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Posts posted by Odyssys

  1. Name one that has had 3 days of horrible bugs, IN A ROW.


    EVERQUEST - Launch of Scars of Velious. Game was unplayable for many people for over 2 weeks with nightly patches (directX 7 required to play)


    ASHERONS CALL - At launch was unplayable for the most part for a week or more. For the first three days you couldnt install the game from the CD and had to download a patch to install the base game without it crashing.


    World of Warcraft - Many early patches during Vanilla would cause crashing and horrible loot lag and casting lag that it was pretty unplayable. This happened after one of the early patches like 1.2 or 1.3 I remember my main was in his 20s around red ridge.


    SWTOR is not is no worse than any other major MMO. It actually launched much smoother than most including WoW.


    Patches, especially major ones sometimes bring about these issues. I can recall more than a few times both Everquest and WoW having to Rollback after a very bad patch. Everquest rolled back over 8 hours of gameplay once.

  2. I use a Razor Naga Epic As well, and I too in the beginning was ready to take it back as well. However I decided to stick it out cause people told me that it got better. After a year with it now I love it. I cant imagine using another mouse.


    I recently bought my wife a Logitech G700 cause she said she wasn't ready for the naga and I used the G700 and while it is an awesome mouse I feel crippled without the 12 buttons on the side to map everything to.


    I map the side buttons to the Bottom bar so i can monitor cooldowns and such and after a while your repetitive memory kicks in and you can just seemingly do more with the naga.


    Its was totally worth 130$

  3. And its not the OP fault that he is forced to endure the legacy prompt everytime he does anything. I went ahead and chose a legacy name when I first got the chance simply to make it not keep popping up.


    Alot of people take pride in their characters names. And while my legacy name fits 2-3 of my characters that I have used their names going all the way back to EQ It doesnt fit most if any of my republic characters or my Bounty Hunter.


    The legacy system needs work and the first thing is to allow you to hide that prompt until your ready to choose a name for potentially 8 totally different characters.

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