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Posts posted by Mannce

  1. hahaha, I personally think everyone is reading FAR to much into the whole early game access. People going on about evil plots and wrong doings, these guys are developers not the actual SITH, just incase nobody realised :p


    The developers may not be sith, but they sure as heck work for an evil emperor. Cough EA.

  2. I keep saying it. Perception is KEY to a good launch. They got the technical side down no problem, but the PERCEPTION is your screwing the pooch.


    By not doing 24/7 waves, even if they were 5 or 6 hours apart, the perception is that only SOME people are working on getting people in, only a FEW favored dates get rewarded, etc.


    It really doesnt matter what is true or not, it doesnt matter how hard they are working (which I guarantee they are working their butts off) its perceived by most that they could be doing MUCH more to get people playing the game.


    Honestly, no matter how big the preorders were, even if its 3 million, I didnt think in my wildest dream it would take more than 48 hours to get everyone in game. I really assumed they would run 24/7 waves.


    Come the 20th, everyone can log in anyway, the servers had better be ready for it so I dont know why the servers cant handle 24/7 wave invites one week ahead of time. If it REALLY is technical things keeping from happening then its a HUGE problem on their end.


    Bingo, its now 8:06. Were's the next invites? Come on the stores open, flick you darn sign and open your doors. Your late SR!

  3. Having a staggered launch isnt necessarily a problem, its how Bioware is managing things that is.


    Heres a few nice examples why.


    - They know damn well when they will invite us yet they refuse to inform us as to roughly when we can expect our invite.


    - Its a well known fact they have groups working in 24h shifts to ensure the best launch possible (or at least thats what they say). Heres even a quote from Stephen Reid.

    ''The Live Services team is working in shifts (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) for the next month to ensure that servers stay up, player population is well managed, issues are triaged, problems are communicated and bugs are fixed as fast as possible.


    After that, we're on-call 24/7 for the life of the game.''


    So why exactly do we get a 18h gap between every 4 or 5 waves?


    - Not to mention the servers have been sitting on low pop for hours upon hours (check out the server status http://www.swtor.com/server-status). If you look around youll even see plenty of people that have come forward about how theres barely anybody to group with in-game or how some are exploiting the low pop (BGs powerleveling?)

    And even if the servers do get filled up we had an open beta just weeks ago where Bioware had some nice stress testing done. On top of that they even have a zone instancing system in place to ensure that the zones dont become overpopulated.


    All i see is poor desicion making on Biowares part.


    You just echoed the conversation between 20 or so guildies last night in teamspeak. Even those that were in and playing felt the whole process has become way more convoluted then it needed to be. The big thing were confused about. Its great you put in that 'neat' guild deployment thing. But honestly, what function did it serve us. At the very least, all guilds that qualified for early deployment, should have all been deployed together. Not only did we preorder as part of a program, we set up a guild as part of another program. Know usually when my dog does a trick, I toss him a bone, when he does two... I don't walk away from him thinking, thanks for sitting, thanks for lying down.

  4. Thats just support team. Not team that deals with letting new ppl in.


    Perhaps go read SR's comment. The LIVE team is what is letting people in and watching the servers, again invites may not be 24/7. But the team(s) that are doing those invites are there 24/7, as per a Senior Bioware comment. Get your facts straight.

  5. Even Bioware are only ppl.

    Do You work 24 hours a day every day in week?


    I dont think so. Let them work their 8 hours and go home to their families like every normal human.


    No but they do work 24/7, there are several live times 'working' at all hours of the day at this point, and probably for many many months to come. If you think the office was empty at 3am. sigh.

  6. guess you missed the part where people make **** up?


    or do you believe that december pre-orders are in early access too?


    and that the loch ness monster and big foot are laughing at us from their secret hideout built by elvis and jimmy hoffa??


    Ha! One, everyone know's the loch ness monster and big foot hate each other. (They can't be in the same room together with out something being smashed) Two, both elvis and jimmy hoffa are at bioware playing as we speak. My brothers, wife's sister's boyfriend saw them having a smoke break around 3:44 this afternooon. There's no darn way thats true. :rolleyes:

  7. I've seen some dumb posts today. I prolly even created a few, but this one takes the cake. +1 Toelin


    HAHAHAHAHAHA I couldn't agree more. And I've made some pretty, self admitted over the top expersions of anger at this whole scenario. This guy takes the cake. I know! I call visa and tell them they DIDN'T charge me, so I can pay twice!

  8. Again, the problem is that in this case the ATM is not spitting out more money than it should.


    The XP received for a Warzone match that didn't happen is not a bug. This was happening to me during the last beta weekend as well. Especially during nighttime hours. I think this is simply an oversight on BW's part related to this extremely staggered approach.


    Perhaps, it still doesn't change the fact. The second you know its broken, and you simply do it anyways. Theft, plain and simple. In a sense, they are 'stealing' xp from bioware. Using a known broken system. If it happens by accident during the bonafide match, it wasn't fraudulent. If you change the bonafide match, to on purpose. That is a fraudulent act. Hence, exploit. Very simple.

  9. Pretty simple here. You go to a bank machine, and request 20 dollars from you account. Instead you are greeted with 200$ dollars instead, by accident of the bank. If you take that 180$, pocket it walking away thinking 'yippy' free money. Wrong, you've actually stolen 180$, you can, and will be charged by police if you did not report it. (or they will simply take whats was rightfully there's from your account anyways) Same deal here, just because the bank machine (The warzone) is spewing out loads of cash (xp), it does not make it there fault, it's yours for turning into a thief.
  10. Everything they offer us is a promise.


    They're a company. We're customers. The point at which we paid them one cent is the point at which they owed us something. The fact that they continue to tell us we're going to get things constitutes something of a contract. It gives us the expectation of a product. When they do things that prevent that expectation from being fulfilled, people have a right to be justifiably upset.


    Fanboys can call the people who are complaining about it crybabies all they want, but in the end, the fact remains that early release is not a gift--it was promised to us. Without the promise of early release, none of us would have pre-ordered.


    Communication is key. If you want to have launch go your way, have a plan and communicate it to your fan base. Keep your customers happy. As it sits, I'd estimate for every one post that is positive about how they're handling this release, there's 6 to 7 negative ones. Fanboys can say what they want, but statistically, there cannot be that many immature folks out there. The problem ultimately falls on the feet of the company who created the expectations.


    I think the game is great--as does most everyone who got to test it. That's why we all want in. But the utter lack of communication, and the disregard for the concerns of their fan base is frightening for a launch because, of all the games set to topple the giants, this was the only one that stood a chance. I'm hoping the damage hasn't been done. Further, I hope that future releases will not be handled in such a manner. Customers need the confidence to purchase and know when they will receive their products. Promises, however nice they may seem, are still promises.




    Thank you, very well put. The thing I would like to expand on. Fanboyi's, you really do not look 'cool', smashing and slamming anyone that questions bioware. They are not god, why do you care if someone else has a problem?

  11. You've obviously never worked a retail "launch" of anything. If it's a product that is newly released and has a potential of selling out, this is always the case and always will be. Now, people might not always be so blunt with the statement, but no amount of flowery words will detract from the fact that who gets their first gets precedence.


    I've been a manager of a retail store for over 15 years. I've had week long conferences on 'What to say' to people. You clearly have never worked in a retail launch setting. The last and only time I said first come first serve was during the Wii madness, 5 years ago. You watch 25 mothers following around UPS trucks walk into your store, you have 6 units, thats means 19 people get the shaft. Those words are empty, in poor form. And mean nothing unless your one of the 6 winners.

  12. >Get told weeks ago that invites would be staggered so as to ensure server stability

    >Good idea, Bioware! Every time an MMO starts the servers are **** because of the influx of people!

    >Early Access starts

    >Don't get in the game in the first four hours of invites

    >**** Bioware and this game!


    75% of the forum users right there.


    And the other 25%, simply make up numbers to sound like facts.

  13. "First come, first served" mean anything to you?


    I would love to see you say that to someones face in a retail store, 2 weeks before christmas (like tensions weren't high enough). I can tell you first hand, that is not the best way to 'calm' and irate customer. In fact, it simple exacerbate's the situation more. I would not advise anyone to actually say this to anyone if your in a customer service situation.

  14. The OP is just as annoying as all the QQ posts.


    Nah, he's just standing on a home made soap box! That makes him better! It funny to watch actually. Some get upset for having different views on service, and are being burned at the stake today by fan boyi's. But I can tell you for a fact, not a single one of these people calling anyone that dares makes a complaint or statement a troll, would DARE say a dam thing to a customer in front of them in line at their local coffee shop 'complaining' about how long its taking. You know why, because 99% of you think alike in the line, and your all ticked off on how long it's taking. Perhaps look at some studies about people expectation of 'wait' time when making purchases. I'll give you a quick run down, every and I mean every falls under the 3 minute rule. If you don't receive YOUR 'expect' level of service in that time, each minute that passes there afters increases your 'rage' drastically. Folks, there's been whole departments of retail chains that spend years looking at 'wait times'. By the reaction on the forums, they have broken every single on those studies findings, one how to deal with a waiting crowd. They (bioware) are fueling this nerd rage, and it's a shame they have chosen to take this route.

  15. WOW! I bet your the sort of person to hunt out slippery floors just to claim compensation.


    Anyway grats on being the 1st offical Troll on the forums /ignore


    Very sad comment. Sorry you think that way. I simply ask that you remember that statement in the future, and decline any and all compensation moves, as they would make you that 'sort' of person.

  16. I don't see how complaining about a wait time, that they more than likely have no control over, is sticking up for yourself. If you want to stick up for yourself then walk out of the restaurant and don't give them your money. You just want to act like a jerk and get a discount. I know plenty of people like you.


    Actually, discounts are usually given so you want just get up and walk out. Doesn't make me the jerk, it makes them honest for realizing I've been waiting for my food much longer then they deem acceptable. But I guess you still leave a tip, even after asking for water 3 times, eh? Many times I've actually had discount applied to my bill, with out having to say a word. They know dam well that service was unacceptable. Again, the smart owners of restaurants get that. And trust me, not a single staff or manager looks at customers that ask for a discount for failed service as jerks. Your actually the jerk for even thinking that. So go ahead, sit there for 3 hours waiting for your food, get up and walk out, or eat for free. They waste my time, your darn right I'll waste their money. Or is it my fault my food took 4x longer to get? Do you often blame the victim for being punched in the face?

  17. You want a shovel to dig that hole deeper? Now you admit that you know what Bioware is doing and it's a "Scam" in a not so negative sense. They say Up to 5 days so people will think they'll get 5 days. It's the same reason that gas prices are to the 9/10th of a cent and most products are $x.99. It makes you think you're getting more or it's cheaper. It's sales, it's not false advertising, it's not a scam.


    Any other types of comparison's you would like to make? A great sales teacher of mine once said, sales are about scamming people out of their money as legally as possible. Marketing is about scamming you. Marketing as a whole is one big scam profession. If it wasn't, why do you think we need agencies like the BBB. That's right, so every now and then someone can yank the chain, and remind businesses they don't have a free pass. Many legit companies daily are charged and made to change wording in ads. Don't act like the holy companies don't come up with ever confusing promo's and contracts to avoid these scam police. Your living in a box if you don't think every company's marketing department has skirted the line of honest and scam for the sake of making money.

  18. I'm sorry but it does make you a bad person. The only reason they treat you like that is they know you'll go to the BBB and make a complaint about them if they don't. Most of us don't mind a little wait or if we do we'll go somewhere else instead of acting like entitled jerks.


    EDIT: That also might have been the policy at the restaurant you managed at but it's not the policy of every restaurant.


    Sticking up for yourself makes you a bad person, interesting. I suggest you never work in customer service. You suck at it.

  19. So wait, you contacted the BBB about,in your words not mine, a "scam"that BW is running when you perpetrate this same "scam"yourself? This logic makes my head hurt.


    Perhaps scam was the wrong word to use, but if you wish to look at it that way so be it. But yes, sales in general are all about how you can 'scam' in a not so negative sense, people out of there money. If you can do it before they even get anything, its even that much more of a 'scam'. Sorry, been in sales a long time, if you don't think sales agents lie, or tell half truths to get you to part with your money.... sigh.

  20. You also have every right to be the ******** on the internet that everyone despises. You're seriously upset that you don't know which day of FIVE DAMN DAYS you get early access? Seriously? I bet you get butthurt at restaurants if they don't give you an ETA on your food. If you make twice as much as the cost in an hour of working, why is it such a big deal to you?


    Thanks for bringing up the restaurants. If you're made to wait, regardless of the reasoning behind it. Having been a manager of a restaurant, your offered a 25% discount instantly, and if that's not accepted you buy the table. You know, because successful restaurants are founded on customer satisfaction. Just because your to scared to stand up for yourself in a restaurant when the service your paying for is not being met. Doesn't make me a bad person, it makes a person that doesn't get walked all over in life.

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