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Everything posted by ScarletBlaze

  1. Depends on what Jedi character you have. If you played jedi knight at the end of your story in tyhon you were given the jedi knight title If you played a counsular at the end of your story in tyhon you were given the jedi title.
  2. She got it through underworld trading crew skills but there may be some on the aution. they will say courting gifts I know she had 3 gold necklaces at one time.
  3. My guild knows for the most part (considering it is stated when you log in) that the guild chat is IC. If you going to say something OOC then use the brackets so we know especially when there is more than just one or two of us on. Guild was formed on the basis of being roleplay so anyone joining the guild is informed that we will be using guild chat as IC.
  4. My friend after she flirted with the npc decided to give him a gift and that put her affection points up higher so there is a possiblity you can flirt but give a gift something they may like . there are also gifts called "courting gifts" that might help.
  5. It would be nice if you have the ability to choose whether you want your hood up or down. Should be fairly simple to do. YOu are able to choose if you have a helmet, etc whether to show it or not this should be the same.
  6. General is just that. That is OOC as general is bascially used to ask questions, etc and even on roleplayer servers you will find some that don't roleplay. As far as remaining in character even in quests that depends on your party If it is my guild then yes I remain in IC but if it is someone who doesn't want to rp I limit my converstation to the quest (though very difficult at times lol).
  7. You still fight jedi you just a little nicer about it lol.
  8. Yea he had to prove it to me lol or he would have never won the argument lol and I still fuss at him for using a red crystal when he is lightside II lol
  9. Positive he showed it to me and it is red because I argued for 30 minutes it had to be orange lol.
  10. Artiface is the ability to create hilts along with other items. Also hilts can be traded provided you do not equip them binding them to your character. You can also create crystals. There is more schematics as your artiface gets higher. A friend of mine made a guild member some sort of weapon for his trooper also.
  11. He has changed sabers three times and still able to use the red crystal.
  12. He's is lightside all the way and is using a red crystal. Last time I talked to him he was Lightside II.
  13. No they aren't. I have a friend who has lightside points and can use a red one. The hilts and sabers are restricted to light and darkside levels though.
  14. My friend has a smuggler and she said she flirted with someone in a cantina with her companion with her. It did cost her a point and he made a comment so it may just depend on the companion.
  15. Why not just enjoy the game and not worry so much why you are still on tattoine. I understand tattoine is a long planet full of quests
  16. DPS meters also have the chance of someone using them the wrong way. If the DPS meter is for you only and no one else then okay but if it has the ability for someone else to use them then no. I've known people that use that to be rude and mean to people because they didn't "measure" up to their standards and that is wrong.
  17. The subscription is for the next month not for the free one and this BW/EA will not use the subscription until your free month is over. This is just so u have the subscription set up before hand.
  18. As everyone has stated to get the other items other than the pre-order crystal you will have to enter the code origin sends you to register the game. The should have sent you a mail or will (they already sent me mine) and they will give you a code to enter and then when u log into the game you will need to go to the mailbox. But a note the strap is not useable until lv 25.
  19. Yea i run into walls and I have a logitech gaming mouse g500. Most of the times in buildings where i not worried about fighting i just walk and it's easier to control.
  20. You only get the crystal none of the other ones. The crystal was for everyone no matter what version you brought when you got early access. The other items will depend on the code from the version you brought and enter closer to launch.
  21. And here is the link for it in case you want to check it out. The link is found on the launcher for the game. http://www.swtor.com/info/security-key
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