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Posts posted by Shaz

  1. What heavy armor player rolls need on light/med armor? /boggle


    ...for their companions. Which is why people have been complaining about people rolling on things they, themselves, won't use.


    Edit to add: I support adding in a Companion button in the Need/Greed roll. Companions do, in fact, need gear in this game, if you ever expect to be soloing with them. I just want clarification on if this 'can only roll on stuff you can use' is going to actually work, or if some classes can still freely roll on anything, simply because they CAN use Light Armor (even if they won't actually use it themselves).

  2. Bioware has confirmed they would make it, I think in 1.2, so that classes could only roll on what their AC's can use. So an Operative could not roll on a piece of heavy armor, a Sorcerers could not roll on a double-bladed lightsaber, Gunslingers could not roll on Scatterguns, etc.


    What about Heavy Armor users? They can use Light, and Medium, and Heavy... can they and they alone still roll on everything? Or is it more restrictive than that, and limiting you to the 'appropriate' armor type for your class?


    Honest question, as I've heard only the very basics about this coming in 1.2, but not details such as my question.

  3. I still hate the Inquisitor stuff.


    Seriously, their armor just gets worse and worse the higher level you go. I'm crawling back into my Black Talon stuff that I've worn for 40 levels and not coming out until there's some actual decent Sorcerer robes and/or armor. Not whatever that.... revolting mutant dressed in rags and tatters thing is.

  4. I still hate the Inquisitor stuff.


    Seriously, their armor just gets worse and worse the higher level you go. I'm crawling back into my Black Talon stuff that I've worn for 40 levels and not coming out until there's some actual decent Sorcerer robes and/or armor. Not whatever that.... revolting mutant dressed in rags and tatters thing is.


    I'm a member of the Dark Council, for crying out loud. I think I can dress in better than whatever-the-heck-THAT-is.

  5. Hubby & I put together brand new computers for this game, including SSDs. Even so, loading the game or loading any planet has this happen:


    Loading begins. Loading bar zooms to ~25%, and freezes.


    This freeze can last just a few seconds, and then resume zooming, or it can last an excessive amount of time. So much that I want to tap my monitor and say "Hello? Is this thing on?". Mind you, it's not enough time to do all the OP did, not by far, as it's perhaps a half a minute or so (at max, often less), and not 'several minutes', but...

    It's just weird, that the game will *always* freeze at that spot, every single time.

  6. This tends to happen due to the item being up for sale when the servers come down for maintenance. Maintenance seems to wipe GTN data.


    Every time my husband and I are putting stuff up for sale before the servers come down, we joke 'Hurry up and post it, servers are coming down soon, and I just KNOW that Someone will be buying Something from us!'

  7. I can understand it on the face of this example: Patch incompatibility.


    If downtimes happened at different times: NA servers get patched, all others remain online. If you log into the NA servers, you get the patch. But then, you cannot log into any other server... they haven't been patched yet.


    So what happens if you play on 2 servers, a EU one and a NA one? You can't go back and forth if the patches don't match, since there aren't separate clients for the game.



    Honestly, I'd be just FINE with not being able to switch server locations, but a lot of people wouldn't.


    What I think would be a dandy compromise? Server maintenance. Make maintenance occur at different times for the different servers, but make PATCHES take place at the same time. Since maintenance happens every week, but patches DON'T, this means that maintenance could be scheduled for each particular server location, while still allowing patches to always take place at the delegated 'Global' time.


    So, maintenance can be 2am CST for the NA servers, 2am CET for the Euro servers, 2am WST for the Oceanic (Pardon me for just grabbing time zones out of an imaginary hat, I don't know them all!), but patch times would always be 2am CST (if that remained the dedicated global patch time).


    I don't know if that would be a lot more work, but it would be a lot more fair. Plus, there would be zero patch incompatibility issues.

    • Have you leveled a Smuggler or Agent? Why/why not?

    I started with a Smuggler (turned Gunslinger). Currently frozen at 39. Smuggler is the only Republic-side character I am (or have ever been) interested in playing, so when our group of friends decided to play Pub, my husband and I made a Smuggler & Trooper. Then our friends abandoned all pretenses of 'playing for the story' and got to 50 in a week. As we were totally uninterested in speed leveling and then being stuck doing the excessively boring dailies/repeated FPs/Ops, and everyone else we knew was max level and thus not interested in leveling with us, so we were left to play catch-up and after about 15 levels of it being just the two of us constantly being pelted with 'ARE YOU 50 YET??'.... we just didn't feel like it. So we switched to Imps, which is what we'd wanted to play in the first place.


    • Did you enjoy the story?

    Yes. I'd like to, perhaps, go back sometime and finish the story, but I'm honestly not sure if we'll be around long enough for that to happen.


    • Did you enjoy the mechanics? Why/why not?

    Eh, well enough. I like rogue/thief-style gameplay, though as a Gunslinger, I don't get Stealth. Cover-system stuff is ok, though not incredibly compelling. It wasn't the mechanics I really enjoyed, it was the character's attitude.


    • Are these classes an important SW fantasy to you?

    Yes. I always liked Han the best, likely due to his personality & attitude being the most compelling to me. I love snark, and, well... lightsabers ... are just glow sticks, to me. Hokey religions and all that?


    • Do you still play the class? If not, why not?

    No, but not due to the class itself. Explanation why was given in first item on this list.


    • *edit* Anything they could do to encourage you to try one if you haven't, or play the one you have?

    I have a freshly-made Imperial Agent (just turned Operative). It's still too early, however, to make a judgment call on her, though her story looks like it will be neat, and I'm quite looking forward to it. I only answered the above questions with regards to my Smuggler, though. I don't think BioWare can do much to entice me back to my Smuggler. I'll either go, or I won't, depending on what my husband & I are feeling interested in. Right now, that's playing Imperial, though we did get a friend to join us for an occasional group, which is why I have that baby Agent.

  8. I wonder if you go to Nar Shaddaa cross faction GTN & buy light Jedi pants & then put them on your SI, will the Jedi pants faction change into a fruity SI dress?


    Armor is coded to look appropriate to the faction equipping it. What looks like one thing on a Jedi will look TOTALLY different on a Sith.


    I speak from experience. I tried the Nar Shaddaa swap a few times.

  9. if you go to the social vendor in the bar on the first world you visit, you can buy formal leggings, basically black light armor pants which are fully moddyiable... you can also grab head armour there aswell :)


    If you mean the armor on Dromund Kaas, the Social Armor in the Cantina there is gender restricted to Male only (to my great aggravation- not all females like skirts). This might not be an issue for the OP, though... and there are other Social Vendors (and the Starship Upgrades vendor) with legging-style armor elsewhere that don't have gender restrictions.


    you can also roll synthweaving which drops a couple random orange light armor schematic sets.


    As a max Synthweaver, I have never seen recipes for ANY Light Armor orange 'leggings'. Light Armor is all skirts.

  10. Can someone give me a link to where this new information is going to be posted, or patch 1.2 notes ETC?


    Tomorrow will not bring patch 1.2. If it brings a patch, it will be patch 1.1.5. Notes are stickied in the Public Test Server sub-forum here, always, if you ever want to see the patch notes for any upcoming patch. Here's a direct link, but you can easily look up upcoming patch notes anytime you wish.

  11. Part of it, for me, is that these are not 'speeders'. Heh. They're anything but truly 'speedy'. So, I wish they would have some other kind of name, more in line with what they are. What the are is, indeed, faster than Sprint, and is, still, a nice speed boost. It's just most definitely NOT 'speeder speed'.


    I'm sure there would still be complaints over the speed of these devices, especially with the three speeder versions so close together for only a 10% speed difference (I'm only talking about speed here, not the other qualities). So I'm sure there would still be complaints. But perhaps there wouldn't be the disparaging comparisons to the types of speeders a Star Wars fan would be expecting.

  12. I was several levels over-leveled for Quesh when I got there (doing only PvE questing, no space or PvP), but that was with a Sith.


    Did you miss a bonus series somewhere back a ways, like Nar Shaddaa or Alderaan? I know a lot of people who missed those, because they didn't bump into the quest giver(s) on the Fleet (and I imagine it's the same for the Republic).


    Edit to add: I know you can't go back and do those quest series if you DID miss them, because they're too low level, I'm just offering a possible explanation for being under-leveled for Quesh.

  13. The picture was taken by a Sith, and thus it's showing the Sith version. The Republic version of items will look drastically different than the Imperial version. And it looks like that item does not have a class restriction, since it doesn't list class requirements... so it will be open to either side.
  14. We really can't answer this, because we don't know how BioWare will handle it.


    It might be the oldest account keeps their name, regardless of the date of any given character(s) creation. It might be based on whatever character has had the name longer. Or the character with the most playtime. Or the most recent playtime. Or the most playtime in a randomly designated time period prior to the merge. Or whatever BioWare decides on.


    We really won't have any idea until they make their decision.

    They might have not have decided yet. Heck, they might not have even really come up with ideas yet, much less gotten an idea down to the 'this is what we'll do' stage.

  15. I really want to say... yes, I found *one*, because 'Wow ...AIM on this?' is stuck in my mind... but I'm honestly not positive about that. If so, and I'm not thinking about some other weapon, it was just a random green and nothing special.


    The sad state of vibroknives (and shotguns) in this game sucks. They're not reverse engineer-able, so all you get are random drops or the green defaults off the Armstech vendor. And then there's the issue of certain companions requiring AIM on weapons that aren't naturally AIM capable, and so there are little/no recipes for those items in the game.

  16. My biggest issue isn't really on the list.


    Non-combat activities.


    There is literally NOTHING I can do if I want to log in and do something while I wait for the rest of my group to get on. If I do anything, I risk gaining xp and out-leveling them, since xp in this game is gained at a hyper-adrenaline 'Red Bull with a shot of cocaine' speed. So: I can't PvP, I can't quest (can't do that anyway, we're questing together), I can't do space missions, I can't go harvest crafting materials because that will probably get me in combat, too. Same with datacrons, but... well, we're doing those together, as well. I can craft... oh wait, no, I can't: I can sit on my @#$ and wait around for my companions to craft stuff for me.


    What about sabacc? Pazaak? Pod/speeder racing? Let me (me, not my companion) fiddle around on a workstation and see if I can EUREKA a new recipe? Something besides: kill NPCs. Kill PCs. Kill spaceships. KILL KILL KILL XP XP XP KILL KILL KILL MUST NEVER STOP GETTING XP.


    <deep breath> Whew.


    However, on that list, even though they are all important, I'd go with: 1) Gear Looks 2) Bugs. But those would rank lower than the above issue.

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