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Posts posted by Shaz

  1. Personally, I don't bother with the Rank 2 speeder unless the character is a Cybertech and can make my own... I just wait 'til 50 otherwise, and get the Rank 3 one then.


    But if you have the money, and the boost in your chances to not get knocked off really appeals to you, go for it!

  2. Try doing:

    LFG Zonename

    in the search window, and see if it works then?


    Like, if you're on Alderaan, do:

    LFG Alderaan

    or if you're on the Imperial Fleet:

    LFG Imperial Fleet

    Or, heck:

    LFG 40 50 Imperial Fleet

    (or whatever planet/space station you're on and whatever level range you want)

    and see if it shows them all then?


    For instance, on the Fleet, if there are more than 100 people, doing a generic search with nothing in the search box will return the first 100 people only. So if players #101-120 are LFG, they won't show up in the list, because they're not in the first 100. That's the only thing I personally know about that can cause people to not show up, but there might be other reasons.

  3. Dark Cooldown + Dark Overlay + No GCD Flash = THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.


    I don't mind an ability flashing when its specific cooldown is complete, and can be quite helpful, but having every single available skill on all 4 hotbars flashing every 1.5 seconds = me eventually curling up in a ball due to crippling headache PAIN.


    I may have plenty of other complaints, but...

    This will help, immensely. Thank you.

  4. I really don't know why they've determined that this game must have no more than 3 conversation options, ever. What use is a wheel with only one side?


    Why can't the [Flirt] options go on the unused left-hand side of the conversation wheel? That way if you never wanted to flirt, you'd still have all 3 of the base-line response routes. Then on the other side, you could have plenty of space to either have Flirts (or other interactions).


    Doing something like that would somewhat distance the Flirts from normal conversations, but would also not 'get in the way' of those same normal/regular conversations, and would never be 'forced' on anyone. They're off to the side, over there, your choice if you want to or not. If you didn't want to flirt, you wouldn't be forced to choose from whatever remaining non-Flirt conversation options were left... because they would ALL be left.



    As a female, I've been one of the ones irritated to see my husband's character get more Flirts than I've ever seen. Especially when I started my Smuggler imagining her to be an outrageous flirt! Yet she (yes, even though she is a Smuggler) seems to seldom get a chance to, even though I'd love to flirt with BOTH genders. Note: 'Flirt' does NOT mean 'have sex with'. I'd be just as tickled if the target of my Flirt did nothing more than get flustered and attempt to totally ignore my Flirt, but stammer a bit before continuing with whatever speech they were giving me! Just something to liven up and personalize the conversations a bit more. 'Flirt' means 'flirt'. Showing an interest in someone, 'checking to see if this might be going someplace', at the MOST. And 'going someplace' doesn't mean 'where's the nearest bedroom?', unless you've been hanging out at a bar with the specific intention of finding someone to drag to the nearest bedroom. (But I wouldn't call that 'flirting'.)

  5. I had to turn grass completely off, and it has nothing to do with system specs/FPS/etc.


    I had to do it because the grass system in this game makes me viciously motion sick.


    Something with how close the draw distance in this game, and how it 'grows' so fast... ugh. In other games that have grass fade in as you approach, I have never had a problem. On the rare occasions foliage distance bugged me, it just gave me a mild headache, and so I would push the grass/foliage draw distance out to max, and then the foliage does its thing at a farther distance, and I'm fine. In this game, though, it (the grass 'drawing') happens so quickly and so CLOSE to my PoV that the super-fast-growing grass animation triggers my brain with OH GOD THINGS ARE MOVING BUT I AM NOT AND IT IS SO VERY VERY WRONG, and I log out with a headache and bile rising in my throat.


    Heh. The whole thing behind motion sickness is your eyes and your body have a disagreement on their perceptions of motion and whether or not you should be feeling any. So your brain thinks you're hallucinating, or are poisoned, and seeks to ...<ahem> purge itself of the toxin. Is this where I rant mindlessly that BioWare is poisoning me? :p


    So, anyway: my grass is off. I have to nerf my own graphics to play the game, but at least I don't have my body thinking I'm poisoning it!


    Can I please have an increased foliage draw distance, so that I can un-nerf my graphics settings?

  6. I can remember, vividly and with crystal clarity, the moment I dinged 50 in EQ.


    Where I was. Who I was with. The reaction of my guild. The congratulations I received from various people on the server for the next month. 'Shaz! You finally made 50, congrats!'


    I have fuzzy memories of hitting max level in a couple other games. Only of a couple, out of the many I have played, and the many I have achieved max level in. In most, it was of no real consequence. There was no build-up to max level. Not enough time invested to make it worthwhile. Not enough achievements to make it memorable.


    This game is going to be one of the ones I hold no 'dinging level 50' memory of. I dinged 50 week ago or so with my Sorc... I don't really recall what I was doing, even. I was on Corellia, I think? I imagine even that is going to fade, in time.


    I don't think anything like EQ1's dings will ever happen again. The gamescape has changed too much.

  7. A couple of days ago, I was browsing the GTN when my companion came back from a mission.


    It did not close the GTN window. It closed the other window I had open (my inventory bag, I think?).


    But... the kicker was it didn't close the GTN window.


    I jumped up out of my chair. I ran into the living room bouncing up and down and shouting to my husband "THEY FIXED IT, THEY FIXED IT, OH MY GOD THEY FIXED IT!! THE GTN WINDOW DIDN'T CLOSE!!"


    He instantly knew what I was talking about.


    There was much glee.



    ...but we were sadly disappointed to find out that they hadn't stealth-fixed this issue. I had only encountered a fluke bug. I would love to bug myself out that way again. While it would be VASTLY preferable for the companion's items to go in the PENDING window, a lot of my own personal vitriol would be lowered by not slamming shut the GTN window. But, seriously- we already get visual (via chat window) and audio (via sometimes excessively long commentaries) that the companions have returned. Having a flashing 'Pending' in the upper right on top of that is MORE than enough.

  8. The current LFG system does a lot more than it appears to do... it's just perhaps not as intuitive.


    I thought for the longest time that the LFG notes section was limited to the few characters that appear in the tiny box, so I butchered my LFG notes to keep them under 12 characters. Then I found out: It's not! You can view the entire message if you mouseover the purple LFG icon in the left hand column!


    Yes, with our current system you have to actually do some searches yourself in the LFG window. You can't just flag yourself as LFG for Cademimu and have the game automagically form a perfect party with all the appropriate classes and teleport you directly into the instance. But... well... honestly, I'd rather speak with a human than have a bot put me in my place. Personal preference, and all that.


    Nice guide. It really should be made more evident in the game how the LFG system works.

  9. I still have a hard time sometimes wrapping my head around

    'Holy Trinity = Healer, Tank, DPS'

    because in the early days of my MMO existence, it was

    'Holy Trinity = Healer, Tank, CC (or possibly Debuff)'

    CC being Enchanter, and Debuff being Shaman, from EQ1.


    I remember totally boggling over DPS being a part of any 'trinity'. DPS was what everyone else did once you had your trinity. It was a given. The rest of the group did DPS, or backed up the trinity where needed.


    I played a Necromancer. I was the epitome of hybrid. I could, in some situations, perform each of the Trinity positions. Not well, and only in certain specific situations, but I did. I was usually part of the 'everyone else = DPS' club, though.


    And on another note: I miss bigger group sizes from the older MMOs. I miss 'Sure you can come join us- we've got room!' Having yourself and five friends who have gamed together for years try to decide who is going to get left out this time... sucks.

  10. I already posted in this thread about my playing days in EQ1, but I wasn't only a player. I also used to be an EQ1 Guide. Back in the very early days. Like... the Verant days.


    I have so many awesome memories of this. Yes, I liked answering petitions. I liked answering player questions. I liked helping people get their corpses out of walls and from under the ground. I enjoyed being able to help. Knowing I'd saved someone frustration, and made their gaming time more fun, was sheer joy for me.


    I would spend some of my nights as a player killing dragons and raiding the Planes, and then I would spend some of my days as a Guide.


    (After the transition to Sony, and the eventual neutering of the Guide system, I quit. When I couldn't help any more, it was no longer fun for me.)


    But ... when we had more Guides on than petitions coming in, or there were no petitions in the queue... I recall:


    Invising into Guk, and sticking myself in one of the cages there. Then appearing, and lamenting out loud about being trapped.


    Players would come, and 'save' me. I would roleplay with them, do little things. Have fun. I had no awesome loot to give, I couldn't even grant them xp. They knew that... and they didn't care.


    They loved it. I was constantly being asked about it.


    And I loved doing that, and other things. From Befallen to the Plane of Hate, from Lavastorm to Everfrost, I would appear when there weren't any petitions in the queue, and just... do something to interact with the playerbase.


    It was fantastic.


    I could have happily spent the rest of my life doing something like that. I really miss it.

  11. Currently the ONLY information we have on Legacy is this:


    When you get your Legacy name, all characters on that account and on that server (regardless of Imperial or Republic, regardless of level, regardless of LD/DS) share that Legacy name.


    That's it.

  12. I'm with the OP on this one.


    I had this exact thing happen with Talos. He mentioned he was going off to some tomb to look for his mentor and then ... black.


    Next conversation was about how he didn't find anything, but he'll keep looking.


    Made me wonder the same thing. Was there supposed to be an actual quest in there?



    The 'fade to black' is obviously intentional. Else it wouldn't take place *in the middle of a conversation*, where the conversation picks right back up afterwards, with you- the player- frequently in a different position or a different part of your ship entirely (thus: it was *staged* that way, BioWare wanted you to see that time had passed).

  13. Whatever has the best stats?


    Orange gear's stats rely completely on the mods used in it. Orange gear with blue mods is intended to be equivalent to appropriate-level blue gear. Orange gear with purple mods is intended to be equivalent to appropriate-level purple gear.


    This might vary situationally, but that's the intent. If there's a piece of gear with stats better than your orange item, then you use that item or you get better mods for your orange item.

  14. Actual Companion Quests are few and far between.


    What you're experiencing aren't actual quests. They're just companion conversations, in which the companion's story is furthered by them going off and doing 'something' relevant to the companion's story arc, then coming back and continuing the conversation.


    Edit to add: Them going off and 'doing something' is just to make you, the player, feel more like the companions are actual 'people' with 'lives', etc. See Dragon Age II for how BioWare considers a companion's 'life away from the PC' to be important.

  15. actually if you look back you will see that the did adjust the weekly time a bit


    Not so much. Dec. 19 (first downtime) was to launch game- 6pm. Dec. 22 (end of grace period) 2am. The next one, Dec. 27, was 4am. Every one since then, even the Saturday morning downtime- were at 2am. I wouldn't say there was any adjusting at all.


    Yes, this is a bad time for me, and a bunch of others. Yes, the group I'm a part of might be the ones that are just going to get shafted, period, end of discussion, because our primetime is the time of lowest population. I just would really like to see a 'yes, our data still shows this is the lowest point of population', as kind of a salve against the sting of having the game down during my primetime. (As well as having my question re: Oceania servers answered, because that's even more important to me.)

  16. You pretty much described my experience with leveling and my desires on how to deal with it. Please, for the love of the Emperor and the Wookies - give us the xp switch.


    So my first character, now level 50, suffered from being massively overleveled for almost her entire career.


    Now I'm on Character Two. Two is part of a set group of 4- my husband and two real life friends. We did our home worlds solo, and then met up on Dromund Kaas at level 10/11.


    Doing the quests on Dromund Kaas.... we got our spaceships and left the planet at 20.


    LEVEL TWENTY. When we should have been done at level 15/16.


    Level 20 before we even stepped foot on Balmorra... a level 16-20 planet. We were 'max level' for the planet before we even arrived, thanks to... group xp bonus, perhaps? From doing only one planet together? Ugh. We have so many planets left....


    This is not going to be fun, since we're all quest completionists. We are possibly going to be questing on planets that went grey before we even arrived, if this keeps up. Whee. It's no fun when it's absolutely zero challenge, and it's going to be near zero challenge for much of our leveling, it seems.

  17. One of my major problems with this game is : BioWare touts how important story, story, STORY is. What happens when you run out of story?


    PvP! (Not interested.)

    Space! (On rails, moderately entertaining to pew pew for a bit, but not for long term use.)

    Repetitive Flashpoints! (Fun the first few times.)


    Then what?




    I don't know. I'd LOVE there to be more!

    Something I could do with my time, something to hunt up... scavenger-hunt style, perhaps? Gather an item from one location, and another item from another, kill a few things on this planet, harvest something from a location on another planet, put it all together and get... (?). A schematic? A unique-looking orange armor item? Make it something extra-nice by requiring slaying a world boss!


    Make a bunch of 'quests' like these for different level ranges, so there's always at least one available to you once you get your spaceship. A long-reaching quest, that maybe you can burn through fast if you dedicate yourself (or yourself AND your friends!) to it and nothing but, but you could also take it in stages, getting a step done here and a step done there when your friends aren't on or you just feel like doing something for a little while.


    Something 'more'.

  18. They ran betas for months before launch. They've got a ton of data on this. Even with the lower population they'd have been able to get a really good idea when their slowest hours are.


    Well, then I'll just have to beg your forgiveness that I have the gall to politely ask BioWare if their studies still show it's the best time (note: I AM NOT DEMANDING IT CHANGE, I am only asking if it's been reviewed), because it's irritating to me that the servers come down right after dinner. I hope you don't mind.

  19. Clocks hit 2:00 every day, not just on Tuesdays.


    ....Uh...yes... obviously. It was still a day/time chosen with only a very few days tracked before it was chosen. That's my entire point. They've now had a lot more time, and I wanted to see if the data still pointed at this being the best time. Please read my entire post. Thanks.

  20. BioWare: You claim that you've deemed 02:00am+ CST to be the time when fewest are playing, and thus the hours that will inconvenience the fewest. However, this downtime was first decided upon right after the game launched.


    So my questions follow:


    That didn't give you much data to base your 'this is the best possible time' on, did it? (Since this time was chosen immediately post-launch, and the only data you'd had to mine was from the beta, correct?)




    Given you now have many, many weeks of data from the live game to mine for player population / time, do you still find that 02:00-06:00 (or 08:00+CST) are the hours with the lowest population and the hours that affect the least amount of people?


    and finally-


    If/when the game officially launches in Oceania, will that region have different maintenance hours as your currently scheduled 02:00 CST is absolutely and completely 100% primetime in this region? (And if so, will Europe finally get its own official and appropriate maintenance schedule as well, or will we all continue to suffer the 02:00 downtime?)

  21. It is common practice to turn off loging system 10 or even 15 minutes before maintnance.


    Not in the games I've played over the last few years, so this is completely new to me. (I'm not saying this means you're wrong: just that it is not my experience, at all.)


    Last downtime, my husband crashed out of the game just seconds before the 15 minute warning. (I saw it, right as he said "Wow, hello desktop".) He had crashed out as we were about to tackle the final boss of the instance we had been completing- which we KNEW we could complete in time to Quick Travel out and turn in before the servers shut down, we had planned it specifically to be out and done with more than 10 minutes to spare- and he wasn't able to log back in, as the servers were all 'offline'. Even though I was standing there, staring at the boss, and CURSING because it meant we were going to have to complete THE ENTIRE INSTANCE *AGAIN* due to the log-in servers being offline.


    If the scheduled downtime is at 02:00 CST, then NONE OF THE SERVERS (not even the log-in) should come down more than a minute or two before 02:00 CST. Otherwise, the scheduling is WRONG, and a complete lie. This can have a serious impact on people whose prime time playing hours fall right in the maintenance window.

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