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Everything posted by Donger

  1. They should just rollback the entire server base to level 1 rank 0... then put in a level/rank cap of +5 per week after that. A change we can believe IN!
  2. Pandora's Box... you have opened it
  3. Read the books from Timothy Zahn. Lots of lore and other planets in the series.
  4. The guy that tossed the reset button right under the search button... I grant you the 2012 (pick your fav slang word) award. Well played! Well played indeed. /golfclap
  5. My mind... has been blown. Wow... Just, wow.
  6. I can send my minions out to sell grey junk. Why can't my minions also grab the mail while they are out? /shock collar engaged Mail now Vette!
  7. I've had it almost happen, but I was level 10 in crap gear vs a level 50 scoundrel with all the chemical buffs. No biggie. You just gotta put on your Big Boy pants and drive on.
  8. Donger

    Medpacs in pvp...

    DANG IT!!! You beat me to it
  9. OMG!!! Nerf OPs!! (kidding)
  10. Yeah cause us lowbys (*** is that? lowbie?) don't pay a sub fee and want to have fun gearing up. you know.. cause like PVP level 20 gear out shines anything else. Also, it helps develop players into better players when they are matched evenly. HAHA no more faceroll for you.
  11. How do you know what I paid for? Maybe I saw it as a way to stay competitive while remaining casual. Oh wow no grinding in this game... SWEET I'm subbed! I don't like the bike, so I unsubbed to it. Wasn't hard at all.
  12. Lol fail. JC and Enchanting make a killing. Every new piece of gear raiders/ pvpers get needs gems and chants. That's how I make my money. Alchemy and cooking are also big sellers. This game has nothing that compares to it. I can pay a player some credits for a mod, or I can just toss out a few commendations for an even better one.
  13. Same could be said about your avatar... it needs a nerf
  14. Donger

    Pvp bs

    HAHAHA! This is why we don't need that. It causes grief. I know cause I used to do it in older games that had it (ex:NWN, CSS) when I was younger. You gonna like it when someone corners you at the auction house, then goes afk to make a sammich? I can see your point, but the mechanic causes many more problems than it solves.
  15. Donger

    Pvp bs

    1. Nerf all Heavy Armor cause armor really matters 2. Nerf Vanish abilities cause Scoundrel/ OP are viable sustained DPS out of stealth 3. YES! We HAVE to have this NOW!!! Then I will be able to grief people trying to get to the AH, Spaceship door, or keep a mass of people locked up in corners... fun fun. 4. Exactly! Nerf all classes, so mechanics are identical! 5. They should give every class an entire bar full of interrupts 6. CC in itself is not needed. Remove it ASAP! Cause no one uses them to stop #5 7. Melee need nerfed badly. I can't knock them away from me cause they already used the leap ability, thus having no way to get back. It's madness I tell you! TLDR I WANT MY INSTAGIB I WIN BUTTONS NOW /unsub
  16. Heck no! I'm a crafter. My mods/ pots await you my liege! Get the trend started. You go-getter you. Momma must be proud.
  17. Donger

    Re-rolling Imp

    Don't roll Imperial! Sure we have greater power and numbers now... but I have a bad feeling of things to come after the Battle of Endor.
  18. I can see the point of it. If you lack skill, like the OP, then you gotta find some way to win. Doing 1 kill and 47 deaths would totally kill his epeen, so he has to go this route. The Emperor applauds you /golfclap
  19. Donger

    Sage/Sorc Exploit

    Nerf left paddle!!!! It's OP!
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