longer still could not kill elite mob. Put companion in dps mode, used cc/kiting and a heroic moment off healed companion barely scraped by did it with companion dying. Made it to second set of story mobs. Tried to cc/kite, changed specs and tried to heal companion as a tank lasted longer still died (one of the mobs was still able to dps while CC'd by the way) burned heroic moment got 3 non elite adds down still got owned by the single elite mob. After literally breaking my gear 15 times due to deaths, running raid level stims, using med packs and waiting for heroic moment to go off cooldown each attempt. Gave up set it to story finished the chapter. Chapter 3: Set back to veteran did it with a level 6 companion, yes died a bunch but still doable still mostly 220 gear. Chapter 4: Companions level 4 and 3 many deaths lot of cc/kiting needed but still managed to complete. Chapter 5: level 3 companion couple of trash pulls gave me some trouble boss piece of cake completed Chapter 6: Difficult but doable. Lots of kiting and near perfect execution of interrupts needed. But my point is that chapter 2 just does not seem to be on par with the rest of the veteran modes. I am thinking that veteran mode is accidentally scaled to master mode. Looking at the data for the rest of the chapters I have seen in veteran mode my level 47 companion should be wiping the floor with these mobs. It just doesn't add up. Update had to pull in two friends to finish chapter 2 on veteran mode. Still lots of wipes, still having level 47 companion basically 3 shot. So other option is companion is not registering properly as level 47 perhaps also the problem. But with 3 of us + 47 companion should not have had nearly the issues we did trying to do this chapter. Something is messed up.
  3. /signed Agreed here totally, need like a covert energy hood or something
  4. I am a collector of a lot of things, and I think it would be nice to have a 4th drop down option for the collections tab. Something that only shows items you have unlocked either universally or for that character.
  5. Just got home from my 12 hour graveyard shift to have the realization that due to daylight savings my 12 hour shift this evening just became a 13 hour shift. Any way I can get some inspiration Eric to help get me through my night? I know silly request but here in my tired sleep deprived state post sift blah state of mind I am in now the thought amuses me.
  6. Are we getting these 9 chapters at once or are they all spread out month to month again? Or will this be like the last expansion where we get the first 9 chapters then more to follow month to month again?
  7. I had to work 60+ hours this week so with that somehow through lack of sleep and tons of caffeine I finally got my first dark vs. light character high enough level to try to do the kill 50 gree droids part of the legendary meta achievement. Played him all night to finally get him to 48 and drag him to illum around 6:45 central. I was able to kill 47 of them and while I had my last group of 3 the event ended and my mobs I was currently fighting vanished without a trace. So now stuck at 47/50. So my question is will the the gree event happen again while dark vs light is still running? I know that those people who could not make new characters were waiting for the the jump from 40 to 50 characters to become active and they are in the same boat. I just want to know if I lost my chance to finish the legendary part of this challenge.
  8. Was trying to do one of the HK-55 hidden achievements to find that all of the achievements I had done with him are gone.
  9. 1) Get back my favorite husband and character in the game so far: Quinn 2) Be able to customize new companions, Lana's outfit has to go 3) Kill Vaylin just to steal her clothes 4) Recruit Lord Cytharat, I know he was a a few expansions ago, but I really liked that character and he would be neat in the alliance 5) Bring Koth to Ziost to show him just how much of a jerk his beloved emperor really is.
  10. Quinn, all of my characters would run around with him.
  11. Wow Eric noticed me. Well I guess with only a few days until patch sneaking someone in his place would be difficult. We can dream can't we?
  12. I would rather have it be polished and ready to go personally, but since we are not getting bowdaar this chapter any way we can get a little sneak peak of who we get in their place this chapter?
  13. Super crate, one of the grand chance cubes had a Revan holo satue
  14. I have a logitech one that I think was either 30 or 40, not to sure that uses a usb connection instead of the microphone and sound jack. Picked it up at walmart.
  15. Quinn - best strategist the galaxy has to offer and an excellent healer, that and he is my favorite companion Torian - muscle of the party Theron Shan - who doesn't want the best spy in the galaxy? that and can hack is way into anything Lana - pragmatic, dedicated and also another favorite of mine Yuun - best tech person there is, would love to see what he could come up with working with this group
  16. Quinn, also my favorite companion. I know me reading into the story to much and inserting my own opinions. But hey, he is my favorite companion. I cannot wait to get him back. All of my characters will run with my Captain.
  17. Same, have the quest to get HK, but no blizz. I started chapter 10 on my imperial agent yesterday and finished the chapter today. Also the two quests we had yesterday to get two additional companions, the ones that didn't work are also gone.
  18. From the patch notes The Alliance Alerts "Reclaimed Treasure" and "Shining In The Darkness" are present in the Alliance UI but are not usable. Did we just get these by mistake or are these missions actually available with the patch? Well if they are actually available, my characters do not have access to them. Just would like a bit of clarification.
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