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Everything posted by ChokeForce

  1. Its not lies, the screenshot posted was base valor, change those numbers to 200 valor for holding basses and the numbers SKYROCKET!!
  2. 500 valor per minute. 30,000 per hour. 360,000 per 12 hours. 720,000 per day.
  3. Im not your employee, go find it yourself. There is overwhelming evidence EVERYWHERE, you have to be a complete idiot not to trip over it everywhere you look.
  4. Do we get our valor upgraded for free as well ? Or are you just about to lose 90% of your Australian market ? Lolware.
  5. The game is fun, dont get me wrong. I am enjoying myself in pve and leveling, but damn the pvp is a big steaming pile of chocolate fudge. I can even get past the exact same gameplay as warhammer online only barely. If I didnt get to use a lightsaber I would not even resub.
  6. Holy god, is that what pve server warzones look like ? Try playing on a pvp server and having the first 10 players over 200k damage and the first 5 over 300k and the top dps 4-500k. You should be doing backflips and smiling all the way to the bank with pvp stats like that.
  7. ChokeForce

    Im dumbfounded

    There is no way in hell that this games pvp was beta tested at all. What did the beta testers actually do ? P.S. how did that combat stutter for positional abilities make it in game if this game was beta tested for over 6 months ?
  8. Best = Shadowbane hands down. Worse = TOR /thread
  10. FINALLY, people are starting to realise that pvp stats on gear is massively stupid and hurts pvp and does nothing what so ever to promote it. Maybe in 4 or so years after 3 - 5 more mmo's are released developers might catch on and pvp will actually become fun again.
  11. I totally agree. And Biowar DO NOT listen to the people crying about CC abilities. LEAVE THEM THE WAY THEY ARE. Fights are actually strategic. Also Rift ruined pvp by putting an imunity to CC's in the game so basically 1 in every 20 cc you cast would work. It was a waste even trying to use it.
  12. Also: GIVE US A PROPER HUTTBALL LEAGUE!! I want to queue with my guild mates, not a bunch of no skilled uncoordinated *** hats.
  13. If you got awards for picking up the ball Passing the ball Scoring Killing the player with the ball The game would be alot better. Currently it is just a SEE WHO CAN DO THE MOST DAMAGE AND GET MORE REWARDS type of thing. Half the team realise damage = more xp and commendations and wont even participate.
  14. haha, thanks for fixing my typo
  15. Learn to use an AOE to get them out of stealth OR put a dot on them. Also, stop whining on the forums for a no issue.
  16. ChokeForce

    Just stop it.

    Not being at the top of a dps chart does not mean your class is gimped. It means your class plays a different role. This game is ALOT more strategic than your silly WOW game. Learn to play your character and perform it's role in your group. I average 40k damage in huttball, My guild team hasn't lost a Huttball match in 4 days. I score around 2 - 4 points each game. I dont give a crap about my damage. I care about winning the match and im having an absolute ball. STOP THINKING A DPS METRE MEANS YOU ARE GOOD!! ALL IT SHOWS IS HOW STUPID AND BAD YOU ARE WHEN YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT NOT TOPPING A DPS CHART WHEN YOU SHOULD BE CONCERNED WITH WINNING THE MATCH!!
  17. I have noticed this alot and it annoys the crap out of me. After some testing it seems like differences in terrain height and standing real close to an opponent gives me this stuttering effect. One thing I would like to know is, WHAT THE HELL DID PEOPLE DO IN BETA FOR THIS GAME BREAKING BUG TO BE PRESENT AT LAUNCH ?
  18. My guild team "Zhentil Keep" hasn't lost a huttball match in 2 days. Most fun I have had in an MMO EVER. It would be nice to actually get a little competition though. winning every game 6 - 0 is fun as hell and awesome for bragging rights, but come on people. Learn how to play a little better, give us some competition. Im starting to think the people on Swiftsure rolled on a pvp server by mistake.
  19. Finally a game gives us competetive pvp "HUTTBALL" and people just cry about it. Huttball is the single most fun pvp battleground in the history of MMO's.
  20. WHAT ???? I'm too disgusted to even bother giving you a proper reply to this ridiculous post.
  21. So the server status page is just a pretend page ? bahahaha!!! You are an idiot lol.
  22. All EU servers are light except 16 which are standard. Not even running at 1/4 capacity. WOW!!
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