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Posts posted by Macfergusson

  1. Play the game as is people, stop asking for macros and stuff to help you not suck. GOOOD players adapt, bad players cry.


    Intelligent players adapt to bad situations, but present solutions to improve the future.

  2. Your relatively poor grasp of when to use paragraph breaks makes anything you write a bit of a chore to read.

    Really? You think he's spacing things out TOO much?


    It's a helluva lot better than the other extreme.

    Good ol' wall'o'text poster ranting with consecutive 5 line run-on sentences gets an immediate ignore from me.


    So I'm left wondering what exactly your point is? That BioWare realizes their game is half baked, and that they are just as upset as we are? That's really not much of a consolation to those of us who were expecting a playable game at launch.


    Yes, that is kinda his point, but with a bit of vitriol and word-spinning. This game is playable. Perhaps that phrase doesn't mean what you think it means.

    I have had no serious problems playing this game since December 14th. You'll have a tough time convincing me that TOR is unplayable.


    We all know that they will slowly improve things through patching, but what exactly is supposed to keep people here, playing and paying? Promises of a brighter future? I doubt that will work in this day and age.


    I'll be kept here by the fun story, the interesting gameplay, the cool flashpoints, the challenge of getting half-way decent at PvP. What do you play a game for?

  3. [snip snip snip]

    I didn't realize MMOs were a sport.


    I have a cousin who plays chess competitively. He's damn good at it. But he has cerebral palsy. He doesn't have the manual dexterity to pick up a chess piece and move it without knocking other pieces over and ruining the game. So in tournament games, he has an assistant - he calls out the move he wants to make, and the assistant moves the piece and records the move on his scoresheet.


    But no chess player in their right mind would argue that it matters. Chess is a game of the mind, and the board is only a physical representation of it - the real skill being challenged in chess is not in moving the pieces, but in deciding where to move them.


    MMOs are, similarly, games of the mind.


    You, sir, just owned the whole thread, imo.

  4. Except with this staggered launch, if you get in late chances are there will be lvl 50's running around by the weekend.


    Don't roll on an Early Access server if this is a concern for you.


    They will be adding new servers on the actual launch date for precisely that sort of thing.




    To the OP, corpse camping is basically impossible. There is no corpse-run to make here. You revive at medcenter, which is another location, or you revive at the location with a temporary stealth/invulnerability buff active.

  5. It's really up to personal preference. No one can tell you what you will like, each has its own merits.


    Some basic questions can help narrow your focus. Do you want to be ranged or up-close and personal? Do you want to be a Force user or a Tech user?


    Are you at all interested in healing or tanking at any point? Every class can DPS, so you might want to choose one based on other roles you eventually want to investigate.

  6. You loose nothing but a bit of durability on your amour which you can repair at a vendor.





    You'll want to make sure to repair your gear when you stop by vendors.


    You'll also lose any buffs, so that stim pack you just popped will be wasted if you die.

  7. Could somebody explain what it means when he says "mod" is one of the modification categories, and/or perhaps give me an example of modding, say, a piece of armor? Sorry. Noob. :p


    As you level, you will see armor and weapons with slots. If you played WoW, this would be somewhat like socketing gems for stat bonuses.


    There are different types of sockets:

    for armor: Armoring, Enhancement, Mod, Augment

    for guns: Barrel, Color Crystal, Enhancement, Mod, Augment

    For sabers: Hilt, Color Crystal, Enhancement, Mod, Augment



    Not all items have each of the modification slots. Each slot type has a specific type of mod that goes in it.


    For example, you can't use a Barrel in a Mod slot, or a Hilt in an Enhancement slot.


    You can't put an Armor into any of the slots on a gun.


    Green level items often have no mod slots at all.

    Custom (bronze/orange) items tend to have all of the slots, so as you level up you can re-socket them with different modifications if you really like how that piece looks, and still stay current with the gear level.


    That's the basic idea. It can get a little more complicated than that, but that should be a enough to get you started!



    I'm not too sure about Augment slots yet, I know they exist but they are either VERY rare or higher level than I have seen yet. So you can kinda ignore that particular slot for now anyways.

  8. Just a guess but the pvp servers you are constantly flagged enabled for pvp i would guess. At which point all those who got in on first day of EGA will be repeatedly killing you and pretending their skills are high against low levels. Usualy the previously bullied at school stereo type getting back at the virtual world coz lets face it, in the real world they are just cowards. Plus killing in the real world is kinda illegal. (side note:P)


    Unless its for oil it seems.


    Pve is the opposite with nice people who like the game for being fun and achieveing goals forward into the content. No need for therapy style gang killing sessions to enhance their self esteem.. I suggest you roll pve. Unless you need therapy.




    I .. wow... Really? Is your signature referring to yourself? Or do you just have some serious deep-seated issues that are showing through here?


    In a more objective context...


    PvE servers are for those dedicated to grouping together to defeat in-game encounters against NPC bosses, such as Flashpoints and Operations. There is no PvP outside of sanctioned specific zones (such as Warzones) that you have to choose to enter.


    PvP servers have all the same content in game, but you are permanently flagged for PvP outside of safe zones, like your Origin World or capital. People often roll on these servers to have a greater challenge in the levelling process, or because they are more specifically interested in the PvP style game, which, again, includes WarZones.


    As for Early Access, there will be new servers available after Early Access ends. So if you are concerned about high level ganking, roll on one of the new servers. Also, keep in mind, there is no camping because we do not have corpse-runs to resurrect in this game.

  9. Ok so 16 people 1 healer? Bad group makeup you should have at minimum 2 healers if not 4, one in each group. This takes away the pressure of saying "OMG I have to heal EVERYONE!". While it might make you look good and make ones epeen grown I would rather have and extra healer or 2 on hand in case things go south and one healer gets aggro.


    I know I shouldn't bring logic into a forum....


    Last high end healing I did was heroic first tier of raids in WoW when Cata first came out (quit WoW shortly thereafter). There were plenty of occasions where something would go wrong, and we healers would have to freak out to cover the entire raid while others brought things back under control.


    In group content, there are plenty of reasons why you might temporarily need to be able to cover more then your assigned group. Would you, as a good healer, watch your brothers in arms struggle to keep up and not lend a hand in your spare time? Why would you deny people the tools that allow them flexibility to do that sort of thing?

  10. I dont like DPS meters because then all people care about is DPS and dont do proper CC, off healing, buffing, deffing ect.....


    So I find things fail even more because people just want to be top DPS and the rest gets ignored and you wipe......


    DPS is not always the most important part of winning.


    No, that is not caused by Meter tools. That is caused by bad players. There's a pretty big difference.


    This thread is full of people who blame guns for killings instead of the people pulling the trigger.

  11. Nope there is no need for this and the way I play my character is none of your business. I hope bioware never allows this capability.


    If you are the one preventing the Operation from succeeding, then yes, how you play is the business of everyone else in the group.


    Whether the answer is to improve, or to be replaced, the whole group doesn't need to suffer because of one person's failure.

  12. Mouse over healing is for bads. I also discussed this on the beta forums.


    Mouse over healing is a very ""simple"" AddOn that does ""not cheat"" in any way, yea right.


    First: you are able to keep your current target for interrupts etc.

    Second: you are faster with response time because you don't have to click.

    Third: IF Target of Target gets in the game, I have no idea who the hell you are going to heal.


    Mouseover healing is not an AddOn.


    Your first two points are the whole point of mouseover macros. Why that is a problem for you, I have no idea.


    Your third point doesn't even make sense.


    When playing a game, the UI's job is to facilitate interaction with the game. Any UI that makes it more difficult to play is not a feature, it is a poor design.

  13. My only issue with this write-up is that it only reinforces WoW kids to keep their WoW lingo in TOR, like "quests" (there aren't any in TOR). Maybe I'm just old school, but back in my day it's common courtesy to drop previous MMO lingo and adopt the terms of the whatever MMO you were currently playing. I don't understand why WoW kids can't grasp that.


    You're being a bit caustic there.

    The post was specifically written as a comparison to how things have changed from the environment a lot of people are familiar with. Comparing "mission" to "quest" is perfectly valid in context.

  14. Is there way to play(at least log and trade with each other) with multiple accounts on the same machine


    At this point, it involves having multiple installs of the program, AFAIK. I would recommend waiting till after launch before investigating that further.


    If you're just wanting to trade back and forth, is the mail system not sufficient?

  15. The servers are fine. Quit having a laugh at your community's expense and open them up. I know you need to throw the fanboys a bone, but enough is enough already.


    I got hit with a clever bait and switch marketing gimmick. The "lol can't you read!? It said UP TO 7 days!! har har" fanboy excuse is tiring me.


    If they indeed allow me the originally advertised 5 days I will be a happy camper. This means they need to get December preorders up tomorrow. If not, then I will definitely have a bad taste in my mouth for this developer for a LOOONG time to come.


    Nothing ever said up to 7 days. All the ads and posts, even now, say up to 5 days.


    And it was stated that it would be a staggered ramp up.


    Call people a fanboy all you like, it doesn't change the fact that they are proceeding exactly as they stated, exactly as was agreed upon by you pre-ordering the game.

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