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Posts posted by collinc

  1. What about shiv and back stab. I have never used explosive probe and rarely used OS, things died before it did anything anyway. I really enjoy solo content on my op healer, still do in 3.0.


    Shiv works well enough but that means I have to run up and be close to everyone, and as I said I have a gun. Backstab you have to be behind for that, and I'll probably only ever be able to get that off if I stun them first. Unless I run with a tank comp I guess. Then you probably weren't using os right. Start an attack off with it, it knocks down weak and standard npc's and you could focus on strong and elite npc's.

  2. Hey there,


    I love that there are new neutral items. I like to have lightside, darkside, and neutral chars. I got a lightsaber that says "requires neutral or above." I tried to put it on a lightside character and it wouldn't let me. So the text should not say "requires neutral or above" it should simply say "requires neutral" because light 5 is above neutral.

  3. If you were doing similar to DPS speed of killing, while specced heals, then there was a big problem.


    I killed things a lot slower than other dps before. This isn't even an issue of kill speed. It's an issue that there are 2 skills to use and one of them is the default shoot. There are also 2 melee skills, but one of them you have to be behind for. And I have a freaking gun, I should be able to use some ranged things.

  4. Just played through a few missions on Rishi. With no explosive probe, no orbital strike, no corrosive dart my rotation has become:


    Grenade, shoot, shoot, shoot, grenade, shoot, shoot, shoot.


    Occasionally I'll run up and debilitate and backstab and shiv, but those have rather long cooldowns. Why exactly did we need to lose 3 attack abilities? Or are we not supposed to spec heal unless we're running in a group now? Because this is just boring and time consuming.

  5. lol... I guess you didn,t play an Oper healer since 2.0??????? Nerfed to the ground would brought them in line with Sorc and Merc for PvP.


    So by that logic, Sorc and Merc were completely useless as healers since 2.0? And you're glad the solution was "make everyone useless."


    Not saying I agree with you or that I think any of the classes are going to be grounded, just going through your thought process.

  6. So, there are signs the game is moving into a direction where certain parts are going to be less dependent on player gear or level.


    This is the conclusion you should have come to. Certain parts of the game are going to be less dependent on player gear or level. That does not mean the extinction of max level. All it means is there are some people that like to play the game a bit more casually and BW is catering to them. They are not however getting rid of max level end game hard mode content. And they are not making that content available to everyone.

  7. You don't understand, after doing all the regular dailies, these people want to do the PvP ones too, only without the PvP :rolleyes:


    As I said, I would be happy to do PvP quests inside the PvP area. One of the quests involves killing an elite. That's not a PvP quest, and coming up to people in the middle of a fight with a monster that will continue to attack them but not you is not PvP, it's ganking and pointless. You might get a good laugh out of it, but it's not PvP.

  8. We don't get too many open world PvP opportunities. I love that the Gree event has open world PvP. What I don't like is that there are two PvE quests in the PvP area. All that happens now is people try to run the quests to get the rep, and people sit around ganking them and then start arguments.


    P1: "Leave me alone I'm just questing."


    P2: "Don't come to a PvP area and complain about PvP."


    P1:"I'm not complaining about PvP, I'm complaining that I'm trying to kill a mob and you come up and attack me right before I kill it. That's not PvP."


    P2:"lol noob"


    Get rid of the quests that make you bring orbs to the hypergate and make us charge up the hypergate with the blood of our enemies.

  9. I've never seen BW give out information like this. I don't see that changing any time soon. I feel like this similar to asking for data on how to farm credits most efficiently. That's not information they want out there. Similarly, the test data for which class can do exactly how much damage is not out there because then a ton of people would immediately use that spec and rotation.
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