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Everything posted by MinguesDew

  1. The only reason you had to re-roll is because you are bad and couldn't hack it with your chosen class so you re-rolled FOTM. Unsurpringly, you chose sorc/sage, an AC that has been FOTM for some time. Also not surprising is that FOTM bads don't know how to play the class and think that having the weakest passive defense is the same as being defensively weak; nothing could be further from the truth, your active defenses make you very strong defensively, but these are the kind of nuanced abilities that are lost on FOTM folks.
  2. Agreed, but also. Fixed. So much so that buffs to other ACs are nerfs to them. So much so they declare they are quitting before patch notes even go live. So much so they threaten and verbally abuse devs. Etc.
  3. This would be an big oversight if it goes live like this.
  4. I'm a big fan of this philosophy but in the case of sorcs/biochem that would be completely moronic because they are ONE crew skill and ONE AC. So they could buff nearly everything or apply a few precision nerfs. I find applying logic works better than spazzing out and assuming the devs are trying to ruin their own game/career.
  5. Impossible! Whatever I feel in my gut is a direct line to the brain of a dev. I'm going to continue feeling everything and being right you have fun thinking and stuff.
  6. I think it is great, no incentive will keep the riff-raff out. Here is who won't do rateds: That guy who leaves after the other team scores once in huttball. Medal farmers. People not interested in guarding nodes. People expecting to get carried. AFKers. Here is who will: Full teams of 8 who want to face other teams of 8. People who enjoy competitive PvP. People who go after prestige items. If you're not satisfied with the size/deliciousness of the carrot on the end of the stick you should reassess your motivations for playing. If the only reason you PvP is for gear which is pretty much just for more PvP why do you PvP? MMO loot isn't sex, there is no climax so you better enjoy the chase or you're gonna be a cranky nerd with blueballs like most of the people in this thread.
  7. lately this El-P - wereallgonnaburninhellmegamixxx3 start to finish this is a good track http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y89XSEn7hKw Anything with tight bass/beats normally that's metal (sepultura, dethklok), hardcore punk (zegota, black flag, refused) and hip-hop (el-p, madlib, mf doom, jdilla). I don't like to micro music while playing so I generally play full albums tend to lean towards instrumental. Unfortunately I find jazz/psych/jam doesn't work well at all for me.
  8. Yeah I've noticed this quite a bit in civil war lately. They should make it so that the guns ramp up firing speed after 5min so the 1st 5min are just like it is now but if after 5min no turrets have changed hands they shoot faster/harder. Or they could let you cap faster so it is easier to ninja. Seems they know there is an issue, the last 2 changes that effected civil war made it easier to cap, I like that they are moving slow, so often games overbuff/nerf things moving incrementally in the right direction is perfect. But as this thread suggests, keep going BW we aren't there yet.
  9. Actually you would have subbed because snobs have to try things so they can look down on them, I know this because I'm a music snob. I'm also an equal opportunity hater, I'm as disgusted with people who think you should get credit for WZ dailies in a loss as I am with classic MMO snobs. I'm not biased or insulting; I'm truthy and people can't stand it. That epiphany has more to do with you than this game and THAT is my point. It is fine, I had that epiphany with hard drugs; I got bored at a party rolling on X and realized that for me it was no longer fun. Here is the difference between us, I didn't try and convince everyone that I knew that because I got bored on X that made it objectively boring. I just know that my sub costs the same as everyone else and ultimately you have to make a game that is profitable. If you're going to compare it to film lets talk about dumbing down to the lowest common denominator and then throwing in a love interest so it can be a "date movie." That the analogy I use when ************ to my MMO buddies. Thinking you can turn back the clock to the PC gaming days of old is about as likely as going back to the glory days of film when movies were made for mainly college kids to talk about over drinks afterwards so they were chock full of nuance and open to interpretation. The dumbening is real; I just don't feel the same about games that I do music/art because I have yet to play a game that had the impact of a good book, album, poem, piece of visual art. See, I think I out-snobbed you all; when I called you guys snobs you could say "takes one to know one" and I'd say "yup." Because I am a snob I just realized a long time ago that being a snob is fine as long as you don't try ruin things (ie make them see it your jaded/cynical way) for others. Try Rift it is pretty much that, I left when my PvP gear was kinda middle of the road because I 2-shot newbies while being 2-shot by people in better gear, class was fully irrelevant. Maybe they fixed that, it was a while ago. Aion was grindy as hell if you don't want things "handed to you."
  10. What game are we talking about where endgame gear plus a couple levels doesn't give you an astronomical advantage over your opponents? Plus if it doesn't give you an insurmountable advantage then it is all about looks and status right? Well they are allowing us to decouple armor mods from sets and still carry the set bonuses as well as dye armor I think. So you will be able to differentiate yourself from those in uniform, sounds like exactly what you want. Other than going back in time, what would it take to make you happy? I wouldn't consider that a contraction at all because ilum is pretty much not a PvP zone at this point either (afk valor zone) so we gain a wz and ratings and lose something we didn't really have before. But I'm not really trying to show you the value of this game, just the shine a little light on the fallacy of people reasoning that the bad old days were the good old days. Hearing classic MMO snobs ramble on about the good old days is like hearing my dad talk about his poverty stricken upbringing and time in the marines (fortunately he wasn't you guys and didn't want me to share in his awful but possibly harrowing experiences "dad should I enlist?" "**** no those people are idiots I didn't have other options, you do") but it is also like talking to some of my old drug friends about coke in the 80s, pharmies in the 70s, or the desire to cook up a giant shot of heroin because after years of abuse it has lost its luster and it takes a ton just to feel normal. Chances are you are chasing the dragon and comparing this MMO to your first, just like my junkie friends always wanting to recreate that first magical high, or comparing every girl to your first love, etc. It is common, and you are just another jaded fool missing out on alot of fun because you can't let go of the past.
  11. After that you should be in melee/close range. Also, don't forget DFA, taunts, stun, the pyro missile, and of course grapple. Jet Charge is fun and useful; I'm specced for it right now, but pyro is a great spec in need of very little . AP is pretty much universally ignored and it has a run speed increase to help get in melee if you aren't ignoring it.
  12. Rare max level characters are awful for everyone, since there aren't many of them they don't have many people to group with and since those types basically live in game (not passing judgement just stating a fact) they just gank lowbies for a while until they quit while making lowbies ragequit along the way. The bad old days were just that. Things ARE better now, people didn't like being forced to group (yay companions) and large gear disparities are also gamebreakers that discourage alts and newcomers. This game is still new and in need of plenty of polish and tweaks but the overall philosophy is solid, letting your hardcores get the gear 1st and keep it a couple patches before you make it easy to get is smart and everyone should be happy. Sure the hardcore had to spend 2x the time to get that gear that a casual did but he had it 2 months earlier, the hardcore is happy to spend that time in-game and the casual is happy just to get it at some point. The only issue is many hardcores are petty morons looking over their shoulder at how someone else got gear because they are THAT insecure about their status as top dog in a game... Clearly there needs to be a balance between absurd grinds and loot pinatas, I believe BW already stated they will be ramping up the difficulty of raids and they are trying to add something like endgame pvp in 1.2. Feel free to reminisce about "walking to school barefoot in the snow" but try not to do it while knocking the automobile because it makes you sound like a bunch of bitter old men living in the past while ignoring all that the present has to offer.
  13. MinguesDew

    Valor Cap

    It is to prevent people from hitting BM while leveling which would be kinda stupid if it were allowed.
  14. Absolutely, also PvP gear has to become easier to as a game ages so that newcomers and alts participate. People need to understand that it is smart game design to have a higher cost (resources/time) on things for early adapters in MMOs (just like technology) and realize they are going to keep seeing it. MMOs should be like Mitch Daniels' vision of America: "not a nation of haves and have nots, but a nation of haves and soon to haves." This is doable in an MMO because they have fake economies.
  15. Damn you monster! You need more than tree fiddy cuz you need to upgrade that POS PC of yours or turn down the settings. For me turning off shadows had a huge effect.
  16. I didn't play WH but I appreciate the story. I share your low opinion of MMO forumites and applaud any company that appreciates why they pay their employees and why the subscribers pay them. MMOs can only be successful as a benevolent dictatorship, it sounds like WH got brought down by the tyranny of the majority and many games have been hurt by the vocal minority. The community should only contribute on bugs and polish/quality of life issues. Balance should be done completely behind closed doors.
  17. I agree, you can play how you want to; but there are a lot of people in this thread trying to force everyone to play the way you do by removing abilities. Those people can bite me two times and I will counter with a situational ability they don't bind. You get to NOT use your abilities and be a sub-par player, do you really need to bring me down to your level?
  18. I'd like better UI options for this game as well; its worth mentioning though that (on my powertech main anyway) all procs have an audio or visual queue so you don't have to actually watch your skill bar for procs. WoW used to (not by intention) have tons of ability bloat back in vanilla and through much of TBC (due to rank 1 abilities) off the top of my head (haven't played wow in years) on my mage I had rank 1 frostbolt, fireball, arcane missiles, sheep, frost nova, cone of cold on my shaman I had frost shock, flame shock, magma and searing totem. Rank 1 spells were always situational (like the situational spells in this game) but were an opportunity for better players to separate themselves from the pack. Just like in WoW (everything is just like WoW!) the same morons who are too busy being dumb to use all their abilities will complain about this until BW removes the abilities that give people who are able to succesfully keybind and use 30+ abilities the edge over scrubs who just want to mash THE SAME 5 ABILITIES AS IN A PVE ROTATION (you can of course leave things off your bar for PvE). Obviously I'm focused mainly on PvP because in PvE you can omit tons of stuff from your bars and though your DPS powertech will look like an idiot when he allows a wipe by not having taunt bound to get aggro off a healer I'm aware a lot of people choose to play that way. Which is fine by me, but when those same idiots come to the forums to complain about the abilities they haven't bound it irks me quite a bit as they are essentially trying to nerf me because they can't be bothered to use their abilities. If you think 80% of your abilities are useless get off the forums and L2P. If you can't keep track of all your abilities get off the forums and L2P. If you have gotten off the forums and L2P and STILL feel the same way try another game, it took WoW about 3 years to do something about their rank 1 bloat (don't like calling it that because I for one, loved the nuance it added) if BW even agrees with you about the issue I wouldn't expect much to change in the next 1-2 years.
  19. Look out y'all this guy knows his warzones, he leaves during losses and plays em like deathmatches. PSA: Whittling down opponents is not a good strat in any of the current warzones as every objective is very close to their spawn. In huttball if you kill that sorcerer/merc when your team is close to capping, your ball carrier may end up in the pit, let that sorc in the middle of the map live and it is an easy score. In civil war if you "whittle down" your opponents they will be chain rezzing and able to keep you off the nodes (as if you care). Void star when you blow up the first door if you leave everyone on the other team alive and get out in front they will have a really hard time catching up unless you kill them (which ports them in front of you). In summary deathmatchers are idiots who often cokcblock the objectives for those trying to win, then (you know the type) they whine about how everyone sucks but them and leave early ensuring the loss that they helped create. Anyway, I'll say it again. 30 min deserter debuff that allows you to queue and enter but halves your valor/commendation gains and blocks dailies.
  20. Why not just make a deserter debuff that halves your valor/wz commendations for 30min? MMOers are pretty much laziest gamers ever, they want all the rewards a game has to offer but few seem to want to play the game to get it. Being an AFKing ***** is a symptom of that (sometimes you're gonna lose), from my experience these people will only do the endgame equivalent of the rich crew missions. Halving the pvp gains and blocking daily completions (massively important) makes WZs like a moderate yield crew mission, they won't do it, and will try and avoid it. It will be deemed "not worth it" by some guy that they listen to. Meanwhile bioware avoids long forum threads full of legit reasons to go afk complaining they can't play the game they paid for.
  21. Pretty much this. I'm glad they are addressing this sooner rather than later. I played some rift and they did the opposite (added another tier of even better pvp gear) and it made the gap really absurd. Class was irrelevant in pvp you just had to know your place on the gear chain and laugh while you two shot someone right before someone else two shot you.
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