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Everything posted by Superdude-

  1. Going from 50-55 in a couple hours is a complete exploit. For a casual player, thats a week of grinding. How is that fair to anyone who didnt exploit this? This is a big reason why I unsubbed.
  2. Same. Im just waiting to get banned or my time to run out. To hell with EA.
  3. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Yuuzhan_Vong The vong were the most destructive force to ever hit the galaxy.
  4. 9/10 = leveling 1/10 = endgame -10/10 = support 2/10 = PvE 1/10 = PvP 3.5/10 = overall best single player MMO ever created. CANCELLED
  5. This was the final nail in the coffin for me. I cancelled my six month sub before it went into effect. I'm a huge fanboy, but the problems with this game is ridiculous.
  6. And not to mention theres only a handful of layouts for zones and FP. After about level 30 it just felt like every planet was re-skinned. Same go here do this quests, gather this, destroy that.
  7. L2P, get better/more friends
  8. Low cooldown stun classes have significantly lower dps output than marauders. When will people learn maximum DPS output has it disadvantages?
  9. It's the truth. Having anyone except Quinn, minus the final class mission, made questing next to impossible. Proper CC and use of Cloak of shadow and saberward with heals make leveling easy.
  10. Marauders are intended as a class to do straight dps. No more, no less. A CC/knockback would completely imbalance pvp. You have a low second aoe stun already. And not to mention force scream is enough for PvE,
  11. Burst is why you pvp. My rage rotation easily does 15+k damage when used in combination with relics, on geared 50's. Anyone who isn't can't withstand a full rotation. Annihilation is easily defeated pvp by any CC used on you. Breaking that dot rotation completely destroys the dps output. Annihilate is basically useless if you let the cooldown break once, which is very easy to let happen on pvp.
  12. Is that why I consistently pull 300k+ damage on huttball? And am nearly impossible to kill because of undying rage? Learn to play the class. We dont have CC's or many breaks because we do so much burst damage. l2p
  13. The previous person suggested that It was my internet that could be the problem with my FPS issues.
  14. I have a 24/12 line running directly from the modem. Not a single person on it but me. I get sub 50 ping in TOR
  15. I get 5 fps in warzones, if im lucky. Last week i was getting 10. I play skyrim, bf3, and mw3 on max settings on 1920x1080. I've even tried playing 800x600 for this game. i7 980X @ 4.2 Dual GTX 480's at 850/2200 Corsaid R120D SSD 12 gigs hyperx. Why can't I even play this game?
  16. Superdude-

    Marauder PvP

    Are you kidding me? We're squishy as hell, especially if we dont have either of our absorption abilities. And undying rage is only good for 5 seconds.
  17. I chose "Gal-ram". For the original sith council member Dor Gal-ram. A sith pureblood. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dor_Gal-ram
  18. Superdude-

    Champions bags

    I'm Valor level 29 now, spent the majority of my comm's on bags, and have gotten ONE item from the bags. I've bought low price centurion stuff, but its only been two relics. Am I the only one to have gotten little/nothing from bags? I hear people getting the same item over and over, and hell I'd settle for that just to know i was getting something. So after 20+ bags im getting seriously discouraged for pvp gear.
  19. You just put my entire frustration into a post. What this man said x1000
  20. Ruby is a natural crystal formation to make "Ruby" light sabers. Red crystals are synthesized ones make by sith. Theres a difference.
  21. This quest isn't that hard. You have 3 interrupts, and damage reducers, along with a healing companion. How are you doing so bad?
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