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Everything posted by twinionx

  1. I think BW just needs to disable speeders in GTN and vault area, that is good enough. Running around the entire station is no fun.
  2. The LFG exposed the weakness in trinity design. Tanks took 5 sec to find a group and DPS took 1 hour. Conclusion, there are way more DPS than tanks. Solution : Implement Dual spec and allow AC respec so people who can tank (but are playing DPS for solo reasons) can be allowed to tank if they chose to. Also, all normal mode flashpoints should be re-tuned so that 3 DPS and 1 healer or even 4 DPS can be cleared if needed.
  3. The Stagnation of MMO industry/genre and why The MMO industry has been stagnant for many years ever since World of Warcraft became the breakout poster game for the genre. After that, year after year, new MMO games released are either clones of it or have many elements that copied it. No doubt there are games that tried to be different. However, either they do not have the backings of a popular IP or fat financial support (or both), or they chose to be a niche market, they could not flourish in a world where the masses demand the lowest common denominator and make an impact. It is no wonder then that none achieved the financial success the level of WoW and not even a close second (even if one considers WoW a "freak" phenomenon). Think about it. If the MMO industry is flourishing, there should be a new game coming out periodically (around the frequency of once every 2 or 3 years) that is a "hit". What is a hit? It should be first, the numbers of subscribers (or profitability of the game) will be more than the previous hit. Second, the subscribers or profitability of the game should be increasing or at least maintain at a stable rate. The reasons the industry has been stagnant can more or less be attributed to the following factors and all of them are related to the fundamental design particular to MMO games. I will use SWTOR as an example but you could also see these in other games, especially up and coming new ones, inclusive of expansions of WoW, having the same fundamental problems (with some exceptions). 1. Sharding. The concept of sharding goes all the way back to the grand-daddy of MMOG, Ultima Online. And that is where the name origin comes from. Sharding is basically the duplicating of the game worlds into different "shards", or servers (in reality, clusters of servers). Essentially, each shard is a complete world by itself This design has one fundamental flaw that is plaguing most MMOGs, especially "hot" ones like SWTOR, WAR, AoC etc... First, an initial wave of gamers swarmed in, necessitating the setup of many shards (or servers) to cater to the new swarm. Since the initial swarm can be up to a million or even more players, many shards has to be setup to allow players to play without the inconvenience of queuing. Unfortunately, reality is that after the one month inclusive subscription, a significant percentage of these gamers quit. Thus reducing the population of each shard to less than optimum. At the end, many shards or servers became ghost shards. The nature of MMOG is that a player's experience is proportional to the number of players concurrently online. Things like PvP, dungeons, group quests are not doable without a ready pool of active players also wanting to do the same. And when you divide that by factions, levels, type-of-gameplays (i.e. PvP vs dungeons) the pool of players are even further fragmented. Now you further divide them by the various shards, you can see why players could not find (easily) other players to play with or against.Even the most anti-social solo player needs a thriving economy so that the auction house or whatever is that game's equivalent is fully stocked with player goods and also as a ready market to sell his haul. Without a critical mass of population, a MMOG is nothing but a glorified single player game with an online connection and persistency. If a shard becomes a ghost shard. Then what is the point of playing MMOG? Why not just play a single player game instead with no subscription and no need to connect to the internet? The concept of sharding has to go. Either a game has to be better designed or,if this is a technological limitation, a technological breakthrough has to be achieved to put the MASSIVELY back to the massively multiplayer game label. New games should boast higher and higher simultaneous active players. The lack of this phenomenon is a sure sign that the MMO genre is stagnant. Note : So far, only one known game has a single-shard design and it is called EVE online, which has a healthy subscription going. The only thing going against EVE is its niche factor (space-based, sandbox, PvP) and high learning curve. In any case, the technology is there already. 2. Trinity Trinity refers to the "holy-trinity" of the tank, healer and damage dealer roles. The tank gets the attention of the boss and other mobs, the healer heals the tank and others and the damage dealers fires away at the boss and mobs. The concept of trinity was grounded in the traditions of fantasy genre. You have the hero and the representatives of every race and class to fight the big bad in a dungeon. With the trinity design, you justify the need for different classes mixed into a gaming group. This was made popular by games like Everquest and solidified in diamond casing by WoW. Thereafter, every other games followed this design and this has been infecting single player and even pen and paper games which DO NOT need such a design in the first place. The problem with the trinity design is very simple. Tanking and healing is work. Damage dealing is fun. Hence you have a disproportionate number of players who chose to do damage and only a very small percentage of players who choose to tank or heal. Yes, there are masochists who find such activities fun for them (I myself likes to tank and I have a friend who swears by healing). However, in a dungeon group, you HAVE to have at least one tank and at least one healer. In a raid group, that number increases proportionately. So the requirement and the actual situation is vastly different. Not only that, the tank and healer need to be properly geared, need to know their skill sets, need to do this and do that. You can have a relatively clueless damage dealer player in a group and you can generally breeze through a dungeon but if you have a clueless tank or healer, there is no way you can successfully clear the dungeon or you can do it painfully. So why is there a need for trinity design? Actually, there isn't. A group of pure damage dealers should theoretically be able to kill the boss and mobs IF THE DESIGNER DESIGN IT THIS WAY. The way a MMOG designer design that dungeon, will affect the roles a class can play and how that dungeon play out.The industry needs to abandon the trinity design and come up with new sets of roles that are FUN instead of chores. By all means, keep the tanking and healing roles, but they should not be NEEDED in order to run a dungeon or raid. If they are unable to do so, at the very least make everyone a damage dealer so everyone can have fun. Think about it, a dungeon or raid is essentially one big puzzle or a series of puzzles. Boss fights are also puzzle fights. That is why they are interesting and people wants to do them. If every fight is all about how a tank or healer do their job, then it becomes stale and uninteresting and worse, chores for a significant portion of a required group when there are significantly fewer percentage of players willing to do that. Let's use the quintessential fantasy as an example : The Chamber of Marzarbul fight in Lord of the Rings movie. When the orcs came in, do you see Boromir yelling at them so that the orcs only fight him and no one else? Do you see Gandalf or Frodo standing one side and "healing" the others? No. Everyone chips in and fights. They help one another. Even when the mini-boss the cave troll came in, they took turns to deal damage to it until it dies. Yes, Aragorn tried to be a tank but he got beaten. Then frodo became unintended tank and then got beaten as well. The rest enraged and dps the troll to death. No tank, no healer, equally if not more fun.Then along the staircase, the orcs shot arrows. What happen next? Legolas and, to a certain extend, Aragorn became the "tanks" and damage dealers to tackle the archer orcs while the rest move on. And finally, you have the Balrog. This is a special case. Only Gandalf is high level enough to take on the Balrog. So the rest has to flee. Essentially, Gandalf "tanks" the Balrog although he was sort of defeated (at that point of view from the fellowship). So from this example, you can see, even if you need a tank, it does not have to be a single specific player with a specific class and a specific build. Anyone should be able to "tank" as long as he has to hit points. As for healer, well, just have potions do what healing spells can do and everyone is a healer. So anyone can chip in to heal if necessary. Or better still. Don't have healer. What you have in terms of total hit points is all you have in that battle. This makes the battle more exciting as the danger is higher. Players may attempt to run away because they know they will be defeated if they don't OR this forces other players to "taunt" the boss or mobs off their allies if they want their allies to live. Or even better still, mix it up. Have a variety of encounters. Some encounters need all to be dps. Some encounters need rotation of "tanks" and so forther. One last thing for people who still want to cling on to the idea of trinity is that they may ask : "If there are no roles, then why bother to have so many classes?" Well, having different classes means your PLAYSTYLE is different and you have CHOICES. Sure, we are all damage dealers but he did it by swinging that big axe while I did it by lobbing a fireball. The type and number of classes do not have to be related to the roles a class may take. Think out of the box. Be creative. 3. Factionalisation WoW has horde and alliance. WAR has Order and Chaos. SWTOR has Empire and Republic. See the pattern? In a world that is divided by shards or servers, tanks and healers, players are further divided by factions. Some are even divided into 3 or 4 factions! If you are a game like EVE with hundreds of thousands players, maybe you are justified. But if you are a server or shard of only 1000 players, you just divided your pool of players by half! Why would you want to do that? The original design decision was PvP. Back in the granddaddy of MMOG, Ultima Online (UO), anyone can kill anyone else. So it created a hostile gaming environment of bullying, intimidation and anti-social behaviours (much like high school). So factions were created and now, you have a ready pool of allies and enemies. In theory, it sounds good. But in practice, you can only play and trade with allies. But if you want to fight your enemies, you either have to travel to a mutually agreed location to fight them (world PvP) or you queue up for some 15 minutes soccer-match-like instanced PvP (called battlegrounds or warzones or skirmishes or some such...) And because one faction is traditionally the "good" faction and one faction is the "evil" faction (or pretty vs ugly), naturally players gravitated towards one faction, further making the population imbalanced. Hence, world PvP became meaningless because it became a number game and not tactics or strategy. Instanced PvP became instant gratification but the side with more people has to wait longer because the other side is simply too ugly or too evil. So a mechanism created to facilitate PvP, ended up affecting PvE (grouping) and the economy and does not really help PvP much either. Here, I would like to say SWTOR did some good work. Most recently in the 1.3 patch, SWTOR has unified the economy by making the GTN tradable by both factions. And instanced PvP now allows players belonging to same faction to fight one another. However, flashpoints and group quests are still affected, ironically. Faction division should be organic. Players should at first belong to one single faction, friendly to one another. To facilitate world PvP or instanced PvP, they can choose to join a particular faction or many factions. This choice can be automated. Joining of factions can be semi-permanent with choices to switch or temporary. After all, players are either heroes or mercenaries. So there is no reason why they cannot switch factions. This way, in PvE and economy, you have one unified player base and in PvP, you can have a 50/50 split. You can even have multiple factions (think guilds, sects, orders, armies etc...) fighting one another if so desired. The closest idea to this concept is Arena where anyone can fight anyone else and anyone can ally with anyone else. Now broaden this concept to battles and you have PvP essentially. To justify this in game, remember, players are free agents who can choose to ally with any faction he desire or he is simply a mercenary for hire. So an Orc Warrior could join the alliance because the alliance pays him to do so. A bounty hunter can fight for the Republic because the republic has deep budget. 4. Grinding and leveling Leveling comes from Pen and Paper RPG and carried to single player RPG. Leveling makes sense in a single player game with a definite start and end. Once you become high level, you fight high level monsters and get high level loot. And then you retire and live happily ever after. Makes sense. Now transpose this to MMOG and this design is broken. Why? MMOG by its nature is persistent and also long lasting. (At least long lasting than a typical single player RPG game) In a SRPG, you pay an upfront cost and the developers do not care a hoot if you took 1 week to finish it, took 1 year or never even finish it. In a MMOG, the developer wants you to keep playing as long as it is needed, for years if possible. The problem is, once you reached the "MAX" level, you feel you are "done" and no longer need to continue. So now the designers added another concept of "end game content" which is also another form of grinding. After all, a player with tier 5 gear should be able to beat the tier 5 dungeon and able to beat a tier 1 geared player right? So what's the problem? The problem again is that it divided the pool of players. A level 10 can't run a dungeon with a level 50. A tier 1 50 cannot run a raid with a tier 5 50. So while there are many dungeons, each dungeon has a limited pool of players (and when you divide that by shards and roles and factions, you make that pool very small or non-existent, see the pattern?). Some games like SWTOR make some of the dungeon "heroic" so that players can run the same dungeons again but that is only solving the problem at a certain level bracket. Those dungeons at lower levels have no players to run and those raids at higher levels also have no players to run. Think of the bell curve. In the end, designers spent significant efforts to make dungeons but only a small percentage is fully experienced by players. Why not do away with levels and tiers? People will ask : then what is the motivation of playing dungeons or even the game? Well, how about...wait for this....ummm, fun? Don't level a character because you want to get to "end game" so that you can get tier 1 gear, so that you can tier 2 gear, so that..what? What's the purpose again? Play through the game because it is fun to do so. I guess it is more challenging for the designers to come up with fun quests or dungeons as compared to kill 10 rats or spank the boss. Same for PvP. Why do people play PvP? Well, why do people play sports? Sports is a form of PvP right? Make PvP depends on PLAYER SKILLS, TACTICS and STRATEGY. In this case, SWTOR's Huttball somewhat got it right. It's just that we need a whole lot of more huttballs. Again, think out of the box for PvP (world or instance) and dungeons such that players want to play BECAUSE of the journey. And when that journey is FUN, no one cares what is the destination. If you really must have rewards, then give rewards that does not imbalance the gameplay but are nice to have : faster or better looking mounts, trophies, furniture for homes or starships, titles, statues (in capital cities) and bragging rights. Even epic LOOKING armor and gear will still be more desirable than starter gear even if their stats difference are very small. Honestly, if I enjoyed a game of soccer, I don't really care if I win the world cup. But if I really want to win the world cup, I should then play a lot of soccer matches and practice my tactics and hone my skills, instead of getting a sets of shoulder pads or some epic shoes so that I can "pwn" other soccer players. Another reason to play without levels or gears is story. SWTOR nearly got it right with the story element as the main pillar of design. However, their execution is FLAWED. Instead of one epic story, they broke it up to many small insignificant stories. If you think of MMOG like a TV series, you will then understand how an MMOG can survive 8 or 9 years like a TV series. Think Babylon 5 (5 years arc), LOST, Friends, Battlestar Galactica (re-imagined) and so on. Even the clone war cartoon series has a sort of main story going along. This is starwars after all. This also means your year 1 should not be the same as year 2. Imagine SWTOR's main storyline. Year 1 is the cold war. Year 2 is the cold war almost turning into a hot war. Year 3 is the hot war phase 1 year 4 is the hot war phase 2, year 5 is the finale of the hot war (theoretically a hot war can last many years). Year 6 is the winding down of the hot war. Year 7 is the peace building. Year 8 is the mini-relapse. Year 9 is the final peace (And if SWTOR can survive 9 years, by itself is already an achievement!) Unfortunately, SWTOR took a good design and screwed up the execution. The stories are again all factionalised. So that every players have their own experience and writers are forced to write 8 or more different threads of stories, some good, some not so good. Getting rid of leveling and grinding means that now EVERY MAP and EVERY QUEST and EVERY DUNGEONS/RAID can be participated by potentially, ANYONE in the game. You don't have to wait for that person to level or get the correct gear. It's like a giant theme park where you can ride anything you want, visit anything you want, without having the need to be of certain height or age or gender. And use story, vanity rewards and the fun experience as main motivation for players to keep playing. Do all of the above and maybe, maybe, we will see the MMO industry flourish again. And not see clones after clones after clones being churned out and failed to advance the industry/genre as a whole. TLDR version 1. Get rid of sharding, have one single world 2. Get rid of trinity, everyone is DPS OR invent new fun roles 3. Get rid of static factionalism. Everyone is same faction with the ability to form their own rival groups or have dynamic factions. 4. Get rid of levels and grinds. Introduce fun in the journey and forget about the destination. Introduce vanity, quality-of-life and title rewards for the achievement oriented players. 5. Do all the above and the MMOG industry becomes less stagnant, more vibrant 6. Profit. [<--- investors, please see this, if you see nothing else]
  4. Now that it is confirmed SWTOR is bleeding subs, will the designers admit your mistake and implement AC respec? Players are getting bored at 50. Having AC respec allows the playerrs to switch class with the same base class and story without the need to re-roll. This may stop *some* from stopping their subs. Your new LFG tool will come too late. Already population are reducing. So there will be not enough tanks or healers. In the peak hours with 150 people in the station, we were looking for a tank for TWO HOURS. Had we had AC-respec, one of us could have re-spec to a tank and just quickly find a dps and start the flashpoint. LFG tool alone (especially with no cross-server capability) is not going to save subs. AC-respec will help some (not saying it's a magic pill) Please admit your mistake and fix the problem now......unless you want another drop of 400K subs to slap you awake.
  5. The anti-AC respec camp players keep deluding themselves ACs are different classes while the pro-AC respec camp players keep telling these delusional players ACs are just glorified specs, nothing more. It's hard to convince delusional people, honestly. However, the good thing is, pro-AC respec camp players do not need to convince these anti-AC players. We need to convince BIOWARE, who still hold the belief that their AC design is not fundamentally flawed and hence need to change. The best way forward is for pro-AC respec players to write an e-mail to Bioware or raise a customer support ticket. OR, if you are canceling subscription, cancel it and use this as the main reason for quiting. Money speaks louder than words. If we just write here in a posting, it can easily be ignored by Bioware as noise. But if enough players send a message directly to Bioware customer support, or better still, enough quit over this issue, then they will listen. Don't waste time trying to convince the sheeps who believed in the flawed AC design. Channel your energy to push for a cause you believe in, talk to the dev directly. Else we will never get what we want. Remember, if you feel passionate about this game and want to enjoy it and hope that many players also enjoy it, please do something about it. Already, there are some anti-AC respec players who have seen the errors of their ways and turned to pro-AC respec. E.g. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=361921 More will be enlightened when they see the real flaw.
  6. The anti-AC respec camp players keep deluding themselves ACs are different classes while the pro-AC respec camp players keep telling these delusional players ACs are just glorified specs, nothing more. It's hard to convince delusional people, honestly. However, the good thing is, pro-AC respec camp players do not need to convince these anti-AC players. We need to convince BIOWARE, who still hold the belief that their AC design is not fundamentally flawed and hence need to change. The best way forward is for pro-AC respec players to write an e-mail to Bioware or raise a customer support ticket. OR, if you are canceling subscription, cancel it and use this as the main reason for quiting. Money speaks louder than words. If we just write here in a posting, it can easily be ignored by Bioware as noise. But if enough players send a message directly to Bioware customer support, or better still, enough quit over this issue, then they will listen. Don't waste time trying to convince the sheeps who believed in the flawed AC design. Channel your energy to push for a cause you believe in, talk to the dev directly. Else we will never get what we want. Remember, if you feel passionate about this game and want to enjoy it and hope that many players also enjoy it, please do something about it. Already, there are some anti-AC respec players who have seen the errors of their ways and turned to pro-AC respec. E.g. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=361921 More will be enlightened when they see the real flaw.
  7. Irrelevant analogy much? So if your father says, no, you should not be a painter, you should be a doctor. No means no? LOL. What an obedient person you are. See? I can also come up with an irrelevant analogy.
  8. The anti-AC respec camp players keep deluding themselves ACs are different classes while the pro-AC respec camp players keep telling these delusional players ACs are just glorified specs, nothing more. It's hard to convince delusional people, honestly. However, the good thing is, pro-AC respec camp players do not need to convince these anti-AC players. We need to convince BIOWARE, who still hold the belief that their AC design is not fundamentally flawed and hence need to change. The best way forward is for pro-AC respec players to write an e-mail to Bioware or raise a customer support ticket. OR, if you are canceling subscription, cancel it and use this as the main reason for quiting. Money speaks louder than words. If we just write here in a posting, it can easily be ignored by Bioware as noise. But if enough players send a message directly to Bioware customer support, or better still, enough quit over this issue, then they will listen. Don't waste time trying to convince the sheeps who believed in the flawed AC design. Channel your energy to push for a cause you believe in, talk to the dev directly. Else we will never get what we want. Remember, if you feel passionate about this game and want to enjoy it and hope that many players also enjoy it, please do something about it. Already, there are some anti-AC respec players who have seen the errors of their ways and turned to pro-AC respec. E.g. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=361921 More will be enlightened when they see the real flaw.
  9. There are plenty of plus points and no negative points to allow for changing of races. After all, races has no in-game impacts, no story impacts etc... People who already have alts will not need to roll yet another alts just to play a new race which has no impact whatsoever.
  10. Not a joke. Since you played an assassin to 50 and a sorceror to 50, for example. Do you feel they played like same class, somewhat similar class or totally different class?
  11. I am playing a male gunslinger and a female scoundrel. Not 50 yet but the feeling is that the class story is about 95% the same. Sure, you can reply differently and make different kind of light/side dark side choices. Sure, the male gets to flirt with pretty girls and the female gets to flirt with handsome men. But class story wise, they felt the same to me. Ditto for powertech and mercenary (again both gender) BTW, I currently have 10 alts and I probably will take YEARS to get them all to 50....
  12. Follow up question. Why do you think, if any, are the fundamental play-style differences between pairs of ACs? i.e. 1.) Juggernaut vs Marauder 2.) Operative vs Sniper 3.) Assassin vs Sorcerer 4.) Mercenary vs Powertech
  13. Are you saying you don't mind experiencing the same class story twice and repeated for all the classes? Or did you even notice the story at all?
  14. Heroics and all other quests other than class quest are all optional. So you can skip them. That said, I think all the heroic 4s need to be retuned to heroics 2+. At most each planet should have only 1 heroic 4 quest.
  15. I don't think this has been properly answered. You get your class ship once you complete your class quests in the capital planet. It is not related to levels or chapters. However, in order to complete your class quest finale in the capital planet, you should be at the recommended end level for that planet. For Coruscant, that is usually about level 15 to 17.
  16. Now that legacy details are out : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=357019 I would like to suggest that legacy levels unlocking a particular class of the player's choice to allow AC of that class to switch as the player wish. E.g. Legacy 10 allows player to choose one class, say smuggler and then the player can switch between scoundrel and gunslinger. This will give incentives to players to play more alts and also not trivialise AC switching.
  17. My question to you is : do you think AC switching should be allowed? given that you have level both ACs of each class to 50.
  18. I counter your Hollywood Tactics with... Bottomless Magazines They could have ran out of ammo/energy cells.
  19. In the movie "We were soldiers", the NVA commander ordered his soldiers to close in with the enemies because if they mixed together, the superior artillery and air force of the Americans will be neutralised. In RoTJ, Lando Calrissian adviced Admiral Ackbar to go into "melee" range with the imperial star destroyers because the deathstar is operational. And they will last longer against the star destroyers than against the deathstar if they duke it out at distant. I would think in the Hope cinematics, it would be similar. The reason why the republic commandos goes into melee range because : 1.) Neutralise the superior air power and space power (think orbital bombardment) of the Imperials. 2.) Range is probably not an advantage with tens if not hundreds of Sith able to deflect blaster bolts back to the troopers 3.) The troopers probably run out of energy cells for ammo, they probably fired their last few rounds of ammo to start the ambush and create confusion. Of course we can attribute it all the Hollywood Tactics but at first, sometimes its good to find in game explanation. Even in today's age of nuclear weapons and high speed bullets, we are still taught how to do bayonet fighting. To paraphrase Sergeant Zim : if you disable the enemy's hand with a knife, he cannot push the button (to launch nuclear strike)
  20. Please reveal the lore for the man in carbonite only until AFTER he is being delivered and revealed in game. For those playing smugglers, please do not read the lore entry for the man in carbonite as it comes out. Read it later when you finally found out who he is. Reading the lore as it is revealed will spoil the big surprise coming in the next 10 min...
  21. My 2 cents is that if SWTOR wants to enhance exploration, the devs should look into single player game like freelancer for inspiration. Instead of planets, it should be systems. Each system will have a key planet. E.g. Tatoo System has two suns and key planet tatooine. The rest of the systems you can add things like asteroid field, space anomoalys etc.. Hoth System should have the famous asteroid field complete with the iconic giant space worm (or its ancestor) (maybe kill some mynocks inside the worm's body) You can have tons of stuff in space. Again, look to freelancer. They have some of the most beautiful stuff in space. Derelicts, barren planets, mines, prison stations, ice fields, debris field, smog etc... (let's throw away realism for now since we are talking about starwars with SLUGS in space) For key planets, just allow landing and taking off from spaceport without going through hoops. If no spaceport, then have a landing platform (think Bespin, Phantom Menace Tatooine). The landing and taking off sequence can be cutscenes or a slow transition scene. To travel between systems, the dev can implement hyperspace lanes. (think portal in space). click on the entrance to hyperspace lane, hyper in, hyper out and then we should be at destination. The traveling time can be depending on distance between two systems. Transition between interior of starship view (i.e. character view) and exterior starship view can be done as follows. If I click on the captain's seat/galaxy map, it should transit to exterior starship view (similar to current space combat view). Press escape or some buttons to transit back to interior view (character mode) again. There should also be space pirates, tractor beams and boarding actions in space. Would love some pirates to attempt boarding my starship and my companions and I fighting them. Maybe the annoying ship droid gets blast to pieces and a quest to re-built him (but maybe I missed out his voice motivator.... Also implement some randomly generated space missions you can get from ship computer e.g. * ferry VIPs or people on the run (think Luke and Ben) to different places * escort missions * small scale battles * hauling goods (who do you think deliver the mails from GTN?) * treasure/bounty hunting * SMUGGLING goods or people Again, let me repeat, look to freelancer for inspiration. The controls are already similar.
  22. You are concerned that we have surnames in a game where two persons can't have the same name like John or Han or Luke?
  23. Race in SWTOR has the least amount of gameplay and story impact. Bioware should allow players to change their race. This is especially so for those who rolled twi'lek force users and they are unable to have hood cover their head without bad clipping from their lek'ku. Also, with the upcoming new legacy unlock, those with alts already should be able to benefit from the new race unlocks by changing their existing races. Those who willingly rolled alts should not be penalised by the new system.
  24. I'm happy that Bioware is encouraging people to roll alts. However, I would like to ask what about people who has alts already? Will all those legacy features be "back-dated" to existing alts? More importantly, with things like new racial unlocks, is there a way to change my lower level alts so that it can benefit from new race unlocks? I have already 10 alts of various levels covering all the 8 mirror classes and has no wish to roll more alts.
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