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Everything posted by Paretheus

  1. Alpha Company is a new company-strength Spec Ops unit formed by General Garza to resist the Sith Empire throughout the Galaxy. Operating outside the purview of the Republic Senate and the Jedi Order, Alpha Company is not limited by the constraints imposed on the Republic by the Treaty of Coruscant. Alpha Company is composed of highly trained and extremely dedicated Republic Special Forces Troopers, and Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan has informally authorized individual Jedi Knights and Consulars to assist. Many independent ship captains and smugglers, with their own motivations for resisting the Empire, have also pledged their assistance to Alpha Company. Alpha Company is a new RP guild with a military-rank structure and with military RP objectives, however we recognize the value of cooperating with Jedi and Smugglers. This is not boot camp, no one will be in your face with spit flying. We are seeking active casual players of any level (we are mostly lower level players) who are looking for a newly-established guild to grow with. Reply here or look me up ingame (Drehker) for an invitation or more information. For the Republic!
  2. What exactly was buffed? Honestly, I'm a little discouraged after reading the patch notes. It seems other classes got some pretty cool updates and we got basically nothing except tripled CD on Sundering Strike. Can someone please list the buffs Vengeance Juggernauts are getting? Thanks
  3. Same-faction PvP? How incredibly assinine! That's the most ridiculous **** I've seen in this game. Devs, get your heads out of your asses!
  4. Then just continue with your subscription and you'll never notice a differenc.
  5. If the level cap is raised, and we get more skills, will we also get more quickbars? I think raising the level cap is ridiculous.
  6. My friends and I moved to a more populated server and haven't looked back. It's a different ballgame when the planets you're on have more population than the entire server you just left. The game you loved is still here, if you can just let go of your "things" you've accumulated and grab for a fresh start. It was definitely worth it to me.
  7. Why not just add a class that can do everything? Like the WoW Paladin? Best tank, best dps, best healer. It's just not fair you have to play as a single class with a specific set of skills. /sarcasm off.
  8. One good player does not a warzone win make. It takes a good team, or at least a team that is less bad than the opposing team. This change is fair, and doesn't really impact any single person negatively. So why are you complaining?
  9. One good player does not a warzone win make. It takes a good team, or at least a team that is less bad than the opposing team. This change is fair, and doesn't really impact any single person negatively. So why are you complaining?
  10. Why don't we try using the LFG utility built in to the "Who" function that already exists? Very few people use that, from my experience, even though it could be extremely useful.
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